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INFO 532: Scholarly Communication

Course Outline


Course description
• The course introduces the history, theory and practices of
scholarly communication, primarily in broad disciplinary
cultures, such as:
– the sciences,
– social sciences,
– arts and humanities.
• The course surveys the state of the art and techniques that
exist or are emerging in scholarly communication.
• It discusses Open Access and Institutional Repositories.

Course Credit & Course Prerequisite

• Course Credit: 3 Cr. Hrs.

• Course Prerequisite: Nil

Course objectives
• At the end of the course, students will:
– be able to demonstrate understanding of the nature of
scholarly communication and its impact on academic
and research libraries, archives, and other information
– have familiarity with technologies useful for capturing
and transferring scholarly information; and
– be capable of discussing current issues in scholarly
communication and their implications.

Learning outcomes
• Students who complete this course will be able to:
– grasp the nature of scholarly communication and
its impact on libraries, archives, and other
information organizations;
– apply technologies useful for capturing and
transferring scholarly information; and
– discuss current issues in scholarly communication
and their implications.

Course Content
• Chapter One: Scholarly Communication
– Motivation
– Overview of Scholarly Communication
– Historical perspectives of scholarly communication
– Scholarly traditions and new possibilities
– Databases and Indexes: Hands-On-With - Databases and
– Publishing and conferences
– How the Science Citation Index started

Course Content (Cont.)
• Chapter Two: The Scientific Literature
– Growth of Knowledge
– Bibliometrics
– Publication Patterns and Citation Connections
– Bibliography
• Chapter Three: International Issues,
– Collaboration: Collaboration Networks in Science,
– Publication Indicators and Database Coverage: How
Balanced is the Science Citation Index's Journal

Course Content (Cont.)
• Chapter Four: Evaluative Bibliometrics
– Citation Analysis: A Short History of the Use of Citations as a
Measure of the Impact of Scientific and Scholarly Work,
– Scientometrics: The Complementarities of Scientometrics and
• Chapter Five: Social Network Analysis
– Sociology of Science:
– Visualization (Citation Maps, Nodes, Graphs, & Networks): The
Citation Network as a Prototype for Representing Trust in the
Virtual Environment.
– Trends and New Technologies in Social Network Analysis (eprints,
creative commons, collaboratories, webmetrics and internet).
Course Policy
• Attending all class sessions;
• Participate in class discussions by providing insightful
observations and by attending other students'
• Reading all required references;
• Completing all course research practical; and
• Doing all assignments.

Teaching Methods
• Lectures;
• Practical exercises;
• Reading assignments;
• Seminars, where possible;
• Demonstration and discussions.

Technology Requirement

• Ability to:
– use a computer to word process;
– create power point presentations; and
– search for online information effectively.

Course Assessment/Grading
• Continuous Assessment of 70% (i.e. Attendance (5%), Term
paper(15%); Quiz(15%); Annotated bibliography(15%)
Individual Assignment(10%); Group Assignment 10%; and
• Written examination of 30%; will be used to assess the
progress of the trainees.
• The grading Scale and Letter Grade System shall be the
Haramaya University grading system

Term Paper
• As your individual term paper, each student should search
for an originally published article from a journal of library
and information science. Critique the article as:
• 1. Meeting the journal requirement/information to
• 2. Research methodologies and statistics used for data
analysis meet the research topic,
• On submission of report, student should attach the article
critiqued, extract of information to authors with his/her
• Submission on 29/01/2020
• Marks = 15% 13
Individual Assignment
• Annotated Bibliography
• Each student should define and compile an annotated bibliography
of 20 (twenty) bibliographical items on one of the list of topics
supplied in Appendix 4.
• Guidelines for the Compilation of Annotated Bibliography
• The annotated bibliography should provide the full reference
material for at least twenty (20) journal articles, books, or other
material on your selected topic within the Library and Information
science discipline.
• Please submit an email to the instructor on your topic for approval.
• The references should be formatted according to APA referencing
style and should be consistent throughout.
• Eighty percent of the references should be academic or research
articles from peer reviewed journals.
•   14
Individual Assignment (Cont.)
• The remaining 20% references may refer to materials in the popular
press, video recordings, or electronic resources.
• 1. Annotation:
– Each reference should be followed by a 3-5 sentence description
of the material, including a summary and evaluation.
• 2. Organization:
– After annotating all of the references, review the summaries
looking for common themes (at least three).
– These themes can be substantive, theoretical, methodological, or
some combination.
– Then divide all your references into these categories and list them
alphabetically by author surname first.
Individual Assignment (Cont.)
• 3. Introduction:
– The final stage of the annotated bibliography is to write a
two to three paragraph introduction to the bibliography.
– In this introduction you will:
• briefly describe significance of the topic to Library and
Information science;
• explain the organization of the bibliography and the
importance of the themes; and
• identify any gaps in the literature.
• For each theme provide a two to three sentence description of
Individual Assignment (Cont.)
• For information about what an annotated
bibliography please visit:

• Submission date: 26/2/2020 Tentative

• Score: 15% 17
Individual Assignment (Cont.)

• Title page with title of paper, name of student, mailbox number,

program class, Course, semester and date;
• Minimum font size is “12-point Times New Roman”;
• Printed result has a suitably dark impression;
• 1.5 spaced lines;
• Pages numbered;
• Section headings relevant to content;
• Citations in APA style;
• Reference list of all cited works in APA style at end of paper,
including print as well as web-based sources, peer-reviewed articles
and/or scholarly works
• Correct grammar and spelling, etc. 18

• Examination date: 18/3/2020 Tentative

• Score: 30%

Dr. Lawrence Abraham Gojeh, Jimma

University, Ethiopia
• Works are due at the time assigned on each homework
• Grades will be reduced by 5 points if no previous
permission for lateness was obtained from the instructor.

Class comfort
• Please turn off your cell phone;
• If absolutely necessary, leave it on but should be in silent
• Exit the room as quietly as possible to answer your call if
absolutely necessary.

 Mary Feeney. 1986, New Methods and Techniques for Information Management
(Scholarly communications guide). Humanities Pr.
 Charles Thomas, Ed.2002, Libraries, The Internet, and Scholarship: Tools and Trends
Converging. New York: Marcel Dekker.
 Mark L. Knapp and John A. Daly. 2004, A Guide to Publishing in Scholarly
Communication Journals 3 ed. (Published for the International Communication
Association) Routledge.
 Richard Ekman and Richard E. Quandt. 1999, Technology and Scholarly
Communication, University of California Press.
 Heather Morrison . 2009, Scholarly Communications for Librarians (Chandos
Information Professional) , Chandos Publishing.
 John Willinsky, The Access Principle: The Case for Open Access to Research and
Scholarship. MIT Press, 2005. ISBN-10: 0-262-23242-1; ISBN-13: 978-0-262-23242-5.
 A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield. Edited by Blaise Cronin and Helen Barsky
Atkins. ASIS Monographs. 2000. 544 p/hardbound. ISBN: 1-57387-099-4
 Libraries, The Internet, and Scholarship: Tools and Trends Converging. Charles
Thomas, Editor. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2002. ISBN: 0-8247-0772-9. 22
References (cont)
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References (cont)
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• 40. Arvanitis, R., Gaillard, J. (Eds) 1992, Science Indicators for Developing Countries, ORSTOM, Paris
References (cont)
• 41. Gibbs, W.W. 1995, Lost science in the Third World, Scientific American, 273, 76-83.
• 42. Moravcsik, M.J. 1985, Applied scientometrics: An assessment methodology for developing countries,
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• 43. Sancho, R. 1992, Misjudgements and shortcomings in the measurement of scientific activities in less developed
countries, Scientometrics, 23, 221-233.
• 44. Stolte-Heiskanen, V. 1986, Evaluation of scientific performance on the periphery, Science and Public Policy, 13, 83-
• Additional recommended literature
• Braun, T., Bújdosó, E., Schubert, A., 1987, Literature of analytical chemistry: a scientometric evaluation, CRC Press, Inc.,
Boca Raton, Florida.
• Tijssen, R. J. W., 1992, Cartography of science: scientometric mapping with multidimensional scaling techniques. DSWO
Press, Leiden University
• Noyons, E.C.M., 1999, Bibliometric mapping as a science and research management tool. DSWO Press, Leiden
• Wouters, P., 1999, The citation culture, PhD Thesis, Private edition.
• White, H.D., McCain, K.W., 1989. Bibliometrics. Annual Reviews of Information Science and Technology, 24, 119-186.
• Garfield, E., 1998, From citation indexes to infometrics: Is the tail now wagging the dog? Libri, 48, 67-80.
• Borgman, C.L., 1990, Scholarly communication and bibliometrics, Sage.
• White, H.D., McCain, K.W., 1998, Visualizing a discipline. An author co-citation analysis of Information science, 1972-
1995. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49, 327-355.
• Persson, O., 1994, The intellectual base and research fronts of JASIS 1986-1990. Journal of the American Society for
Information Science, 45, 31-38.

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