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Caryll Anne’s

Submitted by: Caryll Anne Y. Sore
Submitted to: Mrs. Teresita B. Moreno
Table of contents
Profile Teacher’s comments

01 Intoducing myself
03 Reading the teacher’s

02 1st Quarter

e moments
Remember th
sho uld
You her!

Caryll Anne Y. Sore
Grade 11- Jacinto
Important - Important -

a.k.a Karilyana
- 16 years of age
- My birthdate is on 1st day of
December, year 2004
- Roman Catholic
- Youngest girl among my four
“My tastes are simple: I am easily
satisfied with the best.”

— Winston Churchill

1st Quarter
02 Caryll Anne Y. Sore
Grade 11- Jacinto
Quarter 1 Week 1: The Superhero in
DATE: September 29, 2021
Activity 1: Let’s Try This
The last time I felt valued
The last time I made others felt valued
Incident: When my mother asks me how's my day,
Incident: When I came across a poor young boy who
have I eaten and am I doing fine with my studies
was begging for money to buy food for his sick mother.
and other stuff. Thoughts: My thoughts about it is that why is everyone
Thoughts: My thoughts about this incident is I am ignoring a poor boy who is just a kid and trying to help
very lucky to have such a thoughtful and loving his poor mother. I did plan to help him even though it's
mother. Even though I am far apart from them, she little but it can make a person cry.
always makes me feel that I’m deeply loved and Feelings: My feelings were simply happy to help
cared for. others.
Feelings: My feelings unto this incident are mixed, Behavior: The feelings when you help others is so
being sad, loved, happy, contentment and thankful. priceless. To the ones who helped me go through hell
Behavior: My behavior, I was just overwhelmed and just saved by them, made me help others and
knowing I have a loving, thoughtful, great and guiding share my happiness when I want to.
mother. Because of that, I am doing my best in
everything just so I can pay back their/her goodness to  
Activity 2: Mirror-Mirror on
the wall
Instructions: Imagine that you are looking at the mirror, and from the mirror you see  yourself. Please talk to yourself and say
that “I am proud of you because you are so brave, you always keep your focus on things that you love and don’t let negativity
take over your system.”  
Then, your friends pop up in the mirror (post the name of your friends in the mirror), please  tell your friends that “You should be
happy with me because I’m your one-call-away friend, I have your back either if it’s your happy or sad days.”  
Then, your teachers pop up in the mirror (post the name of your teachers in the mirror),  please tell them that “You should be
happy with me because I’m such a responsible student, I always submit my tasks before or even its due date. I always greet you
whenever I have questions to ask about a certain topic and thank you after answering it. ”  
Then, your brothers/sisters pop up in the mirror (post the name of your  brothers/sisters/cousins), please tell them that “You
should be happy with me because I’m  here when you need someone to do the household chores and help you whenever you need
Then, your parents pop up in the mirror (post the name of your parents/guardian or whom  you consider as your parent in the
mirror), please tell them that “You should be proud of  me because I’m a dedicated, responsible and well-mannered daughter. I
have obeyed your commands and rules since I was child and until I became a woman. I always think your sake’s first before
mine because I loved you two dearly. I will do everything I can so that I can achieve my goals and dreams for us.” 
Activity 3: Self-affirmation Exercise
1. My proudest moment was when I got perfect scores in my activities.

2. My strengths are respectfulness, enthusiasm, determination, dedication, versatility,and discipline.

3. My source of joy is my parent's smiles and giggles. Their laughter takes my exhausting day away.

4. My friends really appreciate me as a fierce friend, I’m that friend who’ll always have your back. Even if you’re not
always as close in the day-to-day moments, I’m  there when it counts. I do have a strong moral compass and
definitely aren’t afraid to use it to help keep you on the right track.  

5. I can overcome all the challenges in life because God and my family are always beside me, to guide me at all
times. In addition, I can overcome these challenges because I’m brave and capable of doing things as long as I have
faith in Him. 6. I will reach my dreams because I want to have a future where my parents can have a relaxed and
comfortable life. I will reach my dreams because I want to be the successful and happy teacher I’ve been dreaming
of since I was a child.
Activity 4: Share your
thoughts and feelings 
3. What would you do to empower yourself? 
1. What positive statement would you say to yourself to be
reminded of your strengths  and values?  -I would always remind myself that I’m capable of doing all
things, nurture my heart and soul with statements that would
-The positive statement I would say to myself to be give me energy to do things positively. I will surround myself
reminded of my strengths and values is ‘Hey, don’t let with people who are healthy and helpful for my growth.
any negative comments take over your system. You’re Keeping distance with toxicity could help you boost your self-
beautiful, brave, worthy and deeply loved. Your family
and God are beside you at all times, so don’t ever feel
esteem and keep your environment healthy.
alone because you’re not. I’m proud of you because
you’re still in the progress, but still you handle things 4. What are your realizations as to your capability in handling and
positively.” surviving the  current health crisis right now? 
Everyone was in shock and held unprepared ever since the pandemic
arose.  No one has perceived how this will impact the world’s health
 2. How will you deal with life obstacles or negative feelings?   response and management.  As an ordinary citizen, it was terrible and
-I will deal with life obstacles or negative feelings by first horrifying waking up to this pandemic.  I am never prepared just as
praying to God that any obstacle or negative feelings I’m how unprepared the government is.  It is beyond my thinking on how
going through right now, I am offering it all to him and this will ever end and if we can still truly survive once this ends.  The
asking him for guidance because I will only get through all pandemic has taught us to make our health a top priority even if there
these challenges only with the help of him. Moreover, I will is no outbreak of health risks.  Our health matters most for it shall
deal with these by keeping in mind that my family is always lead us to how we are going to live our lives.
there to look after me and support me always.
Quarter 1 Week 2: Life in
Harmony with Others
Family People involved (family  Situation  Resolution
Members  members, relatives,  
friends etc.)

Myself I had a misunderstanding with my former best friend. It We resolved it by reaching it

former best friend, sister and all started by her scattering not even good news about me out with each other and
mother and bad-mouthing me. In social media, she’s been mad resolved it by communicating
about me, I don’t even know why she’s mad about. properly.

Person A My sister and her friend My sister’s friend was indebted to her with some large
amount money. My sister asks for how long would it take They resolved it by settling it
for her friend to pay her debt. But her friend said that she in a professional and proper
can no longer pay her debt because she’s been indebted process of resolving it.
to many people.

Person B My brother and his wife were having They resolved it by

My sister-in-law and my brother misunderstanding about stating their problems with communicating to each other.
each other
nship My Relationship with
My relationship with Nanay Myra
I think she wants Our relationship
I can describe our I want our
our relationship to could have been
relationship as relationship to be
be better if

I can describe our I want our relationship I think she wants our Our relationship could
relationship as each to be more open to relationship to be more have been better if I’m
others human diary, each other, stronger open to each other’s not that secretive and
each others person and than before and be worries and problems. not shy to
best friends. comfortable to talk I also think that she communicate with her.
even more to each wants this to stay this
other. way because we are
more way comfortable
to each other unlike
You can do it

From now on, I will improve my relationship with

other people by:
1. Listening effectively.
2. Giving people time.
3. Learning to trust more.
4. Develop empathy.
5. Learn to give and take
What I Have Learned
Share your thoughts and feelings

1. Nanay Myra, I want to make our relationship better because she’s one of the most important person in
my life. I am considering her as my best friend and my human diary.
• I can say that our relationship before is not that close to each other, not that comfortable to express each
other’s thoughts and worries and not that open to each other.
• Before, I felt excluded, not that open to her, and uncomfortable and now I felt open to her, loved and
always being felt that I’m important.
• I am hoping that our relationship remain strong, healthy and continue to be open to each other. Also, I
couldn’t ask for more but to stay this way.
• I promise that I will be the better version of myself, enhance my communication skills so that my
relationship with my mother remain strong and healthy.
Quarter 1 Week 3: YOU
’s t
Respect was shown to me this ry
• I feel that my side was taken well.
• I get the chance to voice out my side.
• I am given the space I wanted.

I think discrimination was

evident when...
It is evident when they're acting more superior
based on their ethnicity. People may be
discriminated against based on their race, gender,
age, and sexual orientation.
Let’s explore this
I respect others when… I may be discriminating ot
1. I am being respected. when…
2. They do deserve my respect. 1. I bully someone on their ph
3. They are older than me.
2. I judge on their persona
4. They knew how to control lity,
actions and body.
their judgment rather than 3. I make fun of and mock
being insensitive and others’
perceptions, looks, and ide
inconsiderate. as.
4. I do not respect other be
5. They don't waste time and liefs, and
being insensitive.
give importance to time 5. I check if their phone is
original or
management, which is a good not.
Share your thoughts and asr!e
Make a symbol that can serve as your reminder to always respect people no matter who they
are and where they come from.
My !
cis ion s

Quarter 1 Week
4: Me and My
Myself, Deciding Right and Wrong
This is ME when I have committed a This is ME when I have committed a
RIGHT decision WRONG decision

Let’s t
Let’s explore this

The thing that was continually surrounding my mind in

that situation is I must have done the right and appropriate
decision. What I feel about the situation is being
disappointed. What I did on the situation is learning to
accept what ever the result is and just consider it as a
lesson. My body do react on the situation by being positive
on whatever the results are.
You can do it

I made a decision previously that I was almost always

out of our house; I only came in to eat and also left after. I
considered it a bad decision because I do not give my
parents and family enough time and attention. Because of
my awareness, I was able to correct my mistakes. That if
the course of action is changed, it will be difficult to correct
the mistakes.
What I have learned

How will you improve your decision-making?

1. Hang out with people of all ages
2. Get social online
3. Exercise
4.  Develop your programming or language skills
5. Get some arts and culture in your life
Share your thoughts and
A right decision for me is something that is well-
thought out and has considered all possible

It is OK to commit a wrong decision as long as you learn from

it and no harm is done to anyone

From now on, I will own my decision

by facing the possible consequences.
m ents

Ma’am Tess’
- Importan
Important t-
CREDITS: This presentation template was created
by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik

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