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How to write the Introduction, body and

conclusion paragraphs


 Writing an introduction paragraph as a group and

individually at home.

 The introduction is the first paragraph of an essay. The goal of the introduction
should be to grab the reader’s attention and clearly state the topic.

 1st sentence: a hook (something funny, shocking, a question, or a quote.

 2nd sentence: Connection

 3rd sentence: Thesis statement (a strong and clearly written sentence which
explains what your essay will be about)
 1. As a lifelong crabber (that is, one who catches crabs, not a chronic
complainer), I can tell you that anyone who has patience and a great love for the
river is qualified to join the ranks of crabbers. 3. However, if you want your first
crabbing experience to be a successful one, you must come prepared.

 1.Just because you don’t see soldiers and tanks in your city doesn’t mean a war
is not going on right in front of you. 2. In the past, war was evident to everyone
and especially to the country in which the war is occurring. 3. Today, however,
war is secretive and strategic, but just as deadly.

 1. Would you ever drink or eat poison? 2. Most of us would say no, but we
unknowingly consume beverages and foods that can kill. 3. Thankfully, we can
prevent poisoning ourselves by knowing and avoiding the toxic chemicals found
in most foods.
Group Work

 Writing a body paragraph as a group and individually

at home.
Body Paragraph

 An academic essay should consist of at least 3 body paragraphs. The function

of the body paragraph is to support the thesis statement with different types of

First sentence: Topic sentence (explains what the text is about)

Second sentence: Introduce evidence (statistics, expert opinion or interview)
Third sentence(and forth if needed): Explain the importance of the evidence.
Last sentence: Concluding sentence: explain how this paragraph supports the

 1. A school uniform can decrease the instances of bullying and teasing in

schools. 2. In a survey of students, 60% of students reported that they had
been teased or bullied because of their clothing. In addition, 73% of
students responded that school uniforms would help to create a sense of
unity and family in the school. (Tang, 2017) 3. When students feel a sense
of unity and connection to the school and their peers, they are less likely to
tease each other. 4. School uniforms would help to create unity and
decrease bullying and teasing between students.
How to reference
 Referencing gives credit to the authors that you have taken information from.
Without referencing and intext citation, your essay is considered plagiarized.

 There are two parts

a. Intext citation: This is done directly after the evidence you have found and
(author’s last name , date of publication)

b. Reference list: This is a list of references placed at the end of the essay on a
separate page.
Last name, Initial of first name. Date (year). Name of the Article.
Group Work

 Writing a conclusion paragraph as a group and

individually at home.

 The conclusion is the last paragraph of the essay. The function of the
conclusion is to summarize the entire essay and restate the thesis
statement in a new way.

First, second (maybe third) sentences are to summarize the main points of
your essay.
The last sentence is to restate your thesis in a new way. (add new insight to
your thesis statement)

 In conclusion, there are many causes to bullying and most of them are
related to the psychology of the bully. However, it can be limited or
controlled by school’s making simple changes such as enforcing
uniforms, providing a guidance counsellor, and contacting parents.
Bullying is ugly and can have detrimental effects on the victims. In
order to solve the problem, we first have to treat the bully like a victim
as well, and take simple steps to make schools safe again.
Group Work
Essay Format (worth 3 marks of each
 All of your essay should be written in Times New Roman size 12. (0.5
 It should be double spaced throughout the essay. (0.5 marks)
 It must be printed! (1 mark)
 Your name, type of essay and date should be written on the top left corner.
(0.5 marks)
 Paragraphs must be indented and spaced to separate them. (0.5 marks)

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