Approach To Child With Generalized Edema: Dr. Sundal Aijaz

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                                          Dr. Sundal Aijaz 

◦Fluid accumulation in body tissues extra vascularly

1. Cardiac failure
2. Renal disease
3. Liver disease
4. Hypoproteinemia
5. Allergic reactions
◦ Swelling
◦ Shiny skin
◦ Enlarge abdomen
◦ Sudden weight gain
◦ Puffy eyes
◦ Severe edema that may cause
severe leg pain, feel heavy
and difficult to walk
◦ Ulcer may also develop on skin
of leg since severe leg edema
can interfere with the blood
Starling's forces:
pressure_ colloid
osmotic pressure
hydrostatic pressure:
pressure of blood
against the wall of
exerted by the blood
will become lower
as the blood moves
along the capillaries,
from the arterial to
venous end.
Colloid osmotic
pressure: exerted by
proteins in the blood
plasma or interstitial
◦ Right sided heart failure-systemic congestion and generalized edema
◦ Left sided heart failure – initially pulmonary congestion and edema later
generalized edema
◦ Pitting edema
◦ Dependent edema: Ambulant-maximal over ankles and feet(pedal)
                                               - worse towards end of day 
                                               -clears up with recumbence
Bed ridden- maximal over sacrum
Legs         Face          Ascites
◦ Symptoms of CCF such as orthopnea, paraoxysmal nocturnal dyspnea in
older children and poor weight gain,
Feeding difficulties, excessive sweating,
Bluish episodes and respiratory distress in
◦ Signs: cardiomegaly, pallor, cool extremities
Weak pulse, murmur, displaced apex
Beat, elevated JVP
Renal Edema
◦ Nephrotic , Nephritic, Renal failure
- severe,generalized,dependent
- loose connective tissue, subcutaneous tissue, visceral organs
- face(periorbital) legs(with scrotal swelling) ascites
- Other features –massive proteinuria, Hypoalbuminemia,
- Frothy urine suggests nephrotic syndrome
◦ Acute nephritic: -mild
-loose connective tissue
(eyelids and face, ankles, genitalia)
-moderate proteinuria
-Signs and symptoms of chronic insufficiency such as anemia, growth
retardation, uremic symptoms such as nausea and vomiting
◦ Both –more on waking up after sleep
-generalized, pitting
Liver Disease
◦ Ask for history of fever, anorexia, vomiting,
Abdominal pain, progressive jaundice,
Fetor hepaticus , bleeding manifestations,
Clay color stool, black tarry stool, hematemesis,
Pruritis and abdominal distension.
Stigmata of chronic liver disease such as palmer erythema, clubbing and
Spider naviae.
◦ Chronic liver disease
- Decreased protein synthesis
- Ascites legs face
- Pitting edema
Protein losing enteropathy
◦ History of diarrhea, steatorrhea , foul stools, failure to thrive, repeated
infections and recurrent abdominal pain.
◦ Detailed dietary history for possible cow milk allergy and gluten
◦ Assess for complications of anemia, malnutrition and viatmin deficiency.
◦ This condition should be considered in every case of unexplained edema
(even without diarrhea) especially when it is associated with
Protein energy malnutrition
◦ History of anorexia, lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, failure to thrive,
susceptibility to infections, night blindness, inadequate or inappropriate dietary
history especially prolonged lack of protein.
◦ Growth parameters, irritability, skin changes, hair changes, signs and
symptoms of micronutrient deficiency.
Allergic reactions
◦ Edema usually mild, commonly periorbital
◦ History of allergen exposure such as medications, animal dander,
food preservatives and coloring.
◦ Associated rashes such as urticarial
◦ Assess for steven-johnson reaction
◦ CBC : normochromic normocytic anemia suggest chronic disease,
megaloblastic anemia suggests B12 and folate deficiency from small
bowel disease
◦ urine dipstick and microscopy: proteinuria, hematuria and casts are
indicative of renal disease.
◦ RFT: raised serum urea and creatinine are indicative of renal disease.
◦ LFT: hypoalbuminemia, hyperbilirubinemia and elevated liver enzymes.
◦ Chest xray ,ECG, Echocardiography
◦ General measures
1. Dietary management : Na restriction and fluid restriction to 2/3
of maintenance depending on the severity of edema.
2. Diuretics therapy
3. Bed rest
4. Specific therapy according to the cause

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