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Republic Act No.

Clean Air Act

Republic Act No. 9003

Solid Waste Management Act
The management of solid wastes in the Philippines, and
in particular in Metro Manila, currently
is undergoing several important changes. Two of the
most important changes can be attributed
to: 1) the signing of Republic Act No. 8749, also known
as the Clean Air Act; and 2) the signing
of Republic Act No. 9003 (Solid Waste Management
The Philippines has a large body of laws and regulations
at the national and local levels that are
pertinent to the management of health care wastes.
As previously indicated, two of the most
pertinent laws are:
• Republic Act No. 8749 - An act providing for a
comprehensive air pollution control policy
and for other purposes (Clean Air Act) and which
effectively bans the incineration of
solid wastes (including health care wastes); and
• Republic Act No. 9003 – An act providing for an
ecological solid waste management
program for other purposes (Solid Waste Management
Act). This act, among other
items, requires the promotion of recycling and
No. 8749
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
Philippines in Congress

The Clear intent of the Clean Air Act is to bring the citizenry into
a national cooperative and self regulatory effort to clean the air
we now breath and to ensure that our children will continue to
enjoy the same.

The measures to be adopted are meant to be preventive rather

than corrective, with everyone voluntarily cooperating with the
government rather than it coercing the citizenry.
• Republic Act No. 9003 – Ecological Solid
Waste Management Act of 2000- It is by
far the most comprehensive piece of
legislation to address the country’s garbage
problem. The importance of this Act is
directly related to public health resource
management and utilization, and
maintaining a clean environment, necessary
in ensuring human development.
Chapter 1
General Provisions

Article 1
Basic Air Quality Policies

Article 2
Definition of Terms
Chapter 2
Air Quality Management System

Article 1
General Provisions

Article 2
Air Pollution Clearances And Permits For
Stationary Sources

Article 3
Pollution From Stationary Sources

Article 4
Pollution From Motor Vehicles

Article 5
Pollution From Other Sources
Chapter 3
Fuels, Additives, Substances And Pollutants
Article 1
Fuels, Additives And Substances

Article 2
Other Pollutants

Chapter 4
Institutional Mechanism

Chapter 5

Chapter 6
Fines And Penalties

Chapter 7
Final Provisions

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