1st Class Presentation, Global Marketing

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Course details and Lecture patterns

• Course name-Global Marketing

• Total Five chapter in 20 Class (1 hour 30 minutes/Class)
• Recommended books (NU syllabus)
• Lecture session will be conducted by PowerPoint presentation
• Lecture sheets (PPT) will be provided for each chapter.
• Time allocation (10 minutes-Previous lecture,60 minutes-
Today’s Lecture, 05 minutes-Class Review, 10 minutes-Question
answer session)
• Two Class test (10 marks), Two Assignment (10 marks), One
mid-term (35 marks), One In-course final (70 marks)
Define Global Marketing
• Global marketing involves the performance of
activities designed to plan, price, promote and direct
to flow an organization’s offering in more tan one
country (worldwide market) for a profit.
Define Globalization
Importance of going global

• Benefits of Going Global:

1. INCREASE REVENUE POTENTIAL: When businesses have exhausted growth
opportunities at home, they turn to global expansion to help grow their business. For many
companies, international expansion offers a chance to explore markets and gain access to
millions of customers, thus increasing sales.
2. ENTRY TO NEW MARKETS: Once your company has been successful in your home
country, it’s time to look at markets overseas. However, before you enter the new market,
it’s vital to do research. Whether it’s looking at emerging markets in South America,
advanced technology hubs in Asia or exploring developed markets in Europe, each region
offers plenty of opportunities for expansion success.
3. NEW CUSTOMER BASE: Another benefit of expanding abroad is that it gives the
opportunity to not only sell your current product or service to a new customer base but also
to invest and introduce new products/services. With a much broader customer base, you can
generate more business and increase sales.
4. EXPANSION ALLOWS YOU TO DIVERSIFY: Keeping your business in the home
market can limit potential for profit. One of the downsides companies face when they
operate in only one country is the exposure to market changes. Taking your business
international allows you the opportunity to diversify your markets, so your revenue is more
stable. If your domestic market is slowing down, having the advantage of a global market
will help cushion the company during slower economic times.
Importance of going global
5. GREATER ACCESS TO TALENT: Another excellent benefit of taking your
business global is that you get access to a much greater pool of talent. Hiring
international talent can bring many advantages including advanced language skills
and diverse educational backgrounds. In addition, expanding globally also allows
companies to employ local workers who have the expertise to communicate and serve
your clients (within the same time zone) without any complications.
6. GAIN COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: Go to market before your competitors do.
Expanding abroad allows you to get out of a saturated market. Expanding abroad
gives you access to new customers and in a market where your competitors do not
7. IMPROVE YOUR COMPANY'S REPUTATION: One of the reasons why
businesses expand globally is to be able to provide a reliable service to their
international clients. A good global reputation will attract new customers. Expanding
abroad allows a company to build name brand recognition and establish credibility
8. COST SAVINGS: By setting up in a new country, a business will be able to lower
their operational costs and save money. Many companies have found its advantageous
to move some of their manufacturing operations to other markets due to cheaper labor
costs and more affordable talent.
Importance of going global
• 9. Diversifying Company Markets: If your business only has one or
two areas where it can sell services or products, what would happen if
these markets experienced a dramatic shift because of a natural disaster
or other unforeseen circumstance? Taking your business global allows
you to diversify your markets so your revenue sources are more stable:
even if your domestic activity is slow, your business will not take as
large of a hit since your global market will make up the difference.
• 10. Improving Your Company’s Reputation: Businesses that can
successfully go global and market their offerings to a totally different
population will enjoy the prestige of calling themselves an
international company. It is not an easy feat to accomplish, meaning
prospects and potential business partners will instantly think more
highly of your company when they know you have an international

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