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Homework – Due Monday 10th October

Write at least 2 analytical paragraphs in response to the following

How does Ted Hughes present the soldier’s experiences of war in
‘Bayonet Charge’?
Remember that the first sentence of Remember you AOs:
each paragraph should answer the
question. So you must either: AO1 – How well you respond to the
question and your effective use of quotes
1. State a technique that is used to to back up all ideas.
present the experiences of the
soldier. AO2 – You ability to analyse the effect of
2. State something specific about his techniques/methods used by the poet
experience e.g. Ted Hughes and the possible effects upon a reader
presents the soldier’s experience (remember subject terminology).
AO3 – Context – Why did the poet
Do not write ‘Ted Hughes present the present it in this way? What might their
soldier’s experiences in the poem message have been and why?
Homework – Due Monday 10th October
Write at least 2 analytical paragraphs in response to the following
How does Ted Hughes present the soldier’s experiences of war in
‘Bayonet Charge’?
Making sure you hit those AOs – paragraph structure
1) State what technique is used OR what specifically you learn about the soldier’s
2) Back this up with a relevant quote.
3) Explore what this quote reveals.
4) Comment on how a specific technique has revealed this.
5) Potential to back this up with a second quote with some explanation.
6) Comment on how this may affect the reader
7) Comment on why the poet may have chosen to show this.

The next 2 slides contain example paragraphs. Have a look at the analysis of
language as well as how they hit (or don’t hit@ the AOs.
Looking at Language:
it up…
Writing it up
A grade 4 (maybe 5) example:
In ‘Bayonet Charge’ Ted Hughes uses a
number of poetic techniques to convey the Basic: Write up one further
soldier’s experiences of war. The simile ‘like point using your grid as a plan
a man who has jumped up in the dark and
runs’ powerfully describes the soldier’s Developed: Focus in and
disorientation and vulnerability as he explode the quotation… focus
in on the details of it to fully
stumbles blindly through the carnage
support your point.
towards the hedge. The use of the adjective
‘dark’ implies that he has no idea what he is
Alliteration is evident in the line ‘…’,
doing and shows his lack of understanding. the repeated ‘…’ sound...
It may also show that he is doing an evil
The use of onomatopoeia such as ‘…’
deed and that war is not always good. vividly conveys …
Looking at
at Language
Language (2):
How does Hughes use language of present
the experience of war?
A grade 6-7 example:

In ‘Bayonet Charge’ Ted Hughes uses imagery to present the soldier’s experience
of war as troublesome. The simile ‘like a man who has jumped up in the dark and
runs’ powerfully describes the soldier’s disorientation and vulnerability as he is
‘stumbling’ blindly through the carnage towards the ‘hedge’. The use of the
descriptive adjective ‘dark’ implies that he has no idea of what he is doing and
shows his lack of understanding. It could also suggest that he has no end goal,
presenting his views on the war as aimless. The negative connotation of ‘dark’
link to evil and could reflect reaction of the soldiers to the dangerous missions
that those in charge of the ‘nations’ sent them on. While most war poetry of
WWI focused on the pride of fighting for your country, Hughes’ experience of
first hand stories from his grandfather could have revealed the true feelings of
the soldiers and the horrors of war, causing them to lose the patriotic tear that
convinced them to join up and fight in the first place. Alliteration is evident in the line ‘…’,
the repeated ‘…’ sound...

The use of onomatopoeia such as ‘…’

vividly conveys …

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