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Kinship in Politics

Presented By Erwin B. Marcelo MAED

Social Sciences
Kinship in Politics

 Kinship in Politics –
Kinship is present in all
societies; thus, it is
universal. It played
significant roles and
influenced the cultural
life and economic
activities during the
early times.
 Bands are small groups of
self-sufficient hunters. The
approximate number of
people in a band is more
or less 100 persons, who
are associated by kinship.
They are composed of
blood-related families
standing on the same
social ground. This means
there is no social or
economic distinction
among families.
 Chiefdoms are a type of
political organization that
is composed of different
tribes or villages which are
in alliance with one
another under one
political leader or the
 The chief has political
power to rule over the
population which
approximately numbers to
 Chiefdom has a social
stratification system that is
hereditary or based on
ascription. Age is also a
crucial factor in determining
the social status of the
leaders. In the Philippines,
an example of chiefdom is
the sultanate.

 Chiefdom is bigger in terms

of population and territorial
coverage; there are more
diverse groups of people
and less commonality,
unlike tribes and bands.
 Another important
function of the chief is
protecting his/her
territory. The chief is
the military leader who
needs to show his/her
prowess in warfare by
organizing the people
to have a strong
military force.
 States – In the fourth grade,
you have been introduced to
the concept of nation and a
state, and the branches of
which the latter consist.
 State is a large community of
people occupying a definite
territory, having a
government of their own,
wherein a great body of
inhabitants render
obedience and enjoy
freedom from external

 Authority is the power

of an individual/ a
group to enforce rules
upon the members of a
certain group.
Charismatic Authority
 Charismatic Authority This type of
authority is concerned with how a
political institution can be maintained by
the leader’s personality. Charismatic
leader has a charisma to galvanize a
diverse group of people to fallow his/her
political course of action.
• Most of the time, charismatic leader is
seen as possessing exceptional and / or
supernatural qualities, and may not
necessary possess good values.

• Many Charismatics leaders have no

political machines to employ in
addressing the problems of his/her
group. The end result in this kind of
Traditional Authority
 According to Max Weber, traditional authority is
concerned with how political system can be maintained
by the constant reference to customs, tradition, and

 This type of authority rests on an established belief of

immemorial traditions and the legitimacy of those
exercising authority under the rule.
 The traditional leader also has his/her own leadership
difficulties. Traditions, conventions, and customs are
not stable since they vary and change over time,
additionally, authority may be shaky if these traditions
are questioned by new ideas and systems.
Legal-Rational Authority
 Legal-Rational Authority – is
based on well-defined laws.
People fallow the laws, not
because of the leader’s
charisma but because of the
legitimacy and validity of laws
bestowed upon all members
of society. The decisions of
the leader rest on the legal
code which is promulgated by
the rationality-based law
making body.

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