Name The Language: How Good Is Your Knowledge of The World's Main Languages?

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Name the Language

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How good is your knowledge of the

world’s main languages?
Which World Language?
• Listen to each audio recording.
• Try to name the language that is
spoken (2 pts).
• If needed. Get a hint. You’ll see a
written script of the recording.
• Guess again (1 pt).
• Find out your result at the end and
find out more about that language of
the world.
The audio and text are readings from Article 1 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.

Visit here for the full text. Watch the video.

Readings from Librivox and the U.N.

Name The Language

All human beings are born free

and equal in dignity and rights.
They are endowed with reason
and conscience and should act
towards one another in a spirit
of brotherhood.
Name The Language

The English Language

English belongs to the Indo-

European family, Germanic group,
West Germanic subgroup and is
the official language of over 1.7
billion people. Home speakers are
over 330 million. 
Name The Language

Tous les êtres humains naissent

libres et égaux en dignité et en
droits. Ils sont doués de raison et
de conscience et doivent agir les
uns envers les autres dans un
esprit de fraternité.
Name The Language

The French Language
French belongs to the Indo-
European family, Romance group,
and is the official language of
nearly 200 million people. It is
spoken by over 124 million people,
including second language users in
all countries.
Name The Language

Все люди рождаются свободными

и равными в своем достоинстве и
правах. Они наделены разумом и
совестью и должны поступать в
отношении друг друга в духе
Name The Language

The Russian Language
Russian belongs to the Indo-
European family, Slavonic group
and is spoken by over 290 million
people. Russian was the lingua
franca of the Russian Empire and
the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics (USSR).
Name The Language
Name The Language

The Japanese Language
Japanese, spoken by more than 125
million people in Japan, ranks among
the top ten languages of the world.
Japanese is not, as is sometimes
thought, genetically related to
Chinese, but rather to Korean and
other Altaic languages, such as
Name The Language

Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an

Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit
Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen
einander im Geiste der Brüderlichkeit
Name The Language

The German Language
German belongs to the Indo-
European family and has nearly 120
million speakers. Since English is a
Germanic language, it is not
surprising to find a high degree of
similarity in the vocabulary of the
two languages. 
Name The Language

Tutti gli esseri umani nascono liberi

ed eguali in dignità e diritti. Essi sono
dotati di ragione e di coscienza e
devono agire gli uni verso gli altri in
spirito di fratellanza.
Name The Language

The Italian Language
It belongs to the Indo-European
family, Romance group and is spoken
by over 60 million people. Of all the
major Romance languages, Italian
retains the closest resemblance to
the Latin spoken by the Romans.
Name The Language
Name The Language

The Chinese Language
 Chinese is the official language of
over 1.1 billion people and, as a
mother tongue, it is the most spoken
language in the world. Chinese is the
language of the Han people, the
majority ethnic group of China. 
Name The Language

Todos los seres humanos nacen

libres e iguales en dignidad y
derechos y, dotados como están de
razón y conciencia, deben
comportarse fraternalmente los unos
con los otros.
Name The Language

The Spanish Language
Spanish belongs to the Indo-European
family, Romance group and is the
official language of over 330 million
people. Spanish is an important
immigrant language in numerous
Name The Language
Name The Language

The Korean Language
Korean is spoken by at least 75 million
people throughout the world, over 40
million in South Korea and over 20
million in North Korea. The Korean
alphabet (Hangul script), invented in
the years 1443-46, is the only true
alphabet native to the Far East. 
Name The Language

Todos los seres humanos nacen

libres e iguales en dignidad y
derechos y, dotados como están de
razón y conciencia, deben
comportarse fraternalmente los unos
con los otros.
Name The Language

The Portuguese Language
Portuguese belongs to the Indo-
European family, Romance group,
and is spoken by over 10 million
people in Portugal, and over 190
million in all countries where
Portuguese is the official language.
Name The Language
Name The Language

The Persian Language
Persian, also known as Farsi belongs
to the Indo-European family and is
spoken by nearly 33 million people,
mainly in Iran. It is one of the world's
oldest languages, a standard and
well-recognized tongue as early as
the 6th century B.C.
Name The Language

Kaikki ihmiset syntyvät vapaina ja

tasavertaisina arvoltaan ja oikeuksiltaan.
Heille on annettu järki ja omatunto, ja
heidän on toimittava toisiaan kohtaan
veljeyden hengessä.
Name The Language

The Finnish Language
There are approximately 5 million
speakers of Finnish, one of the few
languages of Europe not belonging to
the Indo-European family. Finnish, it
is agreed, is undoubtedly an
exceedingly difficult language to
Name The Language
Name The Language

The Bengali Language
Bengali belongs to the Indo-European
family, Indic group, and is spoken by
over 120 million people in
Bangladesh and over 68 million in
India. Only five other languages in the
world can claim as many as 190
million speakers. 
Name The Language
Name The Language

The Thai Language
Thai is spoken by 25 million people in
Thailand. Like Chinese, Thai is a tonal
language, meaning that different
tones, or intonations, distinguish
words that would otherwise be
Name The Language

Bütün insanlar hür, haysiyet ve

haklar bakımından eşit doğarlar. Akıl
ve vicdana sahiptirler ve birbirlerine
karşı kardeşlik zihniyeti ile hareket
Name The Language

The Turkish Language
It belongs to the Altaic family, Turkic
group, and is spoken by nearly 60
million people. It is also an important
immigrant language in Germany. To
various degrees, Turkish is intelligible
with other major languages of
Central Asia.
Name The Language

Alle mensen worden vrij en gelijk in

waardigheid en rechten geboren. Zij
zijn begiftigd met verstand en
geweten, en behoren zich jegens
elkander in een geest van
broederschap te gedragen.
Name The Language

The Dutch Language
Dutch belongs to the Indo-European
family, Germanic group and is spoken
by 20 million people, (nearly 14
million in the Netherlands). Flemish is
the name given to the language
spoken in Belgium and France.
How did you do?

48 You are a polyglot, a genius!

36-47 Wow. You are Indiana Jones!
25-35 Doing well. A definite linguist.
15-24 Watch some more international films
0 -14 You’d better join National Geographic
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