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By Mary Jane T.

It was Sunday morning. Father and Mother
got up early. They went to Jan’s bedroom.
Good morning, Jan.
Happy birthday!

“Good morning, Jan. Happy birthday”,

greeted Mother.
Which gift do you like,
a set of new clothes
or a new bike?

“Which gift do you like, a set of new clothes or a new

bike?” Father asked as he kissed and embraced Jan.
May I have a new
bike, Father?

“May I have a new bike, Father?” asked Jan.

Yes, you may.

“Yes, you may”, agreed Father.

Thank you so much, Father
and Mother. May I ride on my
new bike as I go to school?

“Thank you so much, Father and Mother. May I ride

on my new bike as I go to school?” shouted Jan.
Yes son, but be careful always.
Do not run your bike too fast so
that you will not hurt yourself.

“Yes son, but be careful always. Do not run your bike too
fast so that you will not hurt yourself”, advised Father.
On Monday, Jan was ready for school. He rode on his bike.
will already
be in school
late when
in fivehe
noticed ahe
as he pedaled
his bikeHefaster
hit the
and fell from his bike.

I will be in school
in five minutes.
“Help! Help! I can’t stand. My foot aches!” shouted Jan.

Help! Help! I can’t

stand. My foot aches!
Mang Andres, a nearby pet shop owner,
hurriedly brought Jan to the hospital.
I should have obeyed the advice of my
Father not to run my bike too fast.

“I should have obeyed the advice of my Father not

to run my bike too fast”, regretted Jan.

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