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Big Data in Management

V Trimester
Session 1 - Overview
Course Objective
• Explain the basic concepts behind deriving value
from Big Data and its importance to Businesses

• Develop skill sets needed to successfully extract

intelligence and value out of data sets

• How to integrate Big Data into a corporate culture

• Discuss the best practices for data analysis

Course Content
• Unit I: Big Data Concepts , Why Big Data Matters

• Unit II: Big Data and the Business Case, Building the Big Data

• Unit III: Big Data Sources

• Unit IV: Security, Compliance, Auditing, and Protection;

• Unit V: Practical: Pentaho, Weka, Twitter data analysis –

Hadoop, Framework and Tools – HDFS & Hbase
BDM – Text & Reference Books
• Reference Books:
• 1. Frank J Ohlhorst, “Big Data Analytics: Turning Big Data into Big
Money”, Wiley and SAS Business Series
• 2. Paul Zikopoulos, Chris Eaton, Paul Zikopoulos, “Understanding Big
Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data”,
McGraw Hill
• 3. Michael Berthold, David J. Hand, Intelligent Data Analysis, Springer
• 4. Bill Franks, “Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities
in Huge Data Streams with Advanced Analytics”, Wiley and SAS
Business Series
• 5. Thomas Erl, “Big Data Fundamentals – Concepts, Drivers &
Techniques”, 2016.
Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation parameter Marks

Quiz 10

Team Presentation (Evaluation: Individual & Team) 10

Assignments 10
Mid term Test 30
Total Internal 60
End term (Exam for 100 marks) 40
Total marks 100

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BDM Course Delivery Pattern

Course Delivery Number of

Regular Classroom Sessions - Theory 10
BDM Lab Sessions 8
Team Presentation - Case Discussion 6
*6 Students per team on the specified topic &

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Rules for Team Presentation - Allocation
• Team Size – 6 Members / Team
• 15 teams (MBA 8 + PGDM 7) = 90 students
• Total Duration is 20 Mins / Team (6 * 3 = 18 +2 Mins)
• Total Presentation – 10 Marks, all team members contribution is must.
• Presentation is on HBR Case study, (Case Selection ?)

• Grading :
A (9 marks),
B (7 Marks),
C (5 Marks) and
D (3 marks)
TEAM Presentation Topics

Date of Presentation Presentation Teams

23/11/2021 Teams 1,2,3
27/11/2021 Teams 4,5,6
29/11/2021 Teams 7,8, Reserve 1
03/01/2022 Teams 9, 10, 11
04/01/2022 Teams 12, 13,14
06/01/2022 Team 15, Reserve 2

• Evaluation is based on both Team and Individual presentation

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MBA & PGDM Students Presentation Details
Team. Topic Presenting Students Registration Date
1 Case 1 23/11
2 Case 2 23/11
3 Case 3 23/11
4 Case 4 27/11
5 Case 5 27/11
6 Case 6 27/11
7 Case 7 29/11
8 Case 8 29/11, R1
9 Case 9 03/01
10 Case 10 03/01
11 Case 11 03/01
12 Case 12 04/01
13 Case 13 04/01
14 Case 14 04/01
15 Case 15 06/01, R2

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Bits and bytes
• Bytes(8 bits)
• Kilobyte (1000 bytes)
• Megabyte (1 000 000 bytes)
• Gigabyte (1 000 000 000 bytes)
• Terabyte (1 000 000 000 000 bytes)
• Petabyte (1 000 000 000 000 000 bytes)
• Exabyte (1 000 000 000 000 000 000 bytes)
• Zettabyte (1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 bytes)
• Yottabyte (1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 bytes)
• Xenottabyte (1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 bytes)
• Shilentnobyte (1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 bytes)
• Domegemegrottebyte (1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
Some Make it 4V’s

More Clarity on 4 and 5 V th th

• Veracity
– SNR -Signal to Noise Ratio
– Example
• Data acquired in a controlled manner. (ex – online
customer registration) usually less noise than data
acquired via uncontrolled sources such as blog postings.
• Value
– Usefulness of data for 20 years or 20 minutes
– Example- 20 mins. delayed stock value has no value
DIKW Framework
• Data
• Information
• Knowledge
• Wisdom
Harnessing Big Data

• OLTP: Online Transaction Processing (DBMSs)

• OLAP: Online Analytical Processing (Data Warehousing)
• RTAP: Real-Time Analytics Processing (Big Data Architecture & technology)

Who’s Generating Big Data

Mobile devices
(tracking all objects all the time)

Social media and networks Scientific instruments

(all of us are generating data) (collecting all sorts of data)

Sensor technology and networks

(measuring all kinds of data)

• The progress and innovation is no longer hindered by the ability to collect data
• The ability to manage, analyze, summarize, visualize, and discover knowledge
from the collected data in a timely manner and in a scalable fashion

Big Data Definition (1)

“Big Data” is data whose scale, diversity, and

complexity require new architecture,
techniques, algorithms, and analytics to
manage it and extract value and hidden
knowledge from it…

Big Data Definition (2)
• Many firms whose sole existence is based
upon their capability to generate insights
that only Big Data can deliver.

Big Data Analysis
• BDA enable data-driven decision making with scientific
backing so that decisions can be based on factual data
and not simply on past experience or intuition alone.

• Example 1
– The number of ice-creams sold is related to daily

• Example 2
– Tyre sales data and road construction works.

Big Data Analytics
• Process of collecting, organizing, analysing large sets
of data (called Big Data) to discover patterns and
other useful information
• Four main categories
S.No. Analytics Type Value Complexity
1 Descriptive Hindsight Very Low
2 Diagnostic Insights Low
3 Predictive Insights High
4 Prescriptive Foresight Very High
1. BDA - Descriptive Analytics
• It answer questions about events that have
already occurred.
• Example 1
– What was the sales value of last 12 Months
• Example 2
– What is the monthly commission earned by each
sales agent ?
• Descriptive Analytics carried out via ad-hoc
reporting, static in nature, display historical
data (ERM, ERP, OLTP)
2. BDA - Diagnostic Analytics
• It aims to determine the cause of a
phenomenon that occurred in past using
questions that focus on the reason behind
the event.
• Example 1
– Why Q2 sales is < Q1 ?
• Example 2
– Why was there an increase in patient re-admission
rates over the past 3 months?
• Drill down, Rollup analysis
3. BDA - Predictive Analytics
• An attempt to determine the outcome of an event that might
occur in the future.
• The strength and associations form the basis of models that
are used to generate future predictions based upon past
• Models used for PA have implicit dependencies on the
conditions under which the past events occurred.
• If these underlying conditions change, then the models that
make predictions need to be updated.
• Example 1 – If a customer has purchased products A and B,
what are the chances that they will also purchase C?
• Example 2 - Who is likely to cancel the product that was
ordered through e-commerce portal?
4. BDA - Prescriptive Analytics
• Prescriptive Analytics build upon the results of prediction
analytics by prescribing actions that should taken.
• Provide results that can be reasoned about because they
embed element of a situational understanding.
• This kind of analytics can be used to gain an advantage or
mitigate a risk.
• Example 1 – Among these drugs which one provides the best
• Example 2 – When is the best time to trade a particular
• This approach shifts from explanatory to advisory and can
include the simulation of various scenarios
Big Data Ecosystem


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