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vocabularies in
By Group 4
Member of teams
1. Maulana Adhe Pamungkas 003
2. Ermasa Cintana Indah S. 005
3. Muhammad Syauqillah 022
4. Athallah Dilla Setiawan 024
5. Alfonsus Giovanni M P. 042
6. Prasetyo Adi Nughroho 043
7. Widya Putri 055
8. Muhammad Fadhil Hakim 056
9. Jonathan Teddy Wijaya 063
10. Rafi Yahya 066
11. Muhammad Iqbal Irsyad 068
12. Agung Dwi Nugroho 071
g” Engineer

Detailed explanation :

Origin language English

Destination language Indonesian
Word Engineering
Meaning kb. Keahlian teknik, teknik mesin.
e. geology teknik. e. Works pabrik mesin.
Engineers are those who have a profession with the task of designing,
designing, calculating and planning a particular design. In his work,
being an engineer requires the support of software, machines, and
various other things to develop related technologies.

(Engineer adalah mereka yang memiliki profesi dengan tugas

mendesain, merancang, menghitung dan merencanakan sebuah desain
tertentu. Dalam pekerjaannya, menjadi seorang engineer
membutuhkan dukungan software, mesin, dan berbagai macam hal
lainnya untuk mengembangkan teknologi yang berkaitan.)
Example sentence using
Cara menggunakan "engineering" dalam kalimat

- Only one third of science students and 7% of engineering students,

are women.
- All engineering work on the cars was finally completed during
1902, and orders were placed with four manufacturers for 500 cars
shortly thereafter.
- These are often referred to as the engineering sciences.
- Related areas of study include environmental studies and
environmental engineering.
V0cabulary about
electrical engineering
Kosa Kata Artinya

Absolute pressure Tekanan mutlak

Actual Sebenarnya

Adjusment Penyesuiaian

Alternating current Arus bolak-balik

Burden Beban (untuk CT dan VT)

Capacitor voltage devider Pembagi-tegangan kapasitor

Current error Kesalahan arus

Kosa Kata Artinya

Current grading Peningkatan arus

Current limiting fuse Sekering / pelebur pembatas arus

Cut-off current Arus terpotong

Directional unit Unit arah

Direct current Arus searah

Electric dynamometer Dinamo listrik

Emergency lights Lampu darurat

Full load Beban penuh

Gauge pressure Tekanan terukur

Highest system voltage Tegangan sistem tertinggi

Istilah & pengertiannya
• Accuracy
Is the level of accuracy and precision of a measuring instrument to the original quantity.
• Ammeter
The developmental form of the galvanometer is made in such a way that the deviation of the
needle shows directly the amount of electric current in amperes
• Short circuit current
The current that occurs due to a short circuit in an electrical circuit.
• Circuit breaker
The switch automatically opens when the current exceeds the specified
• Components
Parts of an equipment or unit that has a function in the operation of a system
• Elektrolit
A solution that can conduct electricity in a battery or on electrons (process in electrolysis)
• Generator
Machine to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Any question ?
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