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Dosen Pengampu:
Widawati SP, MHSc, MSSc

Program Studi S1 Gizi

Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai Riau

Nutrition Measurement
Nutrition Assessment

Four types of nutrition assessment

A=Anthropometry Assessment
 The most common technique used to assess
the presence and degree of protein-energy
 The measurement of body parameters to

indicate nutritional status.

 It can be used to

◦ Measure an individual to determine if he or she

needs nutrition intervention
◦ Measure many individuals to determine if
malnutrition is a problem in a population.
 Some common anthropometric
◦ Height/length
◦ Weight
◦ BMI (Body Mass Index)
◦ MUAC (Mid-Upper Arm Circumference)
◦ Skin fold thickness
◦ Head circumference
B=Biochemical Assessment
 The level of the micronutrient and macronutrient or
some other chemical indicator can be measured in
a body fluid.
 This requires obtaining a specimen from people
and then performing a laboratory test of some sort.
 More expensive but may be much more accurate
and precise.
 Many micronutrient deficiencies do not produce
signs or symptoms until they are quite severe.
 As a result, mild micronutrient deficiencies can only
be diagnosed using biochemical indicators.
 Analysis of:
◦ Blood
◦ Urine
◦ Body tissue
C=Clinical Assessment
 One of indicator for micronutrient and
macronutrient deficiencies.
 People with a certain deficiency may show

signs or symptoms.
 Examining a group of individuals in a

population for signs or asking them about

symptoms which are characteristic of a
specific micronutrient deficiency is one way
of measuring how common that deficiency is
in the population.
 Clinical measurement:
◦ Complete physical examination
◦ Medical & psychosocial history
D= Dietary Measurement
 Comprehensive evaluation of a person’s food
 Reviewing a person’s dietary data may

suggest risk factors for chronic diseases and

help to prevent them.
 Dietary measurement:
◦ Foods & quantities eaten
◦ Eating habits
◦ Accessibility of foods
◦ Cultural & socioeconomic factors that effect
selection of foods

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