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Unit 6

Training and Development

“ If you’re not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you’re

determined to learn, no one can stop you.” (Source unknown)
6.1 Concept of Human Resource Development
 Human Resource Development (HRD) is an
important function of human resource management.
 It ensures that organizations have adequate human
resources with capabilities needed for achieving goals
 Human resource development is about two things:
• Training: Helping employees do their present jobs.
• Development: Helping mangers handle future
6.2 Distinction between Training and Development

Training Development
1. Focus on present jobs; 1. Focus on future
task oriented responsibilities; growth
2. Short-term periodic oriented.
process. 2. Long-term on-going process.
3. Target is operative 3. Target is managerial
employees employees
4. Confined to hands-on 4. Develops conceptual,
skills and knowledge interpersonal, technical and
5. Remedial effort. decision-making skills
5. Develop employee potential
6.3 Training Process

Determine Specify Determine Select Training Conduct Training

Training training Curriculum/M Trainees/Train Budget Programme
Needs Objectives ethod ers

Evaluation and
Human Resource Development
 HRD is planned, continuous effort by management
to improve employee competency levels and
organizational performance through training,
education, and development program
 Training is a program designed to improve skills
and knowledge that help employees to effectively
perform their current job. The purpose is helping
employees to do their present job and it
Human Resource Development… Cont’d
• Development is a program designed to
improve the overall effectiveness of
managers for their present as well as future
positions. The purpose is to help managers
handle future responsibilities.
• Education is learning experience that
improve overall competency of an
individual in a specific direction beyond the
current job. Teaching theoretical concept
and develop a sense of reasoning
Major Purposes of Training
 Establish sound relationship between the worker
and his/ her job
 Upgrade skills and prevent skills obsolescence
 Develop healthy and constructive attitude
(Improves organizational climate) Increase
productivity and quality of work
 Improves labor-management relations
 Minimize operational error ( wastage, spoilage of
materials and unnecessary repetitions, reduce
hazards and accident)
Major Purposes of Training…Cont’d

 Enhance employees moral and confidence

 Reduce employees turn over, absenteeism and job

 Minimize operational error (wastage, spoilage of
materials and unnecessary repetitions, reduce
hazards and accident)
Major Purposes of Development
Major purposes of development are to:
 Improve managerial decision making skills
 Stimulate managers use more creative problem
solving approach
 Provide managers with latest information on theory
and practice of management
 Prevent managerial obsolescence
 Give managers the opportunity to discuss with
other people
The Basic Process of Training and Development
The training process consists of the following steps
Step 1: Determine Training Needs (Need Assessment
Step 2: Establishing training and development objectives
Step 3: Selecting Instructional Methods and Medias
Step 4: Select Trainees and Trainers
Step 5: Develop Budget
Step 6: Conduct Training
Step 7: Evaluate the Training and Development Programs
Step 1. Determine Training Needs (Need
 Need assessment is refers to a systematic
identification of training and development needs.
 Training need is the gap between skills needed for a
job and the present skill level of employees. It should
be properly determined as follows:
 NB. Training and dev’t need = job performance
standard- actual performance
 If the actual performance is below the job standards it
indicates performance deficiencies
Need Assessment…Cont’d
 NB. Training and development only used to close
the performance gap if the performance deficiency
is due to lack of skills, knowledge and experience.
 If the problem is other cause like lack of
motivation, poor selection etc… it can not be
solved by training or development.
The need assessment occur at three stages ( levels):
1. Organizational level
2. Task level (job analysis)
3. Individual Level (person analysis)
Step 2. Establishing Training and Development
 Training objectives are desired outcomes that the
training is intended to achieve
 Objectives define the performance standards that the
trainee should be able to exhibit after training e.g.
after training the secretary is expect to type 80 words
per minute
Purpose of establishing objectives are to:
 Evaluate the training and development outcome
 Choose appropriate training methods
Step 3. Selecting Instructional Methods and
• Instructional methods and medias represent the
medium of instruction needed to teach specific
skills, knowledge and influence attitudes.
1. Information presentation methods:
Used to teach facts, skills and concepts without
requiring the trainee to practice the materials
Step 3. Selecting Instructional…Cont’d

Information presentation methods:

Used to teach facts, skills and concepts without
requiring the trainee to practice the materials
 Programmed instruction
Step 3. Selecting Instructional…Cont’d

2.Simulation Methods:
This method presents trainees with artificial
representations of an actual situation and require them
to react as though the situation were real
 Case study
 Role playing
 In basket exercise
Step 4. Select Trainees and Trainers

 Right kind of trainees and effective

trainers should be selected
Step5:Develop Budget

 Costing should be done for each training

Step 6: Conduct Training

 The training program should be delivered

to the trainees as per schedule
Step 7. Evaluate the Training and Development

 It is a means to verify the success or failure

of the program
 Evaluation results provide feedback to
improve current activities and plan-future
training programs
Criteria for evaluation
 Reaction: how happy is the trainee?
 Learning criteria: did the participant learn
what was intended?

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