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Factors affecting physical
properties of Steel

 Carbon Content
 Presence of Impurities
 Heat treatment processes
Carbon content:

• Variation in carbon percentage produces

steel of different grades.
• Carbon always assists in increasing the
hardness & strength of steel.
• Carbon also decreases the ductility of
• Mild steel having carbon content of 0.10-
o.25 is used for structural works.
Presence of impurities:
 Usual impurities in steel are Silicon ,Sulphur,
Phosphorus and manganese.
 If silicon content is raised about 0.30-0.40 %,
the elasticity & strength of steel are
increased without reduction in its ductility.
 If sulphur content is between 0.02-0.10%, it
has no effect on ductility or strength of steel.
 The Phosphorus produces detrimental effect
on steel.
 It is content should be kept below 0.12% to
reduce shock resistance, ductility and
strength of steel.
 Manganeses desirable content is between
0.30-1.00%.If it exceeds 1.50%, steel
becomes brittle and loses its structural
Heat treatment processes:
 This topic will be later on explained by
Gowtham ( kutty ) 
Magnetic properties of Steel:

 Since steel is used in electrical machinery,

generators etc its magnetic properties are
given importance.
 Carbon
*Its content should not exceed 0.10%.
 Silicon
*Presence of silicon increases electrical losses
and hence its highly undesirable.
 Sulphur & Phosphorus:
*If combined content of sulphur and
phosphorus exceeds 0.30%, the magnetic
properties of steel are greatly affected.
 Manganese:
*If its content increases 0.30%, it proves to be
injurious to magnetic properties of steel.
Prevention of corrosion of steel in

 Avoid heavily congested reinforcement

especially at intersection of beams and
 Avoid steel to come in contact with bricks,
soil, wood and other non-alkaline materials,
 Avoid use of materials that accelerate the
process of corrosion,
 Cleaning reinforcement with wire-brush to
remove the rust scales before placing
 Maintaining ahigh degree of workman ship,
 Proper structural design with due provision
of cover,
 Providing cathhodic protection to
 Providing surface coatings with paints, tars,
 Use high quality concrete,
 Using stone pebbles in place of badly made
cover blocks,
 Using the correct water-cement ratio.
Preventive measures for corrosion
 Coal tarring
 Electroplating
 Embedding in cement concrete
 Enameling
 Galvanizing
 Metal Spraying
 Painting
 Parkersing
 Sherardising
 Tin plating & terne plating

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