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Unit I
Dinesh Babu
Lounge Service
• Lounge service
ranges from the
service of Continental
Break fast, Morning
Coffee, Luncheon
Snacks, Afternoon
Tea , Dinner or Late
Evening Snacks as
well as Alchoholic
Beverages , it is also
found in public
houses wine bars and
on ships
Dinesh Babu
Menu For Lounge Service
• Pot Of Coffee per
person with cream
• Pot Of Tea
• Cappuccino
• Espresso
• Two Danish
• Two Slices of
Brown Buttered
Walnut and Raisin
• Two Croissants
with Preserves
• Two Scones with
Strawberry Jam
and Clotted Cream

Dinesh Babu
Reception Tea Service
• The Term Afternoon Tea Cover may therefore
divided into two types when discussing the
service of afternoon tea
• Full Afternoon Tea Cover,
• High Tea Cover

Dinesh Babu
Cover For Afternoon Tea
• The Following Cover Should normally be laid
• Side Plate
• Paper Serviette
• Side or Tea Knife
• Pastry Fork
• Tea Cup ,Saucer & Tea Spoon
• Slop Basin & Tea Strainer
• Sugar Basin & Tongs
• Tea Pot & Hot water Jugs & Stands or Under plates
• Jug of Cold Milk
• Preserve Dish on a Under plate with preserve Spoon
• Ashtray

Dinesh Babu
Menu For Full Afternoon Tea
• Hot Buttered Toast or toasted
tea Cakes or Crumpets
• Assorted Afternoon Tea
Sandwiches : Smoked Salmon ,
Cucumber, Tomato Sardine ,
Egg, Gentlemen’s Relish
• Brown & White Bread & Butter
Fruit Bread & Butter Buttered
• Raspberry or Strawberry Jams
• Gateaux & Pastries
Dinesh Babu
Menu For High-Tea
• In Department Stores and
Popular Price restaurant a hi-Tea
will be available along with
Afternoon Tea
• Items like Grills, Toasted Snacks ,
Fish & Meat Dishes, Salads, Cold
Sweets & Ices
• Meat dishes normally Consist in
main of Pies & Pastries
• Fish Dishes are Fried or Grilled
• Accompaniments :- Tomato
Ketchup , W.C Sauce, Brown
Sauce , Vinegar ,Mustard

Dinesh Babu
Organization of Lounge Service

In a first class establishment lounge

service staff may possibly
operate from their own service
pantry, in most instances lounge
staff work and liaise with still
room or dispense bars , for this
service they serve all types of
alchoholic and non- alchoholic
beverage, lounge staff generally
have a basic stock.
Small linen Stock
Ash Trays
Glasses: Assorted
Cups & Saucers For the service of
hot beverages

Dinesh Babu
• Basic Alchoholic Stock Spirits, Apertifs,
Brandies, Liqueurs, Minerals
• CocktailSnacks  Cocktail Onions, Cocktail
Cherries, Salted Peanuts, Olives , gherkins,
Cheese Sticks, Etc..
• Beverages  Horlicks , Coffee, Ovaltine ,
Bovril, Cocoa, Chocolate
• Dry Goods Coffee Tea & Sugar
• Check Pads, Bill Pads, Stock Sheets For
Alchoholic Drink

• Lounge Staff Must Be Prepared

• Morning Coffee, Aperitifs & Cocktails
Before Luncheon & Dinner
• Afternoon Tea,
• Coffee Liqueur & Brandy after after Dinner
• Other Snacks throughout the day
depending on the type of establishment
Dinesh Babu
Reception Tea Service

• These are offered at special functions and private parties only ,and
as the name implies its served in the buffet tables and not in the
individual tables , the buffet should be set in a prominent position ,
the buffet should be in a easy access , so that the clearing of dirties
may be carried out without disturbing the guests. While Setting up
the Buffet is to ensure that there is Space for Customer Circulation
and the number of tables and chairs are placed round the room
these tables should be covered with linen and have a small vase
and a ash tray on it .

Dinesh Babu
Service Methods
• During the Reception some staff must be
positioned behind the service and
replenishment of the dishes of food &
beverage others should circulate the room
with the food and also clear away the dirties
as they accumulate ,

Dinesh Babu
Food& Beverage Service Methods
• The Service of Food & Beverage May
be carried out in many ways
depending on number of factors
• The type of establishment
• The type of customer to be served
• The time available for the meal
• The turn over of customer expected
• The type of menu presented
• The cost of meal served
• The site of the establishment
• Food & Beverage service can be
looked from customer’s point of view
essentially the customer enters food
service area , orders his or her choice

Dinesh Babu
Five types of basic method can be identified
• Table service – from menu
• Assisted service – from
menu buffet or passed trays
• Self service- customer
• Single point service-
ordered at single point
• Specialized or in situ service
–from menu or

Dinesh Babu
• Silver / English Service:- Presentation
and service of food to customer by
waiting staff from flat or dish
• Family Service :- Main Courses plated
with vegetables placed in multi –
portion dishes on tables for customers
to help themselves sauces offered
• Plate / American:-Service of Pre plated
foods to customers
• Russian :- Table Laid with food to
Customers to help themselves
• Butler / French Service :- Presentation
of food individually to customers by
food service staff for customers to
serve themselves
Dinesh Babu
• Breakfast is traditionally British
rather than Continental Meal,
originating from private houses &
Family Services at those time it was
very substantial meal consisting of
six or seven courses , including items
such as Chops, Liver, Game & even
• For the European, a Continental
Breakfast is much lighter nature and
takes a form of a light snack, for the
past decade the Europeans were
eating far less break fast like Eggs &
Bacons & High fibre food like
Cereals & Consumption of Yoghurt

Break Fast ServiceDinesh Babu

• Define breakfast buffet? Come on. A
buffet means a counter or long table with
a variety of food for informal eating . In
American eateries breakfast buffets
usually consist of long, narrow, stainless
steel steam tables with attached "sneeze
guards" holding individual stainless steel
or plastic "pans" that fit together in the
hold over hot water with heat lamps
above. It is breakfast so there are
traditional american breakfast foods such
as, scrambled eggs, fried potatoes,
bacon, sausage, ham, corned beef hash,
southern gravy and biscuits, english
muffins, and bagles. In an iced "salad bar
table" there could be fresh fruit, fruit
juices, or an assortment of coffee cakes


and other pastries.
Dinesh Babu
• A Full English Break Fast Menu May
Consist of from two to eight courses
, and the extent and variety of
menu will depend on the type of
establishment in which its being
served A light breakfast that
usually consists of
a breadstuff (such as toast,
croissants, pastries, etc.) and coffee,
tea or other liquid. The continental
breakfast is the antithesis of the
hearty english breakfast.
Dinesh Babu
B • Chilled Fruit Juice- Orange,
Pineapple , Grape,
R • Stewed Fruits- Prunes, Pears, Apples,
E • Cereals- All Branded
• Fish- Finnan Haddock, Grilled Herring
A , Bloalers, Fried Or Grilled Kippers,
Fried Smelt Fried or Grilled Sole
K • Eggs- Fried , Poached, Scrambled,
Boiled, Plain or Savory Omelette
• Meat – Fried or Grilled Bacon , Fried
Or Grilled Pork Sausages Kidneys,
F Tomatoes, Saute Potatoes
• Cold Buffet – Ham, Sausage
A • Breads- Toasts, Rolls, Brioche,
S • Preserves- Jam, Marmalade, Honey
• Beverages
T Dinesh Babu
• The Traditional Continental
Breakfast, originating in
France, consisted simply of Hot
Croissant, Brioche or Toast,
Butter , Preserves & Coffee as
The Beverage
• The Current Trend in the
Continental Break Fast Menu
is Towards offering a Wider
Variety of Choice This Includes
Customer would relate to
Healthy eating .
Dinesh Babu
• Soup with bread and butter:
spoon an knife. Remove
fork. Steak with French fries:
Remove spoon, add ketchup.
Depending on the country you
can also add mayonnaise or
vinegar. Steak with French
fries: Remove spoon, add
ketchup. Depending on the
country you can also add
mayonnaise or vinegar.

Dinesh Babu
• Floor/Room Service varies from
FLOOR/ROOM basic in room tea & coffee
SERVICE making facilities , as well as
possibly mini- bars , to vending
machines on floors , or service
of variety of meals in rooms ,
depending on nature of
establishment ,the service
extent may vary

Dinesh Babu
• You add basic stuff to it that
you will need for any dish. A
napkin, basic fork, knife and
spoon, salt, pepper,
etc. Before you bring the tray
to a room you adjust the stuff
that is on there. 

Dinesh Babu
Question bank for Unit I
• What do you mean by Lounge Service?
• What do you mean by Reception Tea Service and
Afternoon Tea Service ?
• What do you know about Hi- Tea?
• Give the methodology for Room Service Tray
• Explain about Floor/Room Service ?
• Illustrate about Food & Beverage Service
• What are the Different types of service
available ?
Dinesh Babu
• What is meant by Break fast service?, what
are the types of break fast available ?
• Write down the menu for break fast ? What is
meant by English Breakfast Continental
Breakfast? Explain?
• Write down the menu for Hi- Tea? Menu for
Lounge Service ?
• Give the Basic stock for Lounge Service ?

Dinesh Babu

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