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◦ A Letter to the Editor may be written to the editor of a

newspaper or a magazine. It is written to highlight a social
issue or problem. It can also be written in order to get it
published in the said medium.
◦ The format has to be followed strictly. Only formal language
has to be used .
◦ 1. Sender’s name and address

2. Date: The date is written below the sender’s address after Leaving one space or line.
(19 May 2020)

3. Editor’s address: The address of the recipient of the mail i.e. the editor is written here.

4. Subject of the letter: The main purpose of the letter forms the subject. It must be
written in one line (maximum 4 to 5 words). It must convey the matter
for which the letter is written
◦ 5. Salutation (Sir / Madam)
◦ 6. Body: The matter of the letter is written here. It is divided into 3
paragraphs as follows -
Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself and the purpose of writing the letter in
Paragraph 2: Give a detail of the matter.
Paragraph 3: Conclude by mentioning what you expect from the editor.
(For example, you may want him to highlight the issue in his
newspaper / magazine).
7. Complimentary Closing
8. Sender’s name, signature and designation(if any)

◦ You are Neerav/ Neeru, a resident of 25-C, Patel Nagar, Chandigarh.

You read a report about increasing number of road accidents due to
rash driving by young generation. Write a letter to the Editor of a
national daily to sensitize the people about this grave issue and
suggest the measures to curb the problem in about 150 to 200 words.
◦ Neerav
◦ 25-C Patel Nagar
◦ Chandigarh

◦ 19 May 2020

◦ The Editor
◦ The Times of India
◦ New Delhi

◦ Sir
◦ Subject : Road accidents due to rash driving
◦ Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I wish to draw the reader’s attention towards increasing
number of road accidents. The survey report by your newspaper shows that the craze for speed among the young
generation is responsible for the increasing number of deaths in road accidents.

◦ The caution boards like ‘Speed thrills but kills’ and ‘ Better late than never’ are unable to diminish the fascination
for speed among youth. They lack a sense of responsibility and discipline which are mandatory for a driver. They
believe in flaunting their brand new vehicles and driving skills which prove to be fatal.

◦ In such accidents many lose their life adding woes to their family. There is an added danger to pedestrians. It is
unfortunate that number of deaths in road accidents is increasing with devilish speed.
◦ It is essential for the parents to be vigilant and restrain their children from driving if they are underage. The police
should strictly implement traffic rules. Heavy fines must be imposed on the people who are defaulters in many
cases such as not having license, being under age, over-speeding, riding without helmet etc. This is the
responsibility of the family, society and authorities to join hands to curb the situation.
◦ I do believe that little care and strictness can reduce the number of deaths and keep the roads safe for all. The
menace of rash driving can be curbed with vigilance and discipline. I hope my letter will get published in your
newspaper making the public aware of the seriousness of the issue.
◦ Thanking you
◦ Yours faithfully
◦ Neerav
◦ Your grandfather is very upset about the rising prices and keeps thinking of
his golden times when things were very cheap. You are convinced that
inflation has made life diggi ultra for common man.
◦ You are Mohan Shukla. Write a letter in 100 to 120 words to the Editor of a
national daily describing the difficulties faced by poor families. Suggest

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