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The Rockefeller Foundation in India

The Rockefeller Foundation Operations in

• The activities of the Rockefeller Foundation in India are largely promotion of social-
economic development and charity programs for sustainable development across the
• It operates under an organizing philosophy : the foundation helps to start institutions or
programs and then the government or private sources within the country in question
must carry on their work and support them if they are to survive
• The organization is presently involved in Smart Power India and Rural Electrification
initiatives, which are sustainable programs aimed at ensuring that all Indians have
access to electricity. The initiative is closely related to Smart Power for
Environmentally and Economically Sound Development (SPEED) is an initiative of the
Contribution to Socio-economic
Rockefeller Foundation that was initiated in 2008-09 through a consortium of partners:
Decentralized Energy Systems India Private Ltd and the Confederation of Indian
Development in India
Industry’s Green Business Centre (CII-GBC). • RF’s role in fostering agricultural education, notably through Operations Considering Historical and
• Other activities include women empowerment programs or initiatives such as Building
a Just Future mission that aims to elevate women in matters of leadership globally
Cumming’s leadership of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute Contemporary Indian Social-economic
• The foundation is also actively involved in education in India through CSR programs (IARI), and in developing the high-yield varieties of grains that
such as funds and scholarships became part of the Green Revolution Development
• The biggest part of their operation in India is the investment in Healthcare . The  The historical and contemporary social-economic development of India has always been
• Investing in building resilience in achieving sustainable
Rockefeller foundation invest heavily in Indian’s public health part of the Rockefeller foundation’s expansion in India.
• The foundation supports public health initiatives such as the development goals. It is the biggest player in Indian’s quest for  The quest for social equality during post colonial period become a significant opportunity
green economy , called the green revolution. The company invests for The Rockefeller foundation to expand to India.
 Imperial farms were broken up and redistributed to peasant workers who were encouraged
in green energy through Smart Power India and rural electrification
to adopt modern technology, but they lacked adequate funds and training to make use of
initiatives. scientific advances.
• The foundation is actively involved in the development of the  Furthermore India began to import much of its food, buying rice from Pakistan and wheat
resilience in the public health. It collaborates with organization from the United States. But the fledgling nation needed to develop its own resources.
 Consequently, RF saw an opportunity to replicate its Mexican Agriculture Program (MAP)
such as USAID to promote equitable and effective national public
that has worked well in Mexico.
health.  The preceding years include RF participation in training and Development of technicians to
• supporting efforts towards social equality through programs such support the new technologies Indian new firms
 Besides, the RF was also actively involved in the public health of India.
as educational funds to the poor and other marginalized groups
 As early as 1920s, the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) initiated public health worked in a
• Supporting country’s efforts toward food security and economic number of locations in the Indian Ocean region. For instance, it is attributed to programs
development such as anti-hookworm campaign
• Supporting infrastructure developments across various sectors with  It is also attributed to establishment of the all-Indian school of hygiene and
 Other historical and socio-economic issues include, The Rockefeller Foundation introduced
a keen focus on energy sector.
training programs for medical professionals in maternal and child health (MCH), supported
• Supporting institutions such Indian Red Cross to achieve their the development of schools for public health nurses and developed health units or rural
mission health pilot projects with substantial MCH and community outreach components.
• Programs and resilience against social problems such as poverty,
racism and ignorance(lack of education professor
Funded by

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