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AWS Snowball

Consider a case that a organization have 300-400 TB data to send to

cloud storage for back up & archive purpose.
The obstacles are

Dependency on Internet speed

Time required to transfer the data
Security & Privacy Issues
Compression/Decompression overhead

AWS has a solution for this limitation which is know as “SNOWBALL”.

As an alternative of sending the data using the internet, we can send

it to Amazon via an peripheral hard disk, and AWS would transfer
the data directly onto and off of storage devices using Amazon's
high-speed internal network and bypassing internet channels.
AWS Snowball
The AWS Snowball service uses physical storage devices
to transfer large amounts of data between Amazon
Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and your onsite
data storage location at faster-than-internet speeds.

Snowball is intended for transferring large amounts of

data. If you want to transfer less than 10 TB of data
between your on-premises data centers and Amazon
S3, Snowball might not be your most economical

You can understand AWS Snowball as Import/Export

Disk for the purpose of to/from data from Cloud.
AWS Snowball
Features of AWS “Snowball”:-

80 TB and 50 TB models are available in US Regions; 50

TB model available in all other AWS Regions.
Enforced encryption protects your data at rest and in
physical transit.
There's no need to buy or maintain your own hardware
You can manage your jobs through the AWS Snow
Family Management Console or programmatically
with the job management API.
AWS Snowball
AWS Snowball
AWS Snowball
AWS Snowball
AWS Snowball
• It was announced in re: invent 2016.
• A Snowmobile is an exabyte-scale data transfer service.
• It can transfer large amounts of data in and out of AWS.
• You can transfer 100 PB per Snowmobile, a 45-foot
long ruggedized shipping container, pulled by a semi-
trailer truck.
• Snowmobile allows you to move massive volumes of
data to the cloud, including video libraries, image
repositories or even a complete migration of data center.
• Transferring data with Snowmobile is secure, fast and
AWS Snowball
AWS Snowball

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