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Organization and

• Business success requires thoughtful strategy developed into a plan
that is executed effectively. Organizational management is the process
of leading a company and effectively using or controlling its assets and
resources. Organizational management goes well beyond a corporate
structure; it requires leaders to have methods in place to resolve issues
and develop solutions that help the business move closer to its desired
goals and vision.
Organization Management Definition

• Organizational management is a combination of many components of

leadership within a company. The actual structure of the company is
utilized to gather information to analyze it. This analysis is then used to
develop strategies that are then implemented and executed via
meetings, training and promotion. Every business utilizes organizational
management in a different way contingent on the unique needs of the
Importance of Organizational Management

• A business should place a priority on establishing solid organizational

management to create a company that clearly pursues goal achievement.
Business leaders need to be clear on the goals of the company and
implement processes and procedures and are willing to monitor and adjust
based on critical feedback. When this happens, subordinates are clear on
how to complete tasks. This creates equilibrium in the company allowing it
to adapt as needed in changing environments. It also gives company
workers the ability to present ideas from the baseline level of production or
service that gives senior executives the raw data needed to improve things.
• Companies emphasizing the details and how to execute them properly
but willing to accept feedback is a company positioned for success
because it uses resources optimally. Senior level managers that live in a
bubble without considering what the layperson on the assembly line
knows is leaving the company vulnerable to errors and problems. It also
means the company may miss opportunities for innovation that leaves it
exposed to innovative competitors. Mismanagement leads to mistakes,
missed opportunities and ultimately higher costs. Proper management
effectively uses financial resources and reduces overall costs.
What is Organization Management ?

• Organization management refers to the art of getting people together on

a common platform to make them work towards a common predefined
• Organization management enables the optimum use of resources
through meticulous planning and control at the workplace.
• Organization management gives a sense of direction to the
employees. The individuals are well aware of their roles and
responsibilities and know what they are supposed to do in the
Need for Organization Management

• Organization management gives a sense of security and oneness to the

• An effective management is required for better coordination among various
• Employees accomplish tasks within the stipulated time frame as a result of
effective organization management.
• Employees stay loyal towards their job and do not treat work as a burden.
• Effective organization management leads to a peaceful and positive ambience
at the workplace.

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