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• Put Audio on MUTE as soon as you join the class.

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• Be on time for the class and listen attentively.
• Use Raise Hand option only if you have any doubts and wait for your turn.
• You must switch ON your video when instructed by the teacher.
• You must wear school uniform/white formal shirt during the class.
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Chapter 2
GUI Operating System –
An Introduction
We’ll Learn About:

• Operating System- Types

• User Interface - Types
• MS Windows
Operating System
• It is a computer software which allows us to
operate the computer system
• It helps the user to give the input and get the
output from the computer
• Types of Operating System
MS DOS, MS Windows, Unix, Linux, MAC OS
User Interface

Operating system provides an interface through which the user communicates

with a computer system

The commands or menus through which a user

communicates with the computer system are called
user interface

• Types of user interface

CUI ( Character User Interface)

The user interacts with the computer system by

typing commands
Example: DOS and UNIX
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
• Uses pictures to represent the input and output of a program
• Example for GUI : windows 7, windows 8, etc
• The main screen is called the desktop

Mac Windows
An operating System

- Most popular operating System

- Booting: When we switch on the computer, the
operating system gets loaded into the computer’s
A few seconds later, a welcome
message appears

While booting the picture of the

Windows logo appears on the
•Operating System- Types
•User Interface - Types
•MS Windows
Home Work
Note: Write all the answers in Notebook
• Answer the following :
1. Define Operating System?
Answer: Operating system is a software that helps you to operate the computer system through its various functions.
2.What is User Inter face?
Answer: The commands or menus through which user communicates with computer system are called User Interface.
3. What are the types of User Interface?
Answer: There are 2 types of User interface CUI and GUI
4. Write the difference between CUI and GUI?
Answer: CUI- User interacts with computer system by typing commands.
GUI-Uses pictures to represent input and output of program
5. Define booting?
Answer: The operating system gets loaded into the computers memory when we switch on the computer. This process is called

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