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Prof. Shreesh Ajaykumar Anjana. P, 11
Dept. Of Civil Engineering P.V. Anusree , 47
GCE,Kannur Shabna .K.K, 54
Varsha .K.V, 61
Proposal to reconstruct the abandoned Vanchiyam Hydroelectric

1.Reconnaissance survey of the entire project area, assessing the
type of structure provided
2.Catchment area computation using GTS map
3.Rainfall data collection from the nearest rain gauge station located
at Karimbam, updating flow at the catchment
4.Preliminary survey, assessing the location of project components,
elevation & head of water, discharge to generate power etc
5.Power potential studies, fixing the optimum capacity of the project
6.Hydraulic Design of the project components
7. Cost estimation based on recently completed similar projects
8.Preparation of report

Govt. College Of Engineering, Kannur
Collection of hydraulic data of abandoned project.
Discussion with engineering wing of the department for
proceeding our Project work

3 Govt. College Of Engineering, Kannur

• The scheme is proposed in Vanchiyam stream, a tributary of
Kanhilery puzha in Valapattanam river basin
• The stream originates from Padinalknad Ghat reserve forest,
Karnataka state at about elevation +1100 metres
• After flowing in North-South direction, the stream flows towards
West and joins Kanhilery puzha near Payyavoor and then enter
in Valapattanam basin
• The stream has got two main tributaries namely Attumpal
Thodu and Kuruttuhole Thodu
• The confluence of these two streams is about an elevation of
+390 metres and about 5km North of Chanthanakkampara, a
small township

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Fig.1 – Visited Project area on 07/11/2020

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The project area is located in Payyavur Panchayat,
Talipparamba Taluk
It is located 5km North of Chanthanakampara town, 40km
from Talipparamba

6 Govt. College Of Engineering, Kannur

The weir site was visited
on 7th November with the
help of 2 KSEB Engineers
and a local resident.
Only an overflow portion
of the weir was
The concrete was found
damaged and deteriorated
due to weathering.
Length of the overflow Fig. 2
portion measured is 20m

7 Govt. College Of Engineering, Kannur


The GTS map was collected

from investigation division of
The Project location was
included in Map No. 48P/12 ,
which covers whole of the area
between 75°34’ and 75°45’
longitude and 12°8’ and 12°11’
It is found that the Project
catchment area lies between
75° 34’ and 75° 37’ longitude
and 12° 8’ and 12° 11’ latitude. Fig. 3- GTS Map
8 Govt. College Of Engineering, Kannur
Calculated catchment area from GTS map = 9 sqkm

Fig. 4 Fig. 5

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Rainfall readings from 2015 to 2020 was collected from
rain gauge station at District Agricultural Farm, Karimbam
which is the nearest rain gauge station of the Project
The water potential and power studies is done based on
this rainfall data
Empirical formula usually used in Western Ghats is used
to find out the daily river discharge
The Project is proposed as a run-of-the river type scheme
and no storage is envisaged
A contour channel with required slope will be diverting
water from diversion weir to the forebay tank

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The head of water is counted from the F.S.L at forebay tank to the
centre of the turbine
Loss of head due to friction in pipe, bends ,etc. are deducted
from the gross head to get the net working head

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Fig.6. Rainfall readings

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1.  The average annual rainfall is calculated from the daily rainfall
readings for the period 2015 to 2020.
2. The average annual rainfall is found near to annual rainfall of 2017.
Hence rainfall of year 2017 is considered for power potential studies.
3. Daily working table is prepared for the year 2017 for various
capacities 1000kW, 2000kW, upto 6000kW.
• From the daily rainfall and catchment area the inflow (in Mm3) is
calculated using formula ,

Where P is the average annual rainfall in mm.

CA is the catchment area = 9km2.
D is the daily rainfall for the day under consideration.
• )

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Where Q is the discharge in m3/s ;

H is the net head = 197m
Here, power is the installed capacity considered for study. (i.e.
1000kW to 6000kW)
Power can be generated maximum by overloading 10% on all
machines to a minimum 50% capacity of 1 machine.
For example, when 3000kW capacity machines are installed
(3x1000kW), 3300kW (110% of 3000 kW) can be generated during
high floods and 500 kW (50% of 1 machine = x 1000 kW) can be
generated during minimum flow conditions.
The power can be generated only within this range. The excess
water will be spilled out and if discharge is less than that required
to generate 50% capacity of 1 machine, the generation will be

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  Power (KW) x Working hours

kWh = 1 Unit

4. Working table is prepared for various combinations of capacities from

1000kW to 6000kW
5. Monthly and yearly abstract of power generation for year 2017 is
prepared for each capacity
6. Optimisation chart is prepared for each capacity based on the below
working tables. Optimisation graph is drawn and the optimum capacity
ie, the capacity of machine required to produce maximum energy
economically is found out from graph
7. Maximum available energy with minimum installed capacity is found
from the optimisation graph

15 Govt. College Of Engineering, Kannur

Sample Calculations

Fig.7. Sample calculations for June (17/06/17 - Fig.8. Sample calculations for July (17/07/17 –
30/06/17) for an installed capacity of 3000 kW 30/07/17) for an installed capacity of 3000 kW)

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Sample Calculations

Fig.9. Monthly and yearly abstract of Power Generation Fig.10. Monthly and yearly abstract of Power Generation
(3000 kW) (4000 kW)
17 Govt. College Of Engineering, Kannur

Fig.11.Optimisation chart

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• Optimum
   capacity is the minimum capacity required to produce
maximum power economically
• The optimum capacity is located on the curve, i.e starting point where
the curve flatter is located
• Here we got 3000kW as optimum capacity. For 3000kW, 6.179MU can
be generated during an year
• After this point, for an increase in installed capacity (4000kW, 5000kW,
or 6000kW) the corresponding increase in energy generated is not
satisfactory. We can see the curve getting relatively flatter after this
point. Hence providing a capacity more than 3000kW will not be
Optimum capacity of the project = 3000kW
• Discharge required for 3000kW considering 10% overloading

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Flood Estimation
 Considering the comparatively small catchment and in the absence
of sufficient reliable records of historical flood marks etc. the flood
estimation is made using

Where C = 6.8 for the area within 80 km from coast.

A = Catchment area in km2 = 9 km2
Therefore, Q = 6.8 x 9 (2/3)
= 29.42 cumecs
30 cumecs

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Calculation of Maximum Water Level (MWL ) and Height of
• General River Bed Level = 389.00 m
• Length of Overflow portion of weir, L = 20.00 m
• Flood Discharge (Q) = 30.00 m 3/s
• 1
Where H is the height of flow over weir crest
Cd is the coefficient of discharge.
i.e. 2
Taking Cd as 0.62 for Western Ghat streams ,we get
C = 1.831
Therefore, Height of flow over crest , H = 0.88 m (From eq.2)

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• Provide Freeboard (minimum 1.00 m) = 1.12m
• Provide 2.00 m height above crest of overflow portion.
• Elevation of Overflow crest = 389.00+5+1
= 395.00m
• Maximum Water Level = 395.88m
(395.00+ 0.88)
• Elevation of top of non overflow portion = 397.00m
• Height of weir
i. Overflow or Ogee portion = 5m + 1m = 6.00m
Here 1m R.C.C. covering is proposed all around the existing Ogee portion.
II. Non Overflow portion = 8.00m

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Fig.12. Weir Section

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The water from the weir will be led into a Desilting Chamber through a
rectangular intake at right bank of the river. The left bank of the intake
canal will be a Spillway of 20.00m length to spill any excess water that
may come during heavy flood.
A desilting chamber 30.00m long and 3.00m deep is proposed just after
the intake to settle and remove silt and debris to minimise damages to
the turbines and other components.
Maximum discharge for 3000 kW installed capacity with 10 %
overloading = ) = 1.971 cumecs.
Assume Rectangular channel with
Base width, B = 2.00m
Depth of flow , d = 1.25m

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 Therefore , Area of flow, A = 2.50m2 (A= B x d)
Wetted perimeter , P = 4.50m (P= B+2d)
Hydraulic Radius , R = 0.56 (R= A/P)
For finding the Bed Slope of channel , i
Velocity of flow , V = Q/A = 0.788 m/s
Using Manning’s formula, R 2/3 i ½
Hence i =
Taking Manning’s Coefficient n= 0.014 for concrete lining steel formwork.
Bed slope of channel , i = 0.000267 =1/3322
The slope is very less, reconsidering channel section by 1.80m x1.20m
Assume, Base width , B = 1.80m
Assume, Depth of flow , d = 1.20m
Area of flow, A = 4.20m
Hydraulic Radius, R = 0.51

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 Velocity of flow , V = Q/A = 0.912 m/s
Hence , i = 0.000396 =
Provide Bed Slope of 1 in 2000
i = 0.0005
Channel discharge =AxV = 2.215 cumecs
Length of Channel = 2235.00 m
Bed Fall = 2235/2000 = 1.12m
Bed level of channel at inlet = 390.00m
Bed Level of Channel at exit
= 390.00 – 1.12 = 388.88m

F.S.L at exit = 388.88 + 1.20 = 390.08m

(1.20 is the depth of flow)

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Fig.14. Power Channel

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Fig.13. Weir, intake and surplus weir layout

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   minutes storage capacity is proposed for the design of Forebay tank.

Design Discharge = 1.971 cumecs
Two minutes storage capacity = 2x60x1.971
required = 236.4885 m³
Provide circular tank of 12.50m Diameter
Area of tank = 122.66 sqm
Depth of water = = 1.93m
 FSL = 390.08 m
Max. Draw Down Level(MDDL)= 38815m
Water depth required below MDDL upto top of the crown of penstock
pipe to prevent entry of air =

= 1.24 m

29 Govt. College Of Engineering, Kannur

Level of crown of penstock = 386.91m
Central Level of penstock = 386.41 m
Total depth of forebay tank allowing 1m freeboard and 1m silt storage
= 6.17m (i.e. 1+1.93+1.24+1+1)
Total depth provided = 6.30 m
Provide an RCC Circular Tank 12.50 m diameter and 6.30 m Depth
The Forebay Tank can be provided in D shape or an irregular shape
suitable to the site conditions after the excavation of rock strata.

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Fig.15. Layout of Forebay tank

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Fig.16. Forebay Section

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Assuming Main pipe Diameter as 100 cm

Area of flow through pipe, A = 0.785 sqm
Velocity of flow through pipe, V = Q/A
= 1.971 / 0.785
= 2.51 m/sec
Frictional Loss in penstock pipe, hf = flv²/2gd
Friction factor, f = 0.012 (since it is a smooth pipe)
Length of pipe = 550 m (obtained)
 hf = 0.012x550x2.51²/(2x9.81x1)
= 2.12m
FSL at Forebay Tank = 390.08 m
Tail water level = 189 m
Gross Head = 390.08-189 = 201.08 m

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 Net Head = Gross head – friction losses
= 201.08 – 2.12
= 198.69 m
Considering other minor losses, net head is taken as 197 m
Feeder pipe:
Length of feeder pipes proposed = 10 m

= 1/(3^0.4)
= 0.64439401
Provide feeder pipe diameter = 65 cm

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A power house is a simple structure for housing the generator units,
auxiliary equipments, control panels etc. The general ground level of
power house is +192.00 m. The building is proposed to be constructed
with RC columns and intermediate beams. The roof shall be of steel truss
with GI roof sheeting
 The internal dimensions are, length 35.00m , width 8.00m, and inside
apex height of the frame 11.00m for housing the generating units
consisting of 3Nos. 1000KW
Horizontal shaft, two nozzle, pelton turbine are proposed to be installed in
the power house

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Design and Construction features of Generating Units
The selection of turbines depends on various factors such as head, power
draft etc. (Here the head is high which is suitable to adopt Pelton turbine.)
The Design of Turbines and all other electromechanical works are covered
under E&M scope of work, which is usually done by the turbine
manufacturing company. They design, manufacture and install site specific
machines based on the data supplied to them
 Voith Hydro, Kirloskar, Boing Foress, Flowel Mechamedia , BHELetc.are few
companies presently doing E&M works for various projects of KSEB Ltd.

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Tailrace Channel

A rectangular tail race channel will be provided to clear the discharge

from the power station. The tail water will lead into the same river
which flows adjacent to the power station

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Fig.17. Elevation and head at component structures.

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Fig.18. Schematic Diagram

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The approximate cost of the project is worked out based on existing
projects which are recently completed or under construction.
1. Vilangad SHE project, Kozhikode District which was completed during
The cost incurred for civil works for this 7.50MW capacity project was 42
Crores. The cost incurred for civil construction works is found to be
5.60 Crores / MW
2. Chathankottunada SHE Project, Thottilpalam, Kozhikode District
The cost of civil works for this 6.00 MW capacity project , which was just
completed was 35 Crores. The cost incurred for civil construction works is
found to be 5.83 Cr./ MW
Considering the escalation in rate of works and increasing material prices,
the cost per MW is taken as 6.00 Cr./MW
Approximate cost of civil works = 3.00 MWx6.00 Cr./MW = 18.00 Cr.

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Cost of E&M works including design, manufacturing and installation of
Turbines and all other electrical and mechanical works: 3.50 to 4.00Cr/MW
Considering 4.00 Cr./MW,
Approximate cost of E&M works = 3x4.0 = 12.00Cr.
Cost of Transmission lines :
For 7km underground cable works to nearest substation = 3.00Cr.
obtained from similar works at Chathankottunada SHEP)


No. of years required to get back the capital cost invested:


= 33,00,00,000/(6.179x106x6.50)
= 8.22 years
41 Govt. College Of Engineering, Kannur
• From the detailed studies it can be concluded that the scheme is
feasible and financially viable
• The average annual generation expected is 6.179 MU. Considering the
present tariff, the cost spent for the scheme can be recovered by 8
• Being an eco friendly project, coming under the category of non
renewable energy, Central Government aid will also be available for
implementing the scheme
• We submit proudly to revamp the abandoned project before the

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GTS Map – 48P/12
Investigation Division, KSEB
Manual of planning and design of small hydroelectric schemes by Central
Board of Irrigation and Power
Irrigation and Water Power Engineering by S.K. Garg
Hydraulics and Fluid mechanics by P.N. Modi & Seth

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