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My country is Ukraine

• активізувати країнознавчі знання і мовні
уміння учнів; удосконалювати навички усного
та писемного мовлення,
• читання, аудіювання; вчити аналізувати
отриману інформацію;
• систематизувати граматичний матеріал.
capital столица

nation нация

population население

symbol символ

anthem гимн

trident трезубец

founder основатель

territory територия

develop развивать

historic исторический
Devoted people
Rich country
High mountain
Deep river
Old town
Mineral resources
Mild climate
National symbol
Bank, wash, longest, rivers, European, population,
devoted, mineral resources, capital, mountains
• Ukraine is a ________ country.
• The ________ of our Motherland is Kyiv.
• It is on the _______of the Dnipro river.
• The Black Sea and the Azov Sea ________ Ukraine.
• There are beautiful Carpathian __________ in our country.
• There are many _________ in our country: the Dnipro, the Dniester and the Bug.
• The _______ river is the Dnipro.
• The ___________ is 56 million people.
• Ukraine is rich in _________.
• Ukrainians have always been _________ to their Motherland.
1. Ukraine is a European country.
2. The capital of our Motherland is Kyiv.
3. It is on the bank of the Dnipro river.
4. The Black Sea and the Azov Sea wash Ukraine.
5. There are beautiful Carpathian mountains in our country.
6. There are many rivers in our country: the Dnipro, the Dniester
and the Bug.
7. The longest river is the Dnipro.
8. The population is 42 million people.
9. Ukraine is rich in mineral resources.
10.Ukrainians have always been devoted to their Motherland.
Lets revise Past Simple
Время в котором действие происходило в прошлом и не имеет
связи с настоящим.
Утвердительное предложение образуется с помощью II формы
глагола или добавление окончания –ed
Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения образуются с
помощью вспомогательного глагола did.
Вспомогательные слова: yesterday, the day before, last month,
last week etc.
Make past forms of the verbs from the quiz

to begin  began
to offer  offered
to play  played
to do  did
to eat  ate
to decide  decided
to go  went
to receive  received
to grow  grew
to stop  stopped
to have  had
to visit  visited
1.They did not discuss this film after classes yesterday.
2.I didn’t eat oranges every day when I was a child.
3.Yesterday Kate didn’t come to school by bus.
4.Tom did not tell us the truth last night.
5.Today the weather is too bad, but yesterday it was not
very cold.
6.She had a pen but she didn’t has any paper.
7.The bed wasn’t comfortable and I didn’t sleep well.
1.My friend left three days ago.
2.We read that novel last year.
3.It was nice weather in October.
4.We invited them to our party.
5.The police to stopped the man on the way to his
6.Last Friday Chris came in time.
1.My friend didn’t leave three days ago.
2.We didn’t read that novel last year.
3.It was not nice weather in October.
4.We didn’t invite them to our party.
5.The police didn’t stop the man on the way to
his home.
6.Last Friday Chris didn’t come in time.

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