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Obstacles of presenting

• What separates an effective presentation from the rest isn’t always
perfect execution. Sometimes, it depends on how the presenter
deals with mistakes on stage.
• While errors are unavoidable, minimizing the damage they cause
should be your top priority.
• Because when your not able to handle an obstacle this could make
you embarrassed and could ruin your whole performance.
• For that reason, we will talk about the obstacles that could happen
while your doing a presentation and how you can handle it.

Not having a response to a

• Presentations today are followed up with a
questions and answer period. To some
people this can be the most exciting part of
the presentaion, but to others it can be
their worst nightmare.

• For this reason, some presenters purposely

avoid the question and answer period all
together or actually avoid the unexpected
or sudden questions.

× Insignficant weird silence
× Avioding the questionnaire
× Improvising answers

× To avoid all of this, you should prepare well to the material
you will talk about and anticipate what might be the
questions that your presentation raises.
× Here is an opprotunity to thank the questioner and be
polite and appropriate presenter.
× You can say, “You know what? That’s a really great
question. I really didn’t anticipate that question and so
that demonstrate you have a thought about the material.
× Or you can ask a colleague or google it and come back
with a professinal answer.
“Never make the
questionnaire wrong”

Being stressed and nervous

One of the most common
obstacles that could any
presenter face is his “OWN
Being nervous or stressed could
drown any presentation, that’s
why people should know how
to channel their own nervous
energy wisley.
When you experience nerves, anxiety or stress
about an event, certain physical reactions happen
■ your voice trembled
■ you experienced shortness of breath
■ your heartbeat accelerated
■ Put your hand in your pocket
■ Speak quickly so people don't understand me 
■ Can't do eye contact with people

How can we overcome stress of
presentation ?
2-Adjust to your surroundings
3-Take deep breath
6-Work on your pauses
7-Drink water
8-Don't fight the fear but overcome it

Internal and External Voice

There are two types of noise:
1-External noise
2-Internal noise

• Internal noise is more complicated because this kind of

noise involves your own thinking and that of your
• It includes being uncomfortable about your topic,
worrying about how your audiences perceive you, or
failing to recognize their needs.
• While these can be controlled with careful practice
before you present, mistakes are still possible even with
the strictest rehearsal.

There are ways to combat this kind of noise and effectively
communicate with your audience:

Determine the Cause of Noise:

× Internal and even external noise can be controlled to a
certain extent.
× Identify its source to find an immediate solution.
× If the problem is in the venue, you can adjust by politely
telling the organizer to resolve the particular distraction.

Enhance Your Listening Skills:

× As a speaker, you need to understand that speaking isn’t your
only job.
× Since your objective is to make your audience understand your
message, listening is part of the process.
× Keep them engaged by asking them to participate and giving
them a chance to speak up.
× It also prevents any misunderstandings, which are also
considered as noise. 13
Not able to interact with the
audience in result they are

Eye Contact During a Presentation:
Making eye contact with your listeners
establishes a connection with them and
conveys sincerity and confidence.
Eye contact is indispensable to an
effective presentation.


1. Our eyes were made to connect

2. Our eyes reveal our thoughts and feelings.
3. Eye contact shows attention.
4. Eye contact creates an intimate bond.

Finally, practice making eye contact. The more
accustomed you are to looking people in the eye in your
daily life, the more likely you will be to do it during a
business presentation.
× Each presenter have their own different way of handling problems.
× But the best ones are those who move on from these obstacles and are
still able to deliver their message.
× Pressure increases stress and disturbs your way of thinking which is the
last thing you’d want before presenting.
× Try to be natural but considerate your audience.
× Stay prepared but know when to step back and relax.
× And lastly, trust in your own ability to overcome any presentation obstacle.


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