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Solar Cells ---

frontiers in materials and devices

Ning Su

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

Market & technology comparison
 Low cost solar cells
 thin film solar cells (TFSC)

 High efficiency solar cells

 Advanced Si solar cells
 Tandem cells
 Thermophotovoltaic
 other strategies

 Conclusions

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

Why PV ?
 Average power incident upon continental United states is ~ 500 times of
national energy consumption ( total, not just electricity)
 Environmentally-friendly renewable
energy source
 Quiet
 Reliable

 Residential
Cost-effective way to provide power
to remote area
 Space applications
satellite, space stations

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

Photovoltaic Cells, Modules and Systems
Solar cell is the basic building blocks of solar PV
 Cells are connected together in series and encapsulated into models
 Modules can be used singly, or connected in parallel and series into
an array with a larger current & voltage output
 PV arrays integrated in systems with components for charge regulation
and storage

Cell module array system

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

Market for Solar PV

 PV market grows at fast rate especially in recent years

 Cumulatively, about 2GW of solar cells are being used in a variety of applications

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

Comparison of PV Technology

World PV module production in 2003

 main technologies available: single & multi- cystalline Si, a-Si, CuInSe2, CdTe….
 Bulk cystalline Si remains dominant
 Different technology comparison in efficiency & cost

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

Low Cost vs. High Efficiency SC
Applications: Terrestrial Space

Demands: Low cost High efficiency High efficiency Light weight

Radiation resistance

Technology: Thin film Organic SC tandem TPV

Materials: Multicystalline Si III-V Single crystalline Si

a-Si ; CIS; CdTe

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

Thin Film Solar Cells
“thin film” refers more to solar cell technologies with mass-production possibilities
Rather than the film thickness.

 requirement for suitable materials: low cost, high absorption, doping, transport,
robust and stable
leading materials for TFSC: CdTe, CuInSe 2, (CIS) ,a-SI…

 advantages:
-- low material requirement
-- variety of processing methods
-- light weight modules

 disadvantages:

-- low achieved efficiency

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

 CIS, direct band gap with Eg~ 1eV, α>105 cm-1

 high cell efficiency (19.2 %), model efficiency

 comparatively long lifetime

Current complicated and capital intensive


 CdTe, direct band gap with Eg~ 1.45eV, α>105

cm-1-- ideal suited for PV applications

 Record cell efficiency 16.5 % (NREL)

 Numerous promising processing techniques

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

Solar Cell Efficiency

E g  bs ( E ) dE
Ideal cell efficiency Eg
 

Ebs ( E ) dE

Effect of bandgap on efficiency

 GaAs, InP have Eg close to the optimum,

favored for high η cells
 Si less favorable Eg but cheap & abundant

Effect of spectrum on efficiency

 improving η by concentrating light

100 suns or more illumination

Parabolic reflector Fresnel lens

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

Minimize Losses in Real SC
Optical loss
Concentration of light

Trapping of light:

 AR coatings
 Mirrors ( metallization rear surface or growing
active layers on top of a Bragg stack)
Rear metal reflector
 textured surface
Double path length in metallized cell

Photon recycling
reabsorption of photons emitted by radiative recombination inside the cell

Electrical loss
Surface passivation
Resistive loss

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

Advanced Si Solar cells

PERL cell
Crystalline Si efficiency

 large improvement in the last 15 years

1) textured surface & AR coating
2) Improved surface passivation

 PERL cell ( 24% in 1994 )

 Buried contact cell commercialized by BP Solarex

advantage: fine grid– reduced shading–J sc
reduced contact recombination – V oc
series resistance – concentrator sc
Burried contact sc

•Martin A. Green etc.,” Very high efficiency silicon solar cells-science and technology,” IEEE Trans. Electron
Devices,vol. ED-46,pp1940-47,1999.

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

Tandem Cells – beyond efficiency limit


 Intrinsic efficiency limit using single

semiconductor material is 31%

Stack different band gap junctions in

series larger band gap topmost

 efficiency of 86.8% calculated for an

infinite stack of independently operated
cells *

* A. Marti, G. L. Araujo, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 43 (1996) 203.

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

Tandem Cells -- Practical approaches
Advantages : high efficiency

 Cover wider range of solar spectrum

 reduce thermerlisation loss

(absorbed photon with energy just little
higher than Eg)

Practical approaches

 individual cells grown separately and mechanically stacked

 monolithically grown with a tunnel-junction interconnect

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

GaInP/GaAs/Ge Dual- and triple-junction SC
Dual-junction (DJ)
 GaInP/GaAs cells on Ge (average AM0 η 21.4 %) *
 small-area lab cells large-scale manufacturing
approach megawatt level **

Triple-junction (TJ)
 efficiency of 27.0% under AM0 illumination at 28 0C *

* N. H. Karam etc. Solar Energy Materials & Siolar cells 66 (2001) 453-466.
**N. H. Karam etc. Trans. Electron Dev. 46 (10) 1999 pp.2116.

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

Multiple Junction Cells
Four-junction cells under development

 addition of 1-eV GaInNAs subcells

under GaAs to form 4 junctions

InGaN – potential material

for MJ cells

 Direct energy gap of InGaN cover

most of the solar spectrum*

 MJ solar cells based on this single

ternary could be very efficient

* LBNL/Conell work: J. Wu et al. APL 80, 3967 (2002).

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

Thermophotovoltaic (TPV)
TPV solar energy conversion

Photovoltaic conversion with the addition of an intermediate thermal

absorber/emitter is known as thermophotovoltaic (TPV) energy conversion.

Solar radiation is used to heat absorber/emitter to temperature of 1200-2500 K

emitter radiates photons PV cell converts the energy of radiation
into electrical power.


By matching the spectrum of the emitter to the PV cells, efficiency improved.

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

TPV Configuration
Components of a TPV system

All TPV systems include: 1) heat source 2) radiator 3) PV converter

4) means of recovering unusable photons

Selective emitter matched to PV cells

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

Other Strategies – for high efficiency
Intermediate band solar cells

 A.Luque and A. Marti,”Increasing the effiency of ideal solar cells by photon

Induced transitions at intermediate levels”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 5014 (1997)

 Low-dimentional strucutrues, QWs, QDs

Impact ionization solar cells

P. Wueerfel, “Radiative efficiency limit of terrrestrial solar-cells with internal
carrier multiplication”, Appl. Phys. Letts. 67, 1028 (1995).

Hot carrier solar cells

P. Wueerfel, “Radiative efficiency limit of terrrestrial solar-cells with internal

carrier multiplication”, Appl. Phys. Letts. 67, 1028 (1995).


EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

 Remarkable progress made in synthesis, processing and characterization
leads to major improvement in PV efficiency and reduction in cost

 Silicon continues to dominate the PV industry

 Thin film and organic solar cells offer promising options for substantially
reducing the cost, competitive for terrestrial applications

 Very high efficiency achieved in multiple junction III-V semiconductors

presently commercialized for space applications

 New device concept for high efficiency facing challenges and prospects

EE 666 Advanced Semiconductor Devices April 14, 2005

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