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Particle Acceleration

Tracking the particle as we follow it path:

 
Particle VP@time t  V ( x, y , z, t )
Note: V(x,y,z,t) is the velocity field of the
t+dt entire flow, not the velocity of a particle.
As the particle moves, its velocity changes to
 
VP@time t dt  V ( x  dx, y  dy , z  dz, t  dt )

The acceleration of a particle (substantial acceleration) is given by

    
 dVP V V dxP V dyP V dzP
aP     
dt t x dt y dt z dt
   
V V V V dx dy dz
 u v w . where u  P , v  P , w  P
t x y z dt dt dt
Physical Interpretation
    
 DV V V V V
aP    u v w
Dt t x y z

Total acceleration Local Convective acceleration

of a particle acceleration

Unsteady flow Steady flow

velocity velocity

time x
An incompressible, inviscid flow past a circular cylinder of diameter d is
shown below. The flow variation along the approaching stagnation
streamline (A-B) can be expressed as:
  R2 1
V ( x, y  0)  u( x )i , where u(x)  U O (1  2 )  1  2
x x
y 1

u( x ) 0.5


R=1 m 5 4 3 2 1 0

UO=1 m/s Along A-B streamline, the velocity drops very fast as the particle
approaches the cylinder. At the surface of the cylinder, the velocity
is zero (stagnation point) and the surface pressure is a maximum.
Example (cont.)
Determine the acceleration experienced by a particle as it flows along the
stagnation streamline.
  
 DV V V
a  u  0  0, since v  w  0 along the stagnation streamline.
Dt t x
u u 1 2
Therefore, a x   u , a y  a z  0, a x  (1  2 )( 3 ) for steady state flow
t x x x

• The particle slows down due to the
strong deceleration as it approaches the
a( x ) 0.2 cylinder.
• The maximum deceleration occurs at
x=-1.29R=-1.29 m with a magnitude of
0.4 0.4
5 4 3 2 1 0
5 x 1
Example (cont.)
Determine the pressure distribution along the streamline using Bernoulli’s
equation. Also determine the stagnation pressure at the stagnation point.
P(x) u 2 ( x ) P U O2
Bernoulli's equation:   
 2  2
 2   1    1 
P( x )  Patm  (U O  u ( x ))   1   1  2     2 

2 2  x  2  x 
P ( x )  Patm 1
P ( x )   2
 2x
• The pressure increases as the particle
approaches the stagnation point.
0.4 • It reaches the maximum value of 0.5,
 P( x ) that is Pstag-P=(1/2)UO2 as u(x)0 near
the stagnation point.

5 4 3 2 1
Momentum Conservation
From Newton' s second law : Force  (mass)(acceleration)
Consider a small element xyz as shown below.
The element experiences an acceleration
    
DV  V V V V 
m   ( x y z )  u v w 
Dt  t x y z 
y as it is under the action of various forces:
normal stresses, shear stresses, and gravitational force.

x   yx 
z  yx   y   x z
 y 

 xx y z   xx 

 xx   x   y z
 x 
 yx x z
Momentum Balance (cont.)
Net force acting along the x-direction:
 xx  yx  zx
 x y z   x y z   x y z   g x x y z
x x x

Normal stress Shear stresses (note: zx: shear stress Body force
acting on surfaces perpendicular to
the z-axis, not shown in previous

The differential momentum equation along the x-direction is

 xx  yx  zx  u u u u 
    gx     u v w 
x x x  t x y z 
similar equations can be derived along the y & z directions
Euler’s Equations
For an inviscid flow, the shear stresses are zero and the normal stresses
are simply the pressure:   0 for all shear stresses,  xx   yy   zz   P
P  u u u u 
   gx     u v w 
x  t x y z 
Similar equations for y & z directions can be derived
P  v v v v 
   gy     u  v w 
y  t x y z 
P  w w w w 
   gz    u v w 
z  t x y z 

Note: Integration of the Euler’s equations along a streamline will give rise to the
Bernoulli’s equation.
Navier and Stokes Equations
For a viscous flow, the relationships between the normal/shear stresses and the
rate of deformation (velocity field variation) can be determined by making a
simple assumption. That is, the stresses are linearly related to the rate of
deformation (Newtonian fluid). (see chapter 5-4.3) The proportional constant for
the relation is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid (). Based on this, Navier and
Stokes derived the famous Navier-Stokes equations:

 u u u u  P   2 u  2 u  2u 
 u v w      gx    2  2  2 
 t x y z  x  x y z 
 v v v v  P   2v  2v  2v 
 u v w   gy    2  2  2 
 t x y z  y  x y z 
 w w w w  P   2w  2w  2w 
 u v w     gz    2  2  2 
 t x y z  z  x y z 

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