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Klasifikasi Gudang

Logistik Bisnis
Manajemen Pergudangan
In general warehouse classified on the basis of:

 Ownership of Warehouse
 Operational Warehouse


Classification Warehouse

Private General Merchandise For

Warehouse Manufactured Goods

Ownership Refrigerated or Cold

Warehouse Storage Warehouse
Public Bonded Warehouse

Households Goods Warehouse

Special Commodity Warehouse

Bulk Storage Warehouse

Plant or Bus Warehouse

Distribution Center

Manajemen Pergudangan
1. Classification To be based On Ownership Warehouse

 Private Warehouse is woke up warehouse by self or

obtained warehouse by leasing
 Public Warehouse is obtained warehouse from renting or
contracting from other party to be utilized by goods put

 Gudang Swasta dibangun gudang oleh diri sendiri atau

diperoleh gudang oleh leasing
 Gudang Publik adalah gudang yang diperoleh dari
menyewa atau mengontrak dari pihak lain untuk
dimanfaatkan oleh barang yang disimpan
Manajemen Pergudangan
Type Public Warehouse which commonly use.

 General Merchandise For Manufactured Goods

 Refrigerated or Cold Storage Warehouse
 Bonded Warehouse
 Households Goods Warehouse
 Special Commodity Warehouse
 Bulk Storage Warehouse

Manajemen Pergudangan
a. General Merchandise For Manufactured Goods

Warehouse usual to be utilized by manufacturer, distributor, or

customer for put away to assorted product type

Gudang biasa digunakan oleh produsen, distributor, atau

pelanggan untuk disimpan ke berbagai jenis produk

Manajemen Pergudangan
b. Refrigerated or Cold Storage Warehouse

 Type warehouse to supply storage place product which can to be

controlled by his temperature
 In general utilized for put away perishable goods or product
requiring selected temperature for the endurance
kept goods in bond usually:
 Natural product, for example fruit, vegetable or marine product.
 Factory result, for example chemicals

 Ketik gudang untuk memasok produk tempat penyimpanan yang

dapat dikontrol oleh suhunya
 Secara umum digunakan untuk menyingkirkan barang-barang
yang mudah rusak atau produk yang membutuhkan suhu yang
dipilih untuk daya tahan
 menyimpan barang dalam obligasi biasanya:

 Produk alami, misalnya buah, sayuran atau produk laut.

 Hasil pabrik, misalnya bahan kimia

Manajemen Pergudangan
c. Bonded Warehouse

Warehouse which usual to be utilized by Bea Cukai

institute for the put away of goods during goods ( import
goods) still in quarantine phase, management of
document enter or the payment Bea enter to a country

Gudang yang biasa digunakan oleh lembaga Bea Cukai

untuk membuang barang selama barang (barang impor)
masih dalam tahap karantina, pengelolaan dokumen
masuk atau pembayaran Bea masuk ke suatu negara

Manajemen Pergudangan
d. Households Goods Warehouse

is utilized by individual

For the put away of household goods before or after utilized

There are some depository alternative types, that is :

 Open Storage
 Private Room or Vault Storage
 Container Storage

digunakan oleh individu

Untuk menyingkirkan barang-barang rumah tangga sebelum atau sesudah digunakan

Ada beberapa jenis alternatif penyimpanan, yaitu:

  Buka Penyimpanan
Ruang Pribadi atau Penyimpanan Vault
Penyimpanan Penampung

Manajemen Pergudangan
e. Special Commodity Warehouse

 allotted special in selected commodity by one handling special to product, for

example paddy, cotton and wool
 Special commodity warehouse usually have characteristic :
 Gathering facility from various source of supply, for then sold to an selected market
 Place of put away for the duration of selected
 Commodity kept in measure selected
 In general warehouse completed with additional facility, for example paddy milling
machine or grist, machine of press cotton etc

diberikan khusus dalam komoditas terpilih dengan satu penanganan khusus untuk
produk, misalnya padi, kapas dan wol
Gudang komoditas khusus biasanya memiliki karakteristik:
Mengumpulkan fasilitas dari berbagai sumber pasokan, untuk kemudian dijual ke pasar
yang dipilih
Tempat disimpan untuk durasi yang dipilih
Komoditas disimpan dalam ukuran yang dipilih
Di gudang umum dilengkapi dengan fasilitas tambahan, misalnya mesin penggilingan
padi atau gandum, mesin press kapas dll

Manajemen Pergudangan
f. Bulk Storage Warehouse
Warehouse this type of is usually utilized for good bulk products in
form of liquid and dry in large size then broken or divided into
smaller measure
Example : ordinary product utilize facility kinds of is chemicals,
coal, iron sand, etc.
Facility which was usually provided by bulk storage warehouse is :
 Tank to liquid product
 Open repository but hidden for dry product

Gudang jenis ini biasanya dimanfaatkan untuk produk curah yang baik dalam
bentuk cair dan kering dalam ukuran besar kemudian dipecah atau dibagi menjadi
ukuran yang lebih kecil
Contoh: fasilitas penggunaan produk biasa adalah bahan kimia, batu bara, pasir
besi, dll.
Fasilitas yang biasanya disediakan oleh gudang penyimpanan massal adalah:
Tangki untuk produk cair
Buka repositori tetapi tersembunyi untuk produk kering
Manajemen Pergudangan
2. Classification Pursuant to Operational
 Plant or Bus Warehouse;
 More utilized to support inbound logistic.
 Nearby with supplier or nearby with process of
 Functioning consolidation material or goods
from various supplier, before enter into
process of manufactur
 Distribution Center;
 is utilized to support outbound logistics, from various
manufacturer or from various factory location, to
various cutomer in various location.

Manajemen Pergudangan
Case Study

The United Processors Company harvest and processes a variety of fruit

and vegetables in southern and western farming regions of the country.
For certain of these products, such as strawberries and watermelon,
there tends to be strong demand in the East and Midwest just ahead of
the local growing season. Because United Processor must harvest
earlier than the northern climates, supply builds before demand peaks.
Warehouse normally build in the growing areas before truck shipment
are made to the demand areas. By transportation mode and the longer
transit times associated with it, the company could, in many cases, ship
immediately after harvesting and have the products arrive in the
marketplace just as strong demand develops. The result is a substantial
reduction in warehousing cost and transportation cost as well.

Manajemen Pergudangan
Compare private warehouse to rented warehouse with
reference to the following :
Cost for storage
Degree of administrative control
Flexibility in meeting future uncertainties.

Manajemen Pergudangan

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