Physical Education: By: Rheeya Tamanna Xi D Xi D 09 14

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By: Rheeya Tamanna

09 14
Physical Education in simple words is understood as learning with the
help of movements of body and realizing the benefits at mental level.
It simply means education through the use of physique and physical
movements and deriving the advantage for social gain.
Physical education teaches how to acquire ability to develop strength,
speed, endurance and coordination abilities. It also emphasizes on
achieving social qualities, such as, cooperation, friendliness, team spirit
and respect for rules, which are essential for healthy social relations with

• In physical education, the final aim is to make every human being physically,
mentally and emotionally fit and also to provide each kind of opportunity to
them, so that they can develop such personal and social qualities which will
help them to live happily with others and shape themselves as true citizens of
the country.
• Sports and physical education are an integral part of the learning process, and
need to be included in the evaluation of performance. A nation-wide
infrastructure for physical education, sports and games are required in the
educational field.
• In physical education, the final aim is to make every human being physically,
mentally and emotionally fit and also to provide each kind of opportunity to them, so
that they can develop such personal and social qualities which will help them to live
happily with others and shape themselves as true citizens of the country.
• There are different objectives of Physical education brought by the experts in this
i. Motor Development
ii. Mental Development
iii. Emotional Development
iv. Social Development
v. Moral Development

• Mental development refers to the ability to think and solve problems effectively.
• Knowledge received by participating in physical activities about body movement,
health, fitness, sanitation, nutrition, disease prevention and others may contribute to
an individual’s mental development.
• A mentally developed person takes wise decisions at the right time and in a right
• Mental development objectives deal with a person’s ability to think correctly, act
wisely and skillfully in all situations of life.
• In this manner, physical education also sharpens the mind and makes it more
• This refers to a psychological situation of body and mind. Emotion is a drive to do
• Emotion covers experiences, such as, fear, anger, joy, love, sorrow, etc. It is usually a
feeling which has specially become intense.
• A child needs to develop confidence, a feeling of belongingness, and eliminate
negative feelings through participating in games, sports, yoga, etc.
• Play helps children practice their communication skills as they negotiate roles and
appreciate others’ feelings.
• Play also allows children to express and cope with their feelings through pretend
play, which allows them to think out loud about their experiences and feelings.
• This objective of physical education refers to the feeling of belongingness,
adjustment of group living, social poise, social relationships, and social adjustment.
• Physical activities provide such opportunities to the children to fulfil basic needs
like, recognition, self-respect, belongingness, and love.
• When these needs are fulfilled, the individual becomes a well-adjusted social person.
• While participating in physical activities including games and sports, an individual
acquires social qualities, such as, cooperation, friendship, courtesy, empathy, team
spirit, democratic living, sportsperson ship, etc.
• These qualities are essential for social development.
• It leads to the development of our organ systems, such as circulatory system,
respiratory system, etc.
• Physical education is related to physical activities, and when we perform these
activities, there are various effects of these activities on our organ systems.
• These systems witness growth in size, shape, efficiency, etc.
• This also promotes sound health, which enables the individual to be a valuable
asset for the nation.
• Hence, it can be stated that physical development is possible through this
objective of physical education.
• The development of health is also an objective of physical education.
• It educates on the prevention of communicable diseases.
• There are various programmes on recreation.
• The programmes of physical education in modern age help reduce
anxiety, stress and tension up to a large extent, so that the individuals
experience healthy life.
• It educates us about balanced diet and encourage about healthy lifestyle.

• This objective is concerned with a better relationship between nervous

system and muscular system.
• In various game situations, our neuro-muscular coordination is
• Good neuro-muscular coordination helps to keep off fatigue during
vigorous activities.
• It ensure accurate and smooth functioning of our body.
• While doing physical activities, our reaction time becomes less.

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