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• Eat More: Fruits

• Many studies suggest that people with
schizophrenia often don’t get enough
fiber. Fruits -- raspberries, pears,
apples, and others -- are some of the
best sources of it. Fiber helps lower
“bad” cholesterol and aids in digestion.
Fiber-rich diets may lower your chance
of some health problems that often are
associated with schizophrenia, like
heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
Fruits have healthy vitamins, too.
• Eat More: Vegetables
• 3/13Low in fat and calories, packed
with fiber and important vitamins,
and without any heart-heavy
cholesterol, vegetables are another
staple missing in the diet of many
people who have schizophrenia.
Potassium, a key nutrient that may
help keep your blood sugar in
check, is in veggies like lima beans,
kidney beans, and sweet potatoes.
• Eat More: Salmon and Other Fatty Fish
• 4/13Omega-3 fatty acids can’t be made
by the body. You need to get them
through food. Why do you need them?
A growing amount of research says that
omega-3 fatty acids can prevent and
ease the symptoms of schizophrenia
and slow the disease’s progress. Salmon
and mackerel are great sources of those
acids. Don’t like fish? Ask your doctor
about omega-3 supplements.
• Research suggests the vitamin
niacin can slow the advance of
schizophrenia and help ease its
symptoms. One rich source of
niacin is chicken; another is
marinara sauce.
• Experts say there may be a
relationship between low levels
of zinc and schizophrenia.
Oysters, crab, and lobster are
high in this nutrient. You can
also find it in beef and in
fortified cereals. It’s available in
supplements, too, but talk to
your doctor before you take any
of those.
• Some experts believe that
sensitivity to wheat can be a
factor in mental health
conditions like schizophrenia.
One study suggests some people
with schizophrenia had their
condition improve when they
switched to a gluten-free diet.
Gluten is a protein found in
wheat and other grains. Talk with
your doctor about it.
Depressive disorders
• A 2017 study found that the symptoms of people with moderate-to-
severe depression improved when they received nutritional counseling
sessions and ate a more healthful diet for 12 weeks.
• The improved diet focused on fresh and whole foods that are high in
nutrients. It also limited processed refined foods, sweets, and fried
food, including junk food.
• Depressive symptoms, including mood and anxiety, improved enough
to achieve remission criteria in more than 32% of the participants.
• The researchers concluded that people could help manage or improve
their symptoms of depression by addressing their diet.
• Selenium
• Some scientistsTrusted Source have suggested that increasing 
selenium intake might help improve mood and reduce anxiety, which
may help make depression more manageable.
• Selenium is present in a variety of foods, includingTrusted Source:
• whole grains
• Brazil nuts
• some seafood
• organ meats, such as liver
• Vitamin D
• Vitamin D may help improve the symptoms of depression, according to a
2019 meta-analysisTrusted Source.
• People obtain most of their vitamin D through sun exposure, but dietary
sources are also important.
• Foods that can provide vitamin D includeTrusted Source:
• oily fish
• fortified dairy products
• beef liver
• egg
• Omega-3 fatty acids
• The results of some studies have suggested that omega-3 fatty acids might help with
depressive disorders.
• However, the authors of a 2015 reviewTrusted Source concluded that more studies are
necessary to confirm this.
• Eating omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of mood disorders and brain diseases
by enhancing brain function and preserving the myelin sheath that protects nerve cells.
• Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids includeTrusted Source:
• cold-water fish, such as salmon, sardines, tuna, and mackerel
• flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and chia seeds
• walnuts
• Vitamins B-12 and B-9 (folate, or folic acid) help protectTrusted
Source and maintain the nervous system, including the brain. They
may help reduce the risk and symptoms of mood disorders, such as
• Zinc helps the body perceive taste, but it also boosts the immune
system and may influence depression.
• Some studiesTrusted Source have suggested that zinc levels may be
lower in people with depression and that zinc supplementation may
help antidepressants work more effectively.
• Foods such as yogurt and kefir may boost the levels of beneficial
bacteria in the gut.
• Healthy gut microbiota may reduce the symptoms and risk of
depression, according to a 2016 meta-analysisTrusted Source. The
researchers suggested that Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium may
• Regularly consuming large amounts of alcohol can lead to further
complications, such as accidents, family issues, loss of employment,
and ill health.
• Processed oils
• Refined and saturated fats can triggerTrusted Source inflammation,
and they may also impair brain function and worsen the symptoms of

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