Difference ODCF Christmas 2010

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I and my family and some friends

will be serving a dinner Saturday

December 25th at 920 Dundas
for anyone in our church who will
be alone on the holiday. We will
begin at 3 and eat at 5. Please
let us know if you would like to
join us or help by giving food or
your presence with us.
Behold, how good and how
pleasant it is For brothers
to dwell together in unity!
Psalm 133:1
It is like the precious oil
upon the head, Coming
down upon the beard,
{Even} Aaron's beard,
Coming down upon the
edge of his robes.
Psalm 133:2
Now accept the one who
is weak in faith, but not for
the purpose of passing
judgment on his opinions.
Romans 14:1
One person has faith that
he may eat all things, but
he who is weak eats
vegetables only
Romans 14:2
The one who eats is not
to regard with contempt the
one who does not eat, and the
one who does not eat is not
to judge the one who eats, for
God has accepted him.
Romans 14:3
Who are you to judge the
servant of another? To his
own master he stands or
falls; and he will stand, for
the Lord is able to make him
Romans 14:4
One person regards one day
above another, another
regards every day alike Each
person must be fully
convinced in his own mind.
Romans 14:5
He who observes the day,
observes it for the Lord, and
he who eats, does so for the
Lord, for he gives thanks to
God; and he who eats not, for
the Lord he does not eat, and
gives thanks to God.
Romans 14:6
For not one of us lives for
himself, and not one dies for
himself; 8for if we live, we live
for the Lord, or if we die, we
die for the Lord;
therefore whether we live or
die, we are the Lord's.
Romans 14:7-8
For to this end Christ died and
lived again, that He might
be Lord both of the dead and
of the living.
Romans 14:9
But you, why do you judge
your brother? Or you again,
why do you regard your
brother with contempt?
For we will all stand before
the judgment seat of God.
Romans 14:10
For it is written,
         "AS I LIVE, SAYS THE
12So then each one of us will give an

account of himself to God.

Romans 14:11-12
Therefore let us not judge one
another anymore, but rather
determine this--not to put an
obstacle or a stumbling block
in a brother's way.
Romans 14:13
I know and am convinced in
the Lord Jesus that nothing
is unclean in itself; but to him
who thinks anything to be
unclean, to him it is unclean.
Romans 14:14
For if because of food your
brother is hurt, you are no
longer walking according to
love Do not destroy with your
food him for whom Christ
Romans 14:15
Therefore do not let what is for
you a good thing be spoken
of as evil;
Romans 14:16
for the kingdom of God is not
eating and drinking, but
righteousness and peace
and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Romans 14:17
For he who in this way serves
Christ is acceptable to God
and approved by men.
Romans 14:17
So then we pursue the things
which make for peace and
the building up of one
Romans 14:18
Now we who are strong ought
to bear the weaknesses
of those without strength and
not just please ourselves. 2
Each of us is to please his
neighbor for his good, to his
Romans 15:1-2
One very important aspect
of a becoming a life giving
church is how we deal with
differences between us.
The way we deal with
differences not only
relates to the church it has
an impact in every area of
Relationships in marriage,
parent / child, employer /
employee, friendships,
enemies will all blossom or
die due to the way we
handle differences.
Most relationships are in
turmoil or fail because of
the wrong response to
differences by either one
or both people.
Yet difference is the very
foundation of our unity.
For even as the body is one
and yet has many members,
and all the members of the
body, though they are many,
are one body, so also is
1 Corinthians 12:12
For the body is not one
member, but many.
1 Corinthians 12:14
If the foot says, "Because
I am not a hand, I am not
a part of the body," it is
not for this reason any the
less a part of the body.
1 Corinthians 12:15
And if the ear says, "Because
I am not an eye, I am not a
part of the body," it is not for
this reason any the less a
part of the body.
1 Corinthians 12:16
If the whole body were an
eye, where would the hearing
be? If the whole were
hearing, where would the
sense of smell be?
1 Corinthians 12:17
But now God has placed the
members, each one of them,
in the body, just as He
1 Corinthians 12:18
so that there may be no
division in the body, but that
the members may have the
same care for one another.
1 Corinthians 12:25
We are created uniquely to
express a particular
aspect of God and to
function in a particular way
in the Body of Christ.
These particular aspects
create huge differences
between us. And God
meant it to be so.
The profound difference
between men and women is
such a wonderful difference
in the world. Yet it can be
one of the worst places of
division when grace to be
different is not given.
The profound difference
between men and women is
such a wonderful difference
in the world. Yet it can be
one of the worst places of
division when grace to be
different is not given.
Colossians 2:16

Therefore no one is to act

as your judge in regard to
food or drink or in respect
to a festival or a new
moon or a Sabbath day --
Today we want to talk about
differences in Preferences,
Tradition, Convictions and
Biblical Absolutes as they
relate to the Unity of the
And from the beginning I
will say that the
message is not to
alienate or discredit any
group within the
As a church we have
those who believe
we should do some
things and those who
believe we shouldn’t.
Freedom in our response to
God is a primary value of
This is a great change from
the Old Testament where
almost everything was
ruled by precept.
We need to understand this
great difference or we may
bring the rule orientation of
the Old Testament into our
present day practice.
God desires that reborn
believers respond in love
to Him in freedom.
It was for freedom that
Christ set us free;
therefore keep standing
firm and do not be subject
again to a yoke of slavery.
Galatians 5:1
The freedom we are given
is not to sin but to love
God with everything in us
as a free gift. It is not to
bring harm on others but
to love them as Jesus did.
For you were called to
freedom, brethren; only do
not turn your freedom into
an opportunity for the
flesh, but through love
serve one another.
Galatians 5:13
For the whole Law is
fulfilled in one word, in the
statement, "YOU SHALL
Galatians 5:13
But from the very start this
freedom was the source of
difficulty. The ones who
loved their freedom often
turned it into a licence to sin.
The ones who hated it
constantly sought to bring
others into bondage.
Both groups can be
extremely hurtful to each
other. It has always been
a difficulty for the church
to handle the differences
Jesus desires to be in his
Hebrews 10:1
For the Law, since it has only a
shadow of the good things to come
and not the very form of things, can
never, by the same sacrifices which
they offer continually year by year,
make perfect those who draw near.
The way we know an
Old Testament
absolute has changed
is when the New
Testament tells us it
Our church, like every
church has certain
differences which have
the potential to lead us
to either a place of
unity in love or division.
So many things can
divide a church.
Differences in worship
styles is a big one
Differences in the
manifestations of the
Holy Spirit is another.
When I was younger a
major divisive
movement came
around when the
rapture of the church
would occur.
Division has split the
church from the earliest
days of her life.
If we stand for the truth
of God we will certainly
experience a godly
Godly division comes around
absolutes He commands us
to do or not do. When these
are communicated in love
any division that comes is
inevitable and is not wrong.
Most division has not been
around God’s righteousness
but around preferences,
traditions, uncertain theology
and personal convictions
sought to be enforced on
The only answer to this
tendency is to follow what
God teaches us in His Word
about differences and
freedom in those things not
commanded as absolutes in
One of these kinds of
issues which we face
every year at this time
is our differences in the
celebration of holidays.
Colossians 2:16

Therefore no one is to act as

your judge in regard to food
or drink or in respect to a
festival or a new moon or a
Sabbath day --
This scripture tells us that, for
Christians, the Jewish ritual
laws concerning eating
drinking and observances of
specific holidays and
Sabbaths have been
abolished as absolutes.
And the Bible tells us
why they have been
abolished as
absolutes for
Colossians 2:17b

things which are a mere

shadow of what is to come;
but the substance
belongs to Christ.
The Old Testament laws
concerning food, drink,
festivals, new moons or
sabbath days are no
longer binding on
Because they
were given to
point to Jesus.
They were
analogies or signs
pointing to the
reality of Jesus.
Now that the reality
has come there is no
need for the sign to
be an absolute.
Saying this does
not mean they
are no longer
As absolutes they
were once pointing to
the future coming of
Now that they are
fulfilled they serve to
confirm He is the one
they pointed to.
Christians may
continue to celebrate
them but not as
mandated acts of
The Old Testament
commands that are not
restated in the New
Testament are not to be
held as convictions or to
be seen as Biblical
Whenever they have
been re-elevated to
this status they have
brought great
confusion and
Old Testament Holidays:
1. Were signs (analogiess) to point to Jesus.
2. Are now celebrated only to reveal how
they pointed to Jesus.
3. Are not required to be celebrated for any
4. Their merit is only in their making our or
other’s experience of Jesus greater.
Whether we celebrate these
festivals, which were once
Biblically mandated, or not
we must maintain love
with one another.
Romans 14:5
One person regards one day
above another, another regards
every day alike Each person
must be fully convinced in his
own mind.
Romans 14:6
He who observes the day, observes
it for the Lord, and he who eats,
does so for the Lord, for he gives
thanks to God; and he who eats
not, for the Lord he does not eat,
and gives thanks to God.
One very powerful example of this
principle is the life of Eric Liddell. He
was passionately committed to keeping
Sunday as the Lord’s Day. He refused
to do anything he considered work on
that day. He believed it was the
sabbath. He held it as an absolute that
should be practiced by everyone.
While even a casual investigation of when the
Sabbath actually was gives a clear
understanding it was Saturday and not
Sunday. Further the practice of the Early
Church was to rest with the rest of their
society on Saturday. Sunday was a working
day just like Monday. All early Christians
worked like everyone else on that day.
Eric’s conviction regarding the
Sabbath was not biblically
correct or perhaps even
biblically mandated to be
observed even on Saturday.
But his heart for God could not
be doubted. He loved God and
his life left a great testimony to
a generation many years after
he had died.
I do not have to believe he was
correct in his observance to
highly honor his commitment
and zeal for God.
For our Congregation
The celebration of
Holidays like Christmas
and Easter would fall
under observing any
holiday in general.
Unless something
about the holiday
intrinsically violates a
Biblical Absolute
The observance or
non-observance of it
is a matter of
personal preference.
And in these matters
freedom needs to be
given to Observe the
Day or Not Observe it
without either
regarding the other
with contempt or
Romans 14:3
The one who eats is not to
regard with contempt
the one who does not eat, and
the one who does not eat is not
to judge the one who eats, for
God has accepted him.
While some would reject
the celebration of any
Holiday most Christians
do partake in even
secular celebrations.
Thanksgiving is a
celebration that had
Christian and native
spiritual roots.
Much like Christmas
had Christian and
pagan roots.
Yet most Christians would have
little problem celebrating
Thanksgiving precisely
because of the four principles
we outlined for biblical
holidays and one further point:
While the secular
culture can make it
into a day to
worship sports,
Or to see how
much their
stomach can hold,
And the people of its
animistic roots gave
thanks to gods other
than ours,
can be
celebrated in a
Christian way.
And for a Christian
to celebrate it
It MUST be
celebrated in a
Christian Way.
The blatant
secularism in it
must be purged.
And the focus of
be to Jesus.
But if one feels that to
celebrate it links them to
these secular or animistic
elements then they should
be able to abstain
without fear of judgment
or regarding those who
do celebrate with
The celebration of
Christmas or Easter,
or any holiday in
general should be
seen in this same
Unless something
about the holiday
intrinsically violates a
Biblical Absolute
The observance or
non-observance of it
is a matter of
personal preference.
And in these matters
freedom needs to be
given to Observe the
Day or Not Observe it
without either
regarding the other
with contempt or
One answer about how
to deal with difference
is to honor intention.
We can seek to
understand the
intention of a person
even if we don’t believe
the outcome is correct.
We can always bless
and honor a right
I once believed that if
intentions were right
then actions would
be right.
Then God began to show
me that the foundation
of right action was right
But something more
was needed for right
intentions to become
right actions
The intention to relate to a
culture as closely as
possible without moving
into sin gives us a basis
for bringing the message
of God into cross cultural
And it is
1 Corinthians 9:19
For though I am free from
all men, I have made
myself a slave to all, so
that I may win more.
1 Corinthians 9:20a

To the Jews I became

as a Jew, so that I
might win Jews;
1 Corinthians 9:21b

to those who are

without law, as
without law,
1 Corinthians 9:21c

though not being

without the law of God
but under the law of
1 Corinthians 9:21d

so that I might win

those who are
without law.
1 Corinthians 9:22a

To the weak I became

weak, that I might
win the weak;
1 Corinthians 9:22b

I have become all

things to all men, so
that I may by all
means save some.
Colosians 3:17

Whatever you do in word or

deed, do all in the name of
the Lord Jesus, giving
thanks through Him to God
the Father.
Colosians 2:17b

things which are a mere

shadow of what is to come;
but the substance
belongs to Christ.
1 Corinthians 10:23

All things are lawful, but not

all things are profitable. All
things are lawful, but not
all things edify.
1 Corinthians 10:24

Let no one seek his

own good, but that
of his neighbor.
1 Corinthians 10:31

Whether, then, you eat

or drink or whatever
you do, do all to the
glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:32

Give no offense either

to Jews or to Greeks
or to the church of
1 Corinthians 10:33

just as I also please all men in

all things, not seeking my
own profit but the profit of
the many, so that they may
be saved.
So the question of Celebrating
Christmas or Easter comes down
to this. Does celebrating it or not
celebrating it bring to me or
others make me closer to Jesus
or farther away from Jesus?
That question is very
personal and in our
church we would like
it to remain so.
Beyond the personal
question are some
thoughts that will help
us to be able to have
difference in any area.
In celebating or not
celebrating, am I
being faithful to my
own conscience?
And in my faithfulness to
my own conscience am
I giving others the
freedom to follow their
without judging
them or regarding
them with
If I believe I am or am not to
celebrate Christmas am I
making sure that the
message I am sending is one
of love for Him and not
rejection of others?
If I believe to celebrate or not
do I treat those of differing
perspectives with honor,
questioning the wisdom of
actions rather than judging
motives if they are not clear?
If I believe to celebrate or not do I
treat those of differing
perspectives with grace, by not
using their conviction as a
means of defaming them or
stirring up offense with others?
Psalm 15:3
whose tongue utters no
   who does no wrong to a
   and casts no slur on
If I believe to celebrate or not
in the conversations about
my convictions do I patiently
share to expose my heart
rather than strive to win the
2Tim 2:24 (KJS)
And the servant of the Lord
must not strive; but be
gentle unto all men, apt to
teach, patient,
The church that takes
a narrow, and what I
consider non-biblical
stance on these
issues will become
increasingly divided.
It will also become a
judgmental church
that does not minster
To allow freedom in those
things the Bible says to do
so can be challenging but
it allows a church to
remain committed to one
another in spite of
Due to the preference of
our pastor as a church we
do not celebrate
Christmas or Easter. This
is a practice not an
It is a preference not an
Unless some one chooses
to make it so for
themselves personally it is
never meant to be a basis
of fellowship or to break
It is hard to allow freedom
when we are sure we are
right about a practice that is
not biblically mandated. But
if we wish to become a life
giving, inclusive church we
must learn to do so
To elevate the observance or
the non-observance of a
holiday to the status of an
absolute and an identity of
the church is wrong.
The elevation of any observance,
tradition, personal conviction or
theology not clearly taught in
scripture to an absolute and to
an identity of a church will
ultimately make it more cultish
and it will have internal division
To be a life giving Church we
must allow freedom in all
areas that are not biblical
absolutes and even in those
areas we need to minister
As we do so we will find a
sweetness that comes from
the Spirit growing between
us. That Spirit of love is very
attractive to unbelievers and
validates the truth of our
relationship with Jesus.
"A new commandment I give to
you, that you love one another,
even as I have loved you, that
you also love one another. 35
"By this all men will know that
you are My disciples, if you
have love for one another."
John 13:34-35

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