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A technique for growing plants without soil or being
Submerged in water

1. What is Aeroponics?
2 2. How Aeroponics
3. How Aeroponics
3 will be used in the
4. Challenges faced in
4 Aeroponics
5. Summary

What is Aeroponics?
• The word Aeroponic is Latin which means the “Aero” means “Air”, and “Ponic”
means “Culture”. So “Aeroponic” means “AIR CULTURE”.
• It is the process of growing crops suspended in the air or in a mist without using
soil. The roots of the crops sprayed with nutrients with regular intervals. It is a type
of high technology farming.
How Aeroponic works?
• In aeroponics systems, seeds are “planted” in pieces of foam stuffed into tiny pots,
which are exposed to light on one end and nutrient mist on the other. The foam also
holds the stem and root mass in place as the plants grow.
• Aeroponics is considered one of the best methods to grow plants in a soil-free
environment and the need for this method has been growing due to a clear need for
a more convenient way to grow plants.
Types of Aeroponic
Advantages of Aeroponics
• Crops are grown close together, so more crops can be grown.
• The crops mature faster, which means there will be more harvests.
• If a plant is affected with bacteria, removing it will not affect nearby crops.
• The harvesting of crops simple in this aeroponic system.
• Use of technology speeds up works and can solve labour shortage problems.
How Aeroponics will be used in the market?
• The aeroponics market is analyzed across various segments including
application, component, and region. On the basis of component, it is
categorized into irrigation component, lighting, sensor, climate
control, building material, and others. Depending on application, it
bifurcated into indoor farming and outdoor farming.
• The controlled environment of aeroponics has the capability to
produce approximately 70% more yield than traditional agriculture.
• Increase in popularity of organic foods, rise in urban population, and
limited arable land for traditional agriculture are the major factors that
drive the aeroponics market growth globally. However, requirement of
high initial investment to set up an aeroponics farm and technologies
used to be in developmental phase restrain the market growth
Aeroponic vegetable farming
Aeroponic Rice harvesting
Aeroponic vertical farming
Challenges faced in Aeroponics
• The profit made by farms all depend on how much crop is
produced, so if a machinery malfunctions, and a large crop
destroyed, there is a chance the farm will face a loss.
• Machinery must be carefully inspected everyday to make
sure the machinery works properly.
• Clogged nozzles are one of the most common problems in
aeroponics, but it's solved by simply cleaning filters, pumps,
tubes, and fillings.
Environment impact
• Aeroponic growing safe and ecologically friendly and also produces natural,
organic and healthy crops
• Aeroponics is ecologically friendly because of the conservation of water and
• When compared to hydroponics,aeroponics requires less water and uses less energy
inputs per sq meter of growing area.
• Aeroponic growing allows plants and crops to grow without the use of
pesticide and thus it will be disease free. The crops will grow in a natural
healthy manner as the aeroponic system is very similar to nature
environmental conditions.
• As aeroponics is conducted in air combined with micro-droplets of water,
almost any plant can grow to maturity in air with a plentiful supply of
carbon-dioxide, water and nutrients.
• Furthermore, aeroponics helps conserve water, land and nutrients, so the
aeroponics system is the way of the future, making cultivation of crops

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