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Kamianets-Podilskyi is a city in the Khmelnytsky Region of

Ukraine. According to archeological sources, the origin of
Kamenets dates back to the end of the XII century - the
beginning of the XIII century. First, the city was part of Kyivan
Rus and then belonged to the Halych-Volyn Principality. In
1240, Mongol-Tatars invaded Kamianets and owned it until
1362. Later, the army of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Olgerd
gained control over the town, and he passed the area to his
nephews – the Koriatovych brothers.

Since 1434 Kamianets belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian

Commonwealth, with a short time when it was part of the Ottoman
Empire (1672-1699). During the Soviet-Ukrainian war (1917–1923),
the town changed ownership many times.
Nowadays, the town is very interesting for tourists – the national
historical and architectural reserve “Kamianets” is listed in the
“Seven wonders of Ukraine” and has more than 150 architectural
Unequivocally, the main attraction of the city is the fortress - an age-old fortress
built to protect the city on the steep banks of the Smotrych. For centuries, the
fortress of Kamyanets-Podilsky was invincible.  One of the legends says that when in
1621 Khan Osman with his army approached the city and saw the walls of the
fortress, he was surprised by their strength. The fortress was captured only twice in
its history: in 1393 by the Lithuanian prince Vytautas, and in 1672 by a large Turkish
army, which remained here until 1699.
For its unusual beauty, the Crystal Cave is called
the underground pearl of Podillya.  At the
beginning, the walls and vaults of the Crystal
Cave sparkle with crystals of dark brown plaster,
washed by the waters of the ancient Sarmatian
Sea.  It is said to have formed about 20 million
years ago.  Then the water washed away the
whole system of gypsum passages in the bowels
of the earth. Crystal Cave is one of the ten
largest gypsum caves on the planet.
Castle or Turkish bridge, built by the Romans in the early second century.  It is included in
the "Book of Records of Ukraine" as the oldest bridge and is recognized as one of the
seven wonders of Kamianets-Podilskyi.  He defended the city and was the last obstacle in
the way of enemy troops.  After the conquest of Kamenets by the Turks, the Castle
Bridge underwent a long and extensive reconstruction, after which it became known as
the Turkish Bridge, and some researchers mistakenly believed that the bridge was built
by the Turks.  There are still more than 20 caves in the canyon rocks where gunpowder
was stored during the war.  There is a legend that under the bridge is the treasure of the
Turkish sultan.
Bakota is a flooded village in Podillya, near Kamianets-Podilskyi.  Today this place is
known for its incredible scenery and silence.  In the early 1980s, hundreds of families left
their homes and farms here.  People were evicted and the village was flooded to build a
reservoir for a powerful hydroelectric power plant.
The city was first mentioned in historical works in 1024.  In the thirteenth century, Bakota
was marked as a large city. In princely times, this city was considered the capital of the
According to archeological excavations along the Dniester River, pagan sanctuaries were
located, and funerary monuments with mass burials of women were found.  Numerous
studies by archaeologists have shown that these areas have been quite densely populated
since prehistoric times.

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