Ways To Make Universities Free For Everyone

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Presenter: Nguyễn Minh Ngọc
Class: K31A
Student Code: 12186074
Main Contents

I. Introduction:
Nowadays, many students around the world face financial constraints when it comes
to attending university. Since education is an essential part of life, there are several
ways to make universities free for all. Not only do the arguments for debt-free
education include personal benefits, but they also show how education helps to
positively impact society overall.
Main Contents

II. Body:

Seek out student- Pursue private

corporation partnerships scholarships and loan

Don't go to college right

away — work for a few
Seek out student-corporation partnerships
If a private corporation believes a
student is a valuable asset, they may
be incentivized to pay for his or her
college tuition on the understanding
that the student will work for the
company upon graduation.
Many large corporations are having
difficulty finding employees with the
skills they need in today's economy.
Some companies will pick up the
full or partial cost of their
employees' college education. And
it's not just the big, high-tech
companies anymore. Even Starbucks
provides free online education to
thousands of its employees,
including both full- and part-time
Pursue private scholarships and loan
There are tens of thousands of private
scholarships available for students of
all kinds, offered every year by
companies, non-profits, rotary clubs...
Some of these scholarships go
unclaimed each year because no one
even applies for them. Many students
don't want to work for scholarship
opportunities (often they will require
writing an essay, for example), because
it's easier to cover their tuition with
government loans.
There is also an entire industry of
people who lend money to bright
students on the understanding that
they will pay it back. And we're not just
talking about banks; loans can come
from private individuals willing to
extend loans for almost anything.
Borrowers need to do their research —
the opportunities are abundant.
Don't go to college right away — work for a few years
The idea of taking two years off
to work before college sounds
depressing to some. But gaining
experience in the real world
allows students to enter college
with some money in the bank
and a more practical view of
their futures. Many universities
admire students who have left a
full-time paycheck to pursue
their education, and may reward
that dedication with additional

Did you know that, in some European countries like Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, public colleges and
universities remain tuition-free? They’re free throughout Germany, too, and not just for Germans or Europeans but for
international citizens as well. That’s why every year, more than 4,600 students leave the United States and enroll in
German universities. 
Main Contents

III. Conclusion:
In my view, education is essential for personal and national well-being. We need to
ensure that every young person in this country who wishes to go to university can get
the education that he or she desires, without going into debt and regardless of his or
her family’s income.

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