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“Text twister”
The students will arrange the letter
of each item to decipher the words.
Each item will be displayed on the
screen within 15 seconds. The
answers will be written in the
comment box
Second-hand Third-hand Smoking Cigarette
At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:

Explain the negative health

impact of cigarette smoking, Value the bad effects of
Make a digital health
the short and long-term effects, cigarette smoking.
infographic illustration about
the dangers of mainstream, dangers of smoking.
second-hand smoke and the
impact of cigarette smoking on
the family, environment, and
Why is it important to have knowledge on the bad
effects of cigarette?

As an individual, how cigarette can affect yourself?

Why do you think people keep on smoking despite its

negative effects?
What is cigarette?
• Cigarette is a cylindrical rolled paper
containing dried and shredded tobacco
leaves. It is ignited at one end and puffed
at the other end.

• Its main component is nicotine, a

stimulant that is highly addictive.

• Cigarette also contains approximately 600

other ingredients. The smoke coming from
it contains more than 7,000 chemicals, 69
of which is carcinogenic or cancer-causing
Negative health impact of smoking
For your information
• Every day, about 4,000 teenagers below 18 try their
first cigarette.

• Twenty five percent (25%) of them become daily


• Approximately 1.5 million packs of cigarettes are

purchased for minors daily.
• On average, smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than
• About 30% of teen smokers will continue smoking
and die early from a smoking-related illness.
Short- and Long-term effects of smoking
Body parts Short-term effects Long-term effects
Hair Smelly hair Hair loss
Head Headache, dizziness  
Eyes   Cataract and blindness
Night vision
Ears   mild to moderate hearing loss
Mouth Halitosis (bad breath), Gum disease leading to tooth
stained teeth, mouth loss
  Increased risk for mouth and
throat cancer

Skin Dryness Discoloration and wrinkles

Dull and gray skin tone
Lungs Shortness of breath Chronic cough
Asthma attacks Emphysema
More coughs and colds Lung cancer
Short- and Long-term effects of smoking
Heart Increased heart rate and Heart disease
blood pressure Heart attack
stomach hyperacidity Ulcers
Reproductiv   Infertility and impotence
e organs
Muscles More muscle aches and pains Muscle deterioration
bones   Osteoporosis
Loss of bone density
Immune   Weakened immune system

  Smoking can cause cancer to

almost every organ in the body
Mainstream smoke
the smoke that is inhaled into the smoker’s
mouth and lungs. Toxic ingredients enter the
body directly in the mouth.
Second-hand smoke
Is also called environmental tobacco smoke
(ETS). It is the mixture of the smoke coming
from the burning end of a cigarette and the
smoke exhaled by the smoker.
Third-hand smoke
• Chemicals found in third-hand smoke
may react with indoor pollutants and
produce toxic compounds.

• Third-hand smoke lingers and settles

deep into the contaminated surfaces and

• Toxic residues can harm adults and

children who come in contact with the
contaminated surfaces and who have been
exposed to contaminated areas even hours
after the visible smoke had disappeared.
Third-hand smoke
Is the residue from cigarette smoke found in
clothes, furniture, and other surfaces after
the cigarette has been put out.
Impacts of cigarette smoking on the family, environment,
and community
On the family
-if you choose to smoke, you are not only risking
your health but the health of your family as well.
They may not be smoking cigarettes but you are
giving them more danger because of second-
hand smoke that they inhale from you. If you do
smoke habitually at home, you are also spreading
third-hand smoke. This explains why family
members may get sick due to smoking even if
they are nonsmokers.
Impacts of cigarette smoking on the family, environment,
and community
On the environment:

-smoking has destructive effects on the

environment which include:

-air pollution
-littering caused by cigarette butts
-death of aquatic organisms through ingestion of
cigarette butts
-fires caused by discarded lighted cigarettes
Impacts of cigarette smoking on the family, environment,
and community
On the community
Smoking in public places in your community
exposes the nonsmokers, especially the infants
and children, to the harmful effects of second-
hand and third-hand smoke. As a member of the
community, it is your civic duty to be responsible
by the health of the other members of the
Make a digital health infographic poster about dangers of

1. This is an individual activity
2. The infographic poster will be presented through picture.
3. The deadline of this activity will be on Saturday 3pm.
4. This will be submitted to our Schoology portal.
5. This will be graded base on the criteria that will be given.
Categories 25 20 15 10 5
Content -Appropriate terms, vocab, -One or two terms of jargon -not enough terms, -lacking in appropriate -no real data or facts are
 Terms, facts jargon defined and used. used incorrectly or without vocab, jargon terminology presented
 Quality of data   explanation.    
 Quantity of data -More than enough data to   -data is scattered -not enough facts or data

  make claims. -adequate amount of data    
    -data from good source -data is poor or
-Data clearly demonstrate -data demonstrate trend,   questionable source
trend, claim, etc. claim, etc. -data might not
    demonstrate the trend or
-Data from good source -data from good source claim

Design -layout is organized and uses -generally good layout -Layout could use -layout is disorganized, no -no layout or scheme ---
  consistent style   improvement obvious organization random elements,
 Layout   -has minor inconsistency or     colors, and fonts
 Color scheme -color scheme has visual one distracting element -two or more inconsistent -layout distracts from
 Fonts appeal and works with   elements content
content -Color scheme    
  clashes -hard to read fonts -color scheme is
-fonts are legible and   confusing
consistent -layout distracts from

Clarity -claim, main idea is obvious -Claim, main idea is -claim, main idea is made -infographic makes a poor -Claim, main ideas is
 Makes a claim and easy to understand understandable   initial impression missing
 Efficiency     -some graphics or visuals  
 Makes a clear -no unnecessary graphics or -no unnecessary graphics or are unneeded -confusing
impression visual visuals
  -infographic makes a good
initial impression

Representation -design elements are clearly -design elements are clearly -visualizations fit the data -Design and visuals are at -design elements and
 Design elements are informed by content informed by content and the claim odds with the content or visuals convey a
clearly informed by     claims being made meaning contrary to the
content -Visuals show connection to -visualizations fit the data and point
 Visualiztions fit the content and create a visual the claims
data and the claim flow
-Visualizations fit the data and
the claim

TOTAL 100 points        

The end
Prepared by:

Callano, John Paul Cagani, Shilby Rian

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