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No matter who you are I believe that everyone will go through stages in their life that will
get them to where they are on today. I am a person who has a very interesting story; this
is the first time it will be told in full. We were asked to use Erik Erikson’s theory of
development as a guideline to telling the story of our lives. At first I was very nervous;
however, I soon realized that this would be a fun task. Erik Erikson has eight stages of
Development (Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman). I will be walking you though my life using each
one of his stages drawing out the map of my life. Within my life I have had some very
interesting encounters.  I have been through  starvation, unwary, no fondness.  I would
have to say this because I was very young and I didn’t know who I could trust. The older I
got the more I struggled with this stage. I would say I struggled because you could never
know who the right person was to trust. 
2. Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt 

 In the next period of my life, from about 18 months to 3 years of age, I was able to resolve the second of
Erikson's psychosocial stages adequately. It was around this time that I began to assume important
responsibilities for my own self-care like feed myself, using the toilet on my own, and dressing myself. It was
during this time also that I began learning many physical skills, including walking and grasping. I learned that
I could control my own body and its functions. And that I could make things happen.
3. Initiative vs. Guilt

The third stage of Erick Erickson's theory is Iniative versus Guilt which usually
occurs 3- 5 years old. During the iniative versus guilt stage, children asserts
themselves more frequently and family plays the most important role of influence in
this stage. During this period the child interacts with other children at school on a
regular basis. Im also  starting to play house games, I learned to appreciate my
toys, making friends with my fellow kids, and I also love watching cartoons on
television with my friends and we will imitate the actors, I want to wander around
and go with my mother wherever she goes,because when children do not learn to
socialize it will be more difficult to develop their interpersonal skills and they will be
afraid to talk to others. 
4. Industry vs. Inferiority 

The fourth stage of this phase is Industry vs. Inferiority which occurs between ages 5-12
years old and a child usually develops competency and confidence. At this stage I learn
teachers on how they spend their time teaching us like reading, writing and singing that
leads to me to persevere my studies. Futhermore,  I already know how to help with
housework, my parents would tell me what to do,and my family did not hesitate to
support and motivate me to do what I was doing better and also because of my friends I
felt more accepting of what I was and because of this I had the self-confidence to
continue I do. This sense of approval helped me to reach my full potential in adulthood. 
5. Identity vs. Role Confusion

The fifth stage is Identity vs. Role Confusion which is the transition from adolescense or childhood
to adulthood. Children become more independent and are able to do things on their own with
little to no help from others. At the age of seventeen I left us because our parents could not afford
to send us to school at the same time so I decided to stay with my sister because she is my only
hope to be able to go to school with me. Since I left us I have learned a lot like using lipstick and
cutting my hair and wearing expensive clothes and started making a difference of my life searching
for my new identity.It was all changed when I left my hometown.At this time I was in a relationship
but days went on I break him  up due to I realize that I am not yet ready to commit our
relationship  because I want something different in my life like I want to have my own decision
that I have to fulfill first. I realized that I should love myself more first, I need to build my
personality first because that is what is important.
6. Intimacy vs. Isolation

The sixth stage of Erickson's theory is Intimacy vs. Isolation. The goal in this stage is to
learn to love others and share emotional intimacy with another. This stage takes place
relatively in the mid 20's and it helps develop love. After I found myself, I realized that
maybe I need to open my heart again like everyone else
 happy relationships maybe it's not bad to have a relationship. Yet building a strong
foundation in the relationship is like developing well in this stage because I opened
myself up in intimacy and trusting people again  with a heart.    
7. Generativity vs. Stagnation

I am not yet encountered stages seven and eight yet. Generativity vs. Stagnation which is from ages 30's to
60's is the goal to be productive, have kids, and establish roles in relation to others at work and in society.
Integrity vs. Despair which is age 60 and  onward is the goal to accept life's choices and is the stage of
reflection where wisdom is developed. At this stage if I will given a chance to reach this age I think I was
fully developing the Psychosocial theory of Erickson I have no doubt that I will be in the right track of
meeting the requirements for the upcoming stages and phases in my life. Therefore the 8 stages of psycho-
social theory development of Erickson helps me to identifying my career and choices of life and the
significance of others. 
                                                     This is My Family 
Name: Jona Mae A. Toring                   Date: November 25, 2020
BEED/1st year/ IB 

Submitted to: Dr. Christine Mabulay 

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