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T0264 – Artificial Intelligence


Session 5 & 6
First Order Logic & Inference

Derwin Suhartono

School of Computer Science

Bina Nusantara University

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First Order Logic & T0264 – Artificial Intelligence

Inference in FOL

1. Syntax and Semantic of First-Order Logic

2. Using First-Order Logic
3. Inference by Using Backward Chaining
4. Inference by Using Resolution
5. Exercise

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Syntax and Semantic T0264 – Artificial Intelligence

of First-Order Logic

Model of First-Order Logic

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Syntax and Semantic T0264 – Artificial Intelligence

of First-Order Logic

Atomic Sentence
• Atomic sentence = predicate (term1,...,termn)
“Richard the Lionheart is the brother of King John”.
 Brother(Richard, John)

• Complex terms as arguments in atomic sentences is

 married (Father(Richard), Mother(John))

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Syntax and Semantic T0264 – Artificial Intelligence

of First-Order Logic

Complex Sentence
• Complex sentences are made from atomic sentences
using connectives.
“All king are person” written as:
x : King(x)  Person(x)
“King John has a crown on his head” written as:
y : Crown(y)  OnHead(y, John)

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Syntax and Semantic T0264 – Artificial Intelligence

of First-Order Logic

Complex Sentence
• More complex sentences using multiple quantifier :
p q : brother (p, q)  sibling(p, q)

• Symmetric relationship:
p q : sibling(p, q)  sibling(q, p)
Sibling(King John, Richard)  Sibling(Richard, King John)

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Using First-Order T0264 – Artificial Intelligence

Given the following statements:
1. Chandra is a student
2. Chandra is a student in SoCS
3. Each SoCS student is a member of SoCS
4. Algorithm is difficult
5. Each student in SoCS likes or hates the Algorithm
6. Each student likes one lesson
7. The student who does not come to difficult lesson dislikes the
8. Chandra does not come to Algorithm

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Using First-Order T0264 – Artificial Intelligence


The FOL form of the statements are:

1. student (Chandra)
2. SoCS (Chandra)
3. x : SoCS(x)  student (x, SoCS)
4. difficult (Algorithm)
5. x : student(x, SoCS)  like(x, Algorithm)  hate(x, Algorithm)
6. x : y : like(x, y)
7. x : y : student(x)  difficult(y)  come(x, y)  like(x, y)
8. come(Chandra, Algorithm)

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Inference by Using T0264 – Artificial Intelligence

Backward Chaining

Does Chandra like Algorithm?

like(Chandra, Algorithm)


student(Chandra)  difficult(Algorithm)  come (Chandra, algorithm)


difficult(Algorithm)  come(Chandra, Algorithm)


come(Chandra, Algorithm)



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Inference by Using T0264 – Artificial Intelligence


• Inference procedure based on resolution work by

using the principle of proof by contradiction.
• How to?
• Convert to CNF (Clause Normal Form)
• Show clauses obtained by resolving pairs in the row

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Inference by Using T0264 – Artificial Intelligence


Given Axiom Clause Form


(P ^ Q)  R P v Q v R

(S v T)  Q S v Q
T v Q

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Inference by Using T0264 – Artificial Intelligence


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Inference by Using T0264 – Artificial Intelligence


Given the same example, the CNF form are:

1. student (Chandra)
2. SoCS (Chandra)
3. SoCS(x1) v student(x1, SoCS)
4. difficult(Algorithm)
5. student(x2, SoCS) v like(x2,Algorithm) v hate(x2,Algorithm)

6. like(x3,f(x3))

7. student(x4) v difficult(y1) v come(x4,y1) v like(x4,y1)

8. come(Chandra, Algorithm)

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Inference by Using T0264 – Artificial Intelligence

hate(Chandra,Algorithm) 5

Prove whether
3 student(Chandra, SoCS) v like(Chandra,Algorithm)
Chandra hates
algorithm or not?
SoCS(Chandra) v like(Chandra,Algorithm) 2

7 like(Chandra,Algorithm)

Chandra/x4 ; Algoritma/y1

1 student(Chandra) v difficult(Algorithm) v come(Chandra,Algorithm)

difficult(Algorithm) v come(Chandra,Algorithm) 4

come(Chandra, Algorithm) 8 It is proven that Chandra

hates Algorithm
null (contradiction theory)

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Inference by Using T0264 – Artificial Intelligence


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Inference by T0264 – Artificial Intelligence

Backward Chaining
Given the following statements:
1. Marcus was a man.
2. Marcus was a Pompeian.
3. All Pompeian were Romans.
4. Caesar was a ruler.
5. All Romans were either loyal to Caesar or hated him.
6. Everyone is loyal to someone.
7. People only try to assassinate rulers they aren’t loyal to.
8. Marcus tried to assassinate Caesar.
9. All men are people.
Prove by using Backward Chaining that Marcus is not loyal to Caesar

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Inference by T0264 – Artificial Intelligence

Backward Chaining
First-Order Logic from the statements are:
1. man(Marcus)
2. Pompeian(Marcus)
3. x : Pompeian (x)  Roman(x)
4. ruler(Caesar)
5. x : Roman(x)  loyalto(x,Caesar) 
6. x : y : loyalto (x,y)
7. x : y : person(x)  ruler(y) 
tryassassinate(x,y)   loyalto(x,y)
8. tryassassinate (Marcus, Caesar)
9. x : man(x)  person(x)

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Inference by T0264 – Artificial Intelligence

Backward Chaining

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T0264 – Artificial Intelligence


Any Questions?

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T0264 – Artificial Intelligence

From the last period of “Pemilu” in Jakarta, we have some facts. They are given as
(1) At that time, Foke was the Vice Governor of Jakarta. (2) Then, Foke went
to propose himself to be the Governor candidate. (3) And the Vice Governor
candidate was Priyanto. (4) Someone who was success would be famous. (5)
Every people who was famous and loved would be elected. (6) Because of his
position, Foke was success and he was loved. (7) Adang was the strongest
rival on that “Pemilu”. (8) All people that were elected will be the Governor.
a. Convert all of the statements to First-Order Logic!
b. Convert the FOL to CNF form!
c. Prove that Foke became the Governor using Resolution!

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