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Compiled by:
Kelvin P. Saludo
I. An Overview
No community in our country is said to be free on the problems on illicit drug use.
Despite years of drug suppression efforts by all levels of government and by numerous-
drug organizations, the cycle of drug use continues. In answer to the globally challenging
problem of illicit trafficking and proliferation of dangerous drugs and to strengthen the
anti-drug abuse program of the government, Republic Act 9165, otherwise known as the
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 was passed, which in July 4, 2002,
effectively repealed and replaced the existing drug law, R.A 6425 otherwise known as the
Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972.
With the end in view of pursuing a more intensive and sustained campaign against the
trafficking of dangerous drugs, R.A 9165 reconstituted and revitalized the Dangerous Drug
Board (DDB) which already existed under R.A 6425, and vested it with increased powers
and duties to pursue its mandate as the policy making and strategy planning body in the
drafting and formulations of policies and programs on drug abuse prevention and control.
Entrenched in this drug law, however, are provisions aiming at achieving a
balance in the national; drug control program so that the people with legitimate
needs are not prevented from being treated with adequate amounts of required
medications which may include the use of dangerous drugs.
Unfortunately, no community in the Philippines can escape problems surrounding
illicit drugs.
Vice maybe defined as any immoral conduct or habit, the indulgence of which
leads to depravity, wickedness or corruption.
Drug Education is a learning process that influences an individual emotionally,
intellectually, psychologically, and socially and may result in the modification of
attitudes that influence behavior. It involves the formal mechanism of presenting
information, and includes a series of experiences and influences that help shape
the learning environment, the atmosphere of the school, the life-style present at
home, the attitude of parents, the pressures within peer group, the popular
culture, the personal experience with or without drugs, and the availability of
alternative mechanisms employed to carry out certain kinds of behavior.
The use of chemical substance that alter physiological functioning dates back to the Old Stone
Age. Egyptian relics from 3500 B.C. depict the use of opium in religious rituals. By 1600 B.C. an
Egyptian reference work listed opium as analgesic, or painkiller. The Incas of South America were
known to have used cocaine at least 5000 years ago. Cannabis, the hemp plant (Cannabis Sativa)
from which marijuana and hashis are derived, also has a 5000-year history.
During World Wars I and II, the use of injectable morphine to ease pain of the battle casualties
was so extensive that morphine addiction among veterans came to be known as the “soldier’s
disease”. By that time, the medical professional and the public recognized how addictive morphine
was, its use had reached epidemic proportions. Then 1898, the Bayer Drug Company in Germany
introduced a new opiate, supposedly a non-addictive substitute for morphine and codeine. It came
out under the trade name heroine, yet it proved to be even more addictive than morphine.
When cocaine, which was isolated from the coca leaf in 1869, appeared on the international drug
scene, it too was used for medicinal purposes. Its popularity spread and soon it was used in other
products, a variety of gin tonics, and the most famous of all, Coca-Cola, which was made until 1903.
It is noteworthy that drug abuse has become not only a national issue or a
problem of just a few countries but it is clear and present global danger. Today,
well-organized drug syndicates are behind this menace. They employ the most
advanced and most sophisticated technology coupled with unlimited financial
resources at their command and disposal. Police agencies around the world,
pooling their resources are more often than not, the losers in a game of hide and
seek with the international drug syndicates.
On the side of the globe is the second major traffic route, which is composed of
the popular “Golden Triangle” which is composed of three countries namely: (1)
Burma/Myanmar, (2) Laos and (3) Thailand; and “Golden Crescent” which is
composed of : (1) Iran, (2) Afghanistan, (3) Pakistan, and (4) India.
Southeast Asia
The “Golden Triangle” approximately produce 60% of opium in the world, and
90% opium in the eastern part of Asia. It is officially acknowledge source of Asian
A heroin is produced in the “Golden Triangle” and passes nearby countries in
relatively small quantities through air transport while in transit to the United States
and European countries.
Southwest Asia
The “Golden Crescent” is the major supplier of opium poppy,
marijuana and heroin products in the western part of Asia. It produced
at least 85% to 90% of all illicit heroin channel in the drug underworld
Middle East
The Becka Valley of Lebanon is considered to be the biggest producer of cannabis
in the Middle East. Lebanon has also become the transit country for cocaine from
South America to European illicit drug markets.
Spain is the major transshipment point for international drug traffickers in
Europe, and became the “Paradise of drug users” in Europe.
South America
Columbia, Peru, Uruguay, and Panama are the principal sources of all cocaine
supply in thee world due to the robust production of the “coca plants”.
Mexico is known in the world to be the number one producer of “marijuana”.
The Philippines is second to Mexico as the to the production of Marijuana. It also
became the major transshipment point for the worldwide distribution of illegal drugs
particularly “shabu” and “Cocaine” from Taiwan and South America. It is noted that
Philippines today is known as the drug paradise of drug abusers in Asia.
India is known as the center of the world’s drug map, leading to the rapid drug
addiction among its people.
North Sumatra has traditionally been the main cannabis growing area in Indonesia. Bali
Indonesia is an important transit point for drugs in route to Australia and New Zealand.
Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand
These countries are known to be the most favorable sites of drug distribution
from the “Golden Triangle” and other parts of Asia.
China is the transit route for heroin from the “Golden Triangle” to Hong Kong. It
is also the country where the “ephedra plant "cultivated-source of drug
“Ephedrine” which is the Principal chemical for producing Methyl amphetamine
Hydrochloride (shabu)
Hong Kong
Hong Kong is known as the world’s transshipment point of all forms of “heroin”
Japan has become the major consumer of cocaine point of all forms of “heroin”
The Columbian Medellin Cartel
Founded during the 1980’s by Columbian drug lords in the name of Pablo Escobar
Gaviria and drug bosses: Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha and the top aid cocaine
barons Juan David Ochoa Brothers.
The Medellin Cartel is reputedly responsible for organizing world’s drug trafficking
network. The Columbian government succeeded in containing the Medellin Cartel,
which resulted in the death, surrender, and arrest of the people behind the
organization. This further resulted to the disbandment of the Cartel that led to its
The Cali Cartel
The downfall of the Columbian Medellin Cartel is the rise of the Cali Cartel-the
newly emerged cocaine monopoly.
Gilberto Rodriguez Orajuela-better known as “Don Chepe” –”the Chinese player”
heads the syndicated organization. Under him, the Cali Cartel was considered the
most powerful criminal organization in the world. The cartel produces over 90% of
cocaine in the world. Due to its huge production, it was called the best and
brightest of the modern underworld. They are professionals of the highest order,
intelligent, efficient, imaginative and nearly impenetrable.
The Chinese Triad
The Chinese Triad, also called Chinese “Mafia” is the oldest and biggest criminal
organization in the world. It is believed to be the controller of the “Golden triangle”
with international connection on drug trafficking. The Chinese Triad is also referred
to as the “black societies”. Called themselves triads because of their highly
ritualistic use of numerology-a belief in magical significance of numbers. The 3 and
multiplies of 3 were accorded major importance by this group. The symbol triad
societies is depicted by an equilateral triangle with 3 sides representing the 3
Chinese concepts heaven, earth, and man.
II. Vice Defined
Vice refers to any immoral conduct or habit, the indulgence of which
leads to depravity, wickedness or corruption.
It is worthy to note that vices are generally thought of as habits or
behaviors that are, at best, unacceptable, and at their worst.. Immoral.
Yet there are those vices that have become so commonplace that we’ve
ceased to recognize them as such, depending on the culture you live in.
Importance of the Study of Vice
The importance of studying vice are as follows:
1. It is important because its evil effects are more disastrous, morally and
physically that of other crimes;
2. It is important because vice affects the daily lives of many people.
3. It is important because its existence causes a serious problem in law
4. It is important because commercialized vice disrupts the social make-up of the
Take for example, smoking. Half a century ago it wasn’t at all unusual for
Americans to smoke everywhere- in and out of doors, on airplanes, at the dinner
table, etc.. Today, our culture has changed due primarily to our understanding of its
effects on our health thus, we no longer see the kind of smoking that was once very
Yet it seems that the history of smoking and the presence of tobacco in the West
go back a few centuries. Apparently, men and women have enjoyed smoking as
long as there’s something to smoke.
Its been celebrated in song.
Coffee first arrived in Europe via Italy. More specifically, it came to Venice from
the Middle East and quickly spread throughout Europe. It got a huge promotional
boost in 1600 when the Pope decreed coffee to be drink of Christians. By the end
of the 17th Century, coffee houses has spread like wild fire, including in places such
as Leipzig Germany where they were also popular venues for musical performance.
It was this very setting that inspired Johann Sebastian Bach to compose his
satirical cantata “Sweight stille, plaudert nicht” better known as the “Coffee
Cantata” which tells of a daughter’s addiction to coffee and of her father’s
frustration in trying to get her to stop drinking it. In the end, he doesn’t really
succeed in spite of his best efforts.
Gambling is another one of those vices that is, depending on who you talk,
variously seen as recreation, an outright sin, or a distraction falling somewhere in
between the two.
Gambling, defined
Gambling is the act or activity of betting money, for example in card games or
on horse racing
Gambling is a game o scheme wherein the result of which depends wholly or
chiefly upon chance or hazard.
Chance of Hazard, defined
Chance of hazard is the uncertainty of the result of the game when outcome of
the game is incapable of calculation by human reason, foresight, capacity or design.
Wine and spirits have been libations of choice for many reveler, and drinking to
excess, par for the cause. Countless numbers of songs and dramas have marked
such excess from the middle ages through the present day.
Alcohol, defined
Alcohol is one of the oldest intoxicants known to man. It is created when grains,
fruits , or vegetables are fermented. Ever since, there has been a continuous effect,
everywhere, to control its consumption because of its devastating effects on
human life. Many countries all over the world have tried prohibition ban with little
Fermentation, Defined
Fermentation is a process that uses yeast or bacteria to change the sugars in the
food into alcohol. Fermentation is used to produce many necessary items.
Alcoholism, defined
Alcoholism refers to the state or condition of a person produced by drinking
intoxicating liquors excessively and with habitual frequency.
Alcoholic, defined
Alcoholic refer to a person who, from the prolonged and excessive use of
alcoholic beverages, finally develops physical and psychological changes and
dependence on alcohol.
How does Alcohol affect the body?
Alcohol is a depressant, which it slows down the function of the central nervous
system. Alcohol actually block some of the messages trying get into the brain. This
alters a person ‘s perceptions, emotions, movement, vision and hearing.
What is Prostitution
Prostitution is an act or practice of a woman who engages or habitually indulged
in sexual intercourse for money or profit.
Who is deemed a prostitute?
A prostitute is any woman who engages herself in indiscriminate sexual
intercourse or acts with males for hire.
Types of Prostitutes
The different types of prostitutes are:
1. Call Girl-this is a part-time prostitute who have her own legitimate work or
profession, but work as prostitute to augment her income.
2. Hustler-this is a professional type of prostitute who works at a bar or tavern.
She is also a pick-up girl or a street-walker.
3. Door Knocker-this is an occasional or selective type of prostitute who is usually a
new comer in the business.
4. Factory Girl- This type of prostitute is the real professional type who works in
regular house of prostitution.
What is Whore/Knocker
It is the name often used for all types of prostitute.
One who provides gratification for the lust of others.
White Slavery
The procurement and transportation of women across satellite for immoral
III. Drugs: Their sources, Classifications and Effects
Drug Defined
Drug is a chemical substance that brings about physical, physiological,
behavioral and or psychological change in a person taking it.
Are all Drugs Harmful?
Any drug maybe harmful when abused. The that many drugs will produce
beneficial results has led some people to feel that drugs solve all problems. Drugs
that affect the mind can have subtle or obvious side effects which can be
immediate or may only become evident after continuous use. There are drugs that
are taken as medicines. But certain drugs are taken not as medicines but to satisfy
craving or a strong desire and taking them becomes an ingrained habit. These
habit-forming drugs have brought misery to millions of people in every part of the
The following are the categories of drugs namely:
1. Herbal Drugs
Herbal drugs are plant substance that have drug effects whose use not generally
regulated by the law. These substances require little processing after the plants are
gathered. These drugs may be grown locally.
2. Over-the-counter drugs
Over-the-counter drugs are commercially produced drugs that may be purchased
legally without prescription. These drugs are also known as “propriety drugs”
3.Prescription Drugs
Prescription drugs are commercially produced drugs that can be legally sold or
dispensed only by a physician or on a physician’s order. They are like the over-the-
counter drugs in that they are manufactured by pharmaceutical companies, but they
differ in that the decision to use drugs is legally vested in a licensed physician not in
the user.
4. Unrecognized Drugs
Unrecognized drugs are commercial products that have a psychoactive drug
effects but are not usually considered drugs .These substances are not generally
regulated by a law except in so far as standards of sanitation and purity is required.
5. Illicit Drugs
Illicit drugs are drugs whose sale, purchase or use is generally prohibited by law.
Criminal penalties usually apply to violators of these laws .
6. Tobacco
Tobacco is not generally a drug , thus, may be classified as an unrecognized drug.
However, tobacco hold such a distinct position in terms of usage patterns,
economic importance and health consequences that it merits a category to itself.
7. Alcohol
Although alcohol may be included in the unrecognized drugs, alcohol in forms of
beer wine, and distilled liquor is one of the most widely used drugs in our society. It
is regarded by many experts as the most commonly abused drugs in our society.
Medicines vs. Drugs
All medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicinal drug.
Medicinal Drugs
A substance which when taken into the human body cures illness and /or relieves
signs/symptoms of disease.
Dangerous Drugs
A dangerous drugs is a substance affecting the central nervous system which
when taken into the human body brings about physical, emotional or behavioral
changes in a person taking it.
Drug abuse
Drug abuse may refer to any non-medical use of drugs that cause physical,
psychological, legal, economic, or social damage to the user or to people affected by
the user’s behavior.
Abuse usually refers to illegal drugs but may also be applicable to drugs that are
available legally, such as prescribed medications and certain over-the-counter
Classification of Drugs

Drugs maybe classified into:

A. According to origin:
a. Natural Drugs- are active ingredients , secondary metabolic products of plants and
other living systems that may be isolated by extraction.
Raw opium
Coca bush
b. Synthetic Drugs-are artificially produced substances synthesized in the laboratory for
the illicit market , which are almost wholly manufactured from chemical compounds in illicit
Examples: Methamphetamine
B. According to Legal Classification:
a. RA 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002)
Under RA 9165, otherwise known as The Comprehensive Dangerous Act of 2002:
RA 9165 gives a single definition to dangerous drugs, removing the distinction
between prohibited and regulated drugs.
b. PD 1619 ( Volatile Substances)
c. RA 6425 (Classified as: Regulated and Prohibited)
Under Republic Act 6425, otherwise known as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972:
“Dangerous Drugs” refers to either:
(1) “Prohibited drug”, which includes opium and its active components and
derivatives, such as heroin and morphine; alpha and beta eucaine ; hallucinogenic
drugs , such as mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and other substances
producing similar effects; Indian hemp and its derivatives; all preparations made
from any of the foregoing; and other drugs and chemical preparations whether
natural or synthetic, with the physiological effects of narcotic or a hallucinogenic
drug; or (As amended by B.P 179 dated March 2, 1982)
(2) “Regulated drug”, which includes self-inducing sedatives, such as secobarbital,
Phenobarbital, pentobarbital, such as secobarbital, barbital, amobarbital and any
other drug which contains a salt or derivative of a salt of barbituric acid; any salt,
isomer or salt of isomer, of amphetamine, such as Benzedrine or Dexedrine, or any
drug which produces a physiological action similar to amphetamine ; and hypnotic
drugs, such as metaqualone, nitrazepam or any other compound producing similar
physiological effects; (As amended by PD NO. 1683 March 14,1980)

C. According to International Classification:

a. Narcotics substance (derived from the “Greek word” narkotikos” meaning
 any drug that produces sleep or stupor and also relieves pain (medical);
 Depress the nervous system to produce a marked reduction in sensitivity to pain,
create drowsiness and reduce physical activity.
 A drug which therapeutic doses diminishes awareness of sensory impulses,
especially pain, by the brain, in large doses, it causes stupor, coma or convulsions.
b. Psychotropic substances
• any substance, natural or synthetic or any natural material that have a high
potential for dependence and abuse.
• These drugs are highly addictive but, despite the risk, they remain in medical use
because no satisfactory non-addictive alternative medication is available.
• Pertaining to any drug or agent having a particular affinity for or effect on the
Some Barbiturates
c. Designer drugs
Designer drugs are substance chemically related to but slightly
different from controlled substance.
Designer drugs are designed by clandestine chemists with the aim
to manufacture compounds that produce “the high” or euphoria of
parent drugs and avoid the penalties that would be levied against those
illegally trafficking the controlled substance.
D. According to Pharmacological Classification (effects)
a. stimulants
b. Hallucinogens
c. Depressants
d. Inhalants
a. STIMULANTS (uppers) – are drugs which increase alertness of physical
disposition. They also reduce hunger and provide a feeling of well-being. They
produce the opposite to that of depressants. Instead of bringing about
relaxation and sleep, they produced increased mental alertness, wakefulness,
reduce hunger, and provide a feeling of well-being. Cocaine and Amphetamines
are the most common stimulants.
Example of Amphetamine: Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (shabu)
Street Name: poor man’s cocaine ,S , shabu, shabs, ubas, siopao, sha, ice
What it is: white odorless crystal/crystalline powder with bitter numbing taste
How taken: ingestion, inhalation (chasing the dragon), sniffing , injection, smoked
Effects: General: anxiety, irritability, irrational behavior
Long term: psychosis similar to schizophrenia, difficulty in concentrating, loss of interest in sex
Physical: chest pain, irregular heart beat, hypertension, convulsion, death
Dangers: injection from contaminated needles may lead lead to risk of infections, phlebitis,
septicemia,AIDS, etc.
b. HALLUCINOGENS (Psychedelics)- are drugs which affect sensation, thinking, self-
awareness and emotion.
Changes in time in space perception, delusions (false beliefs) and hallucinations
may be mild or overwhelming, depending on dose and quality of drugs. The results
are very variable, a “good trip” or a “bad trip” may occur in the same person on
different occasions. Ecstasy (MDMA), LSD, Marijuana and Mescaline are the most
popular hallucinogens.
Example: Ecstasy (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine or MDMA for brevity
Street Name: XTC, Adam, essence, E, herbals
How Taken: swallowing or inhalation
Effects: exaggerated emotions, makes HR and BP hike up, dries the mouth, stiffens
arms, legs, jaw; dilates pupils of the eyes, causes faintness, chills sweating and
Dangers: It can really kill!
LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide)
Street Name: Lucy in the sky with diamonds, wedding bells, acid, white sugar,
lightning, cubes, brain eaters.
What it is: A semi-synthetic alkaloid substance extracted from a fungus with grows
on rye, wheat, and other grains, odorless, tasteless, colorless
Psychological: vivid hallucinations, confusion, blurring and distinction between
conscious and unconscious thought, etc.
Physical: dilated pupils, flushed face, increased BP, etc.
Dangers: may cause abnormal amount of breakage of chromosomes of WBCs that
carry genes, which may result to miscarriages and birth defects.
Street Name: Mary Jane, Flower,
Pampapogi, brownines, damo , pot
tea, joint, dope
What it is: smoked in pipes or
Cigarettes; can be taken in food;
made into candy; sniffed in powder form;
mixed with honey or butter
Immediate: faster heartbeat, bloodshot eyes, dry mouth
Long term chest pain, temporary loss of fertility , cancer, marijuana burn-out.
Dangers: slows down user’s mental and psychomotor activities; long-term use may
lead psychological dependence; may lead to cancer
c. DEPRESSANTS-are drugs which depress or lower the functions of the Central
Nervous System.
Types of depressants:
a. Narcotics (derived from the Greek word “narkotikos”-meaning “sleep”)-Are
drugs which produce insensitivity, stupor, melancholy or dullness of mind,
induces sleep (hypnotics) or stupor and relieve pain (Analgesics). Opium,
Heroin, Codeine, Morphine, are the most popular of narcotics.
b. Street Name: School boy
c. What it is: A component of opium and
d. derivative of morphine; ideal analgesic; found
e. in some cough syrups.
f. How taken: orally (tablet or liquid ), by
Effects: analgesic and cough suppressant with very little sedation or exhilarant
(euphoric) action; dependence can be produced in large doses.
Dangers: Occasionally taken for kicks; dependence may occur; occasionally
resorted to by opiate-dependent persons to tide them over if heroin is difficult to
obtain with inadequate result.
b. Sedatives and Hypnotics-calm the nerves, reduce tensions and induce sleep.
Common examples of sedatives are Barbiturates and Alcohol.
Street Name: lily, bala, downers , yellow
jackets, blue heavens
what it is: made from barbituric acid (“barb”)
prescribed to induce sleep or provide calming
How taken: orally (tablet/capsule);
Effects: small amounts make user relaxed , sociable, good-humored; heavy doses
make him sluggish, gloomy, sometimes quarrelsome; thick speech; staggering gait
Dangers: Sedation, coma, death from respiratory failure; deaths from intentional
and unintentional overdose; more than 400 mg per day may lead to barbiturate
poisoning, drug automatism, physical dependence and death.
Street Name: Beer, whisky, gin, brandy, wine
Effects: sedation; impairs mental and
physical functions; increase the risk of heart
attack and stroke.
Dangers: cirrhosis; brain damage; obesity;
may lead to cancer of the esophagus, intestines, pancreas, thyroid, and breast.
c. Tranquilizers- are drugs used in treating nervous disorders or calm psychotic
patients or mental disorders without producing sleep. Example of tranquilizer is
Diazepam (also known as “Valium”). It is the most commonly used tranquilizer,
which has a slow onset but long duration of action. Prolonged use may result to
dependence both physical and psychological.
Street name: Blanco, brown, sugar, kabayo, kengkoy, gamot, matsakao,
pulbos, sapsap, tinik
What it is: Alkaloid derived from morphine, white, off-white or brown
crystalline powder.
How taken: orally, through inhalation, injection or by smoking.
Effects: slurring of speech; cyanosis; dry skin and mouth; anoxia;
urticaria; pulmonary ventilation; pulmonary edema; hyperglycemia
Dangers: Dependence liability is high; dependence usually develops
more rapidly, sensitivity to respiratory depressant effects.
Street Name: M, dreamer, Emma, emsel,
What it is: principal active component in
opium; white crystalline powder, light
porous cubes, small white tablets.
How Taken: Any route, but mostly by intravenous injection.
Effects: Initial reaction is unpleasant to most people but calming
supersedes and, depending on those, may progress to coma and death
from respiratory failure
Dangers: Sensitivity to respiratory depressant effect until tolerance
develops; psychic; and Physical dependence and tolerance develop
Inhalants-these are any liquid, solid or mixed
substance that has the property of releasing
toxic (psychoactive) vapors or fumes.
Example: solvents, aerosols glue, gasoline,
kerosene, paint, thinner, naphthalene, bases
What they are: liquid, solid or mixed substances having the property of releasing
toxic vapors or fumes or any chemical substance which when sniffed, smelled,
inhaled, or introduced into the physiological system of the body produce/induce a
condition of intoxication, inebriation, excitement, stupefaction, etc..
How it is being taken: Sniffing or inhaled directly through the container or from a bag
or by holding a rag with the substance in the mouth.
Dangers: Causes permanent damage to brain or may result in “sudden Sniffing
Death”; users become accident prone; death due to road accidents, drowning, falling
from tall building, etc. after sniffing glue ; violence; psychological dependence.

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