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By Ashutosh Mishra.

Future Academy Kanpur

5 Way To Wow Your Boss
 1. Be humble.
 2. Be honest.
 3. Be respectful.
 4. Be self-sufficient.
 5. Be a "can-do" employee.
 It's more important than ever to
make sure your boss is happy with
your performance.

 In tenuous times, your supervisor is

one of the few people who may be able
to shield you from a layoff. She may
also be able to help you pursue a
promotion down the road.
 However, like any relationship, the one
between you and your boss can get stale. You
may grow complacent over time or you may
never start off on the right foot. The good
news is that it's never too late to breathe new
life into how you work with your supervisor,

 If you heed these five hints, you'll not only

contribute to your job security; you'll also win
your boss's admiration and appreciation -- as
well as a little loyalty.
 1. Be humble. In other words, be mindful
of the fact that it's not all about you.

 "Don't approach your boss with a sense of

entitlement, as though he is personally
responsible for furthering your career.
Instead, focus on learning what you can do
to make his life easier, contribute to your
company's goals, and make him look good
to his boss."
 2. Be honest. Everyone makes
mistakes -- and you're no exception.
Be forthcoming about it from the
start. "Admit if you do something
wrong, and then ask your boss how
you can rectify the situation. Don't
allow yourself to get caught in a
maze of lies or excuses that will
result in a loss of credibility,"
 3. Be respectful of the boss's time. If you
think your plate is full, consider that of
your boss. Use your time together wisely
and efficiently.

 , "Appear in her office with a checklist of

things you need to cover, and don't dwell
too long on any particular subject. Your
boss will be more receptive to meeting
with you if she knows you'll be in and out
of his office quickly."
 4. Be self-sufficient. Be mindful of the fact
that your supervisor doesn't have the
bandwidth to hold your hand through
every crisis or help you make every
difficult decision that lands on your desk.

 "Only approach your boss with a problem

or complaint if you've explored all options
for resolving it yourself. When you do, be
prepared to have a solution at hand that
you could implement with her help,"
 "Choose your battles wisely, and
decide carefully if bringing an issue
to your boss's attention is really
necessary or if you would be better
off letting it go,"
 5. Be a "can-do" employee. Redefine the
concept of a "yes man" (or "yes woman")
at the office.

 , "When your boss asks you to do

something, accommodate him, if possible.
The words 'I don't have time' should never
escape your lips. If you know something
needs to be done, do it without being
prodded, and if your boss asks for help in a
group setting, be the first to volunteer."
     At that time, Pandu
was 20 years old, a
temporary dispatch clerk
with a small group that
specialized in selling
imported software
    I interviewed Pandu
and found him to be very
intelligent, humble,
courteous and hard
working. I made my
decision then and there
to hire him

THERE is not a day in my office
that is not chaotic. Yet each day,
the chaos is seamlessly cleared to
make things look orderly. For over
25 years, I have relied on Rosy,
Vishwanath and Louiza. Together,
they can give any event manager a
run for his money. 
    They know flight schedules like
the back of their hands. They are
always courteous and know more
about customer service than many
frontline personnel. But what
keeps surprising me is their
resourcefulness and ingenuity. The
bottom line is that they always
manage to get things done.
How Prema built up the BPO
     THE wheels of our business are
oiled by a few critical people who
make our enterprises work. While
we may choose to believe that we
are at the fulcrum of our
businesses, the fact is that we can
go away for weeks at a time
without disrupting anything — but
these few people’s absence can
create chaos. 
    Therefore, there are very few
people like Prema in the
organisation—who have seen it
from the inside, watched all the
mistakes, read all the email traffic.
We are very fortunate at Genpact
—we have had a core group of
leaders and our core staff—who
can make everything work

Support & reliability, maxed
     I have often said Anu and
Raghu don’t work for me, but
actually ‘walk’ with me. They
can often read my mind.
Therefore, I have a
supremely efficient,
dependable and reliable back
office 24X365. Both of them
are like family members,
embraced by my wife and
three (now four) children.
They too, when required rely
on them with the same level
of confidence and comfort.
My children call them Anu
aunty and Raghu uncle.
Through the highs and lows
 Suresh was clearly a part of
this network of trust and a
great companion through the
highs and lows. Be it the ban
on import of generators that
set us back temporarily or
winning the mobile licence
for Delhi which opened the
doors for us to dream big,
Suresh was a part of them
all. Being a part of this
memorable Bharti journey in
value creation, Suresh
benefited with 2700 Airtel
shares under the Employee
Stock O P
 If you're always amenable
 , "Your boss will quickly come to see
you as a huge asset to the team and
as someone he can count on."

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