Liberia .

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 The Democratic Republic of Liberia developed from the tribal boundaries
of the Krahn peoples in north of former Liberia in the mid 1990’s.

 In 1998, with the assistance of the WAU nation of Ivory Coast, the DRL spread
south along the border of the Republic of Nimba and with the assistance of
Nimba, the Ivory Coast and the Republic of Guinea took land from the Kru tribe.

 A provisional government was set up in 1994. With the agreement and co-
operation of WAU officials, the first general election in the DRL took
place in late 1999.

Scores are from 0 to 100, higher scores are

more desirable i.e. more conducive to
economic growth. The lower the score, the
greater the level of government interference
in the economy and the less economic
freedom a country enjoys.
 Free 80 - 100
 Mostly Free 70 - 79.9
 Moderately Free 60 - 69.9
 Mostly Unfree 50 to 59.9
 Repressed 0 - 49.9

 GDP in Liberia is expected to

reach 2.80 USD Billion by the
end of 2020, according to
Trading Economics global
macro models and analysts
 In the long-term, the Liberia
GDP is projected to trend
around 2.70 USD Billion in
2021 and 3.00 USD Billion in
2022, according to our
econometric models.
Liberia Population Growth
 Liberia has one of the highest population growth rates in the world, it reached a high of 4.6% annual
growth in 2006, but has since fallen to 2.7% population growth per year.
 From 1960 to 2012, Liberia's population grew 274%.
 This trend of rapid growth is expected to continue over the next decade.
Culture of Liberia
 Languages
 The official language of Liberia is
English.There are also more than 16 indigenous
 Among the most widely studied Liberian
languages in schoola and universities are Kpelle
and Bassa languages and to a lesser extent, Vai. 
 Loma and Mende also have their own unique
alphabets but are studied less.

 Religion
According To the 2008 National Census, 85.5%
of Liberia's population practices Christianity.
Muslims comprise 12.2% of the population, largely
coming from the Mandingo and Vai ethnic groups.
 Music And Dance  Food
One of the most popular music styles in the The staple food in the country is rice which is also
country is highlife music which is a blend of local among the country’s primary agricultural products.
and western music styles. Cassava is the other starch which is popular in the
The young generation in Liberia has embraced country.
western-style music genres, the most popular of Liberians prefer fish as their go-to source of protein
which is hip-hop. since the country’s fishing industry makes fish
readily available.
Opportunities in Agriculture Sector
IFAD resumed its activities in Liberia in 2009, after a 20-year
suspension arising from the prolonged civil war.
IFAD-supported projects help increase smallholders’ access
to markets by: 
 Improving the quality of production;

 Building roads that link farms to local markets;

 Constructing storage and processing facilities; and


 Providing marketing advisory services and

facilitating links with exporters and well-
established private companies through contract
 The Republic of Liberia is a west coast African country known for its Lush green
woodland with national parks, museums, and lakes.
 Liberia means Land of the Free, which was a slave colony of African-Americans and
declared freedom in 1847 and became the Republic of Liberia.

Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve

 Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve share a common
border between Liberia, Guinea, and Cote d'Ivoire.
 It stands tall over the savannah enmeshed with condensed
forests, green mountains all over.
 It is home to varied species of flora and fauna that you can
find only in this part of the land.
 Rising at an altitude of 1,752 meters and width of 17,540
Sapo National Park
 Sapo is the only national park in Liberia spread over
an area of 1,808 square kilometers, located in Sinoe
 It is home to some of the rare and primitive rainforest
wildlife like the jungle elephants, chimpanzees,
pygmy hippopotamus, antelopes, giraffes, wild dogs,
and civets.
 Sapo National Park Forest is one of the only existing
lowland rain forest areas in Liberia and also one of
the protected lowland rainforest areas.
National Museum of Liberia
 The National Museum of Liberia is located in
Monrovia and exhibits a world-class collection of
Liberian culture and heritage.
 It displays the presidential papers, vintage postage
stamps, personal documents and photographs and
replicas of the Liberian independence of 1947.
Hospitality and Accommodation
 Liberia has several hotels, motels and guest houses to accommodate the many
investors, visitors and tourists who come to Liberia for various reasons.
 There is also a plan to rehabilitate Hotel Africa and Old Ducor Palace.
 Education in Liberia was severely affected by the First
Liberian Civil War and Second Liberian Civil War, between
1989 and 2003.
 In 2010, the literacy rate of Liberia was estimated at 60.8%
(64.80% for males and 56.8% for females).
 Education in Liberia is free for primary students attending a
government school, but most of these schools lack adequate
learning facilities.
 Secondary school examinations in government-funded
schools are coordinated by the West African Examinations
 In Liberia's education system, patronage and bribery by administrators, professors, and students are
widely reported. Abuse of resources, teacher absenteeism, and sex for grades are common.

 In 2013, a confidential anonymous SMS suggestions box for students and educators began to operate in
elements of Liberia's education system, in order to report systemic abuses.
 The mining industry of Liberia has witnessed a revival
after the civil war which ended in 2003.
 In 2013, the mineral sector accounted for 11% of GDP
in the country and the World Bank has projected a
further increase in the sector by 2017.
 In the 1970s, one of the most productive gold districts in
western Liberia was identified to be Gondoja-Ndablama
and Gbarpoly Kongba Community Gold Mines Ltd.
 In a 2004 UN environmental report, it was estimated that
there were around 5,000 unlicensed and 1,000 licensed
mining operations in Liberia.
 Cassava is the second most important staple for
Liberians and, if supported by government, can help
to eliminate hunger.
 But many cassava farmers lack the improved skills
and technologies to enhance production.
 The National Cassava Sector Coordinating
Committee, which has the responsibility to
coordinate the activities of cassava producers, is
faced with financial constraint to support it
 The Liberia Telecommunications Corporation (Libtelco) is a
telecommunications company providing services in Liberia
Headquartered in Monrovia, the company provides telephone,
Internet fax and radio services to the Greater Monrovia area.
 Prior to the passage of the Telecommunications Act of 2007,
Libtelco possessed a legal monopoly over the country’s fixed
line services.
 Litelco was founded through the Liberian Telecommunications
Corporation Act of 1973 to construct and operate the country's
fixed line communications infrastructure and to provide services
to residents and businesses.

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