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BMFA 4463

(CIM) Delivered by :
Khairol Anuar bin Rakiman
Chapter 2

2.1 Product & Production Relationship

2.2 Product Complexity

2.3 Limitations and Capabilities of a Manufacturing


2.4 Production Concepts

2.5 Cost of manufacturing Operations

Definition of Manufacturing


2.1 Product & Production Relationship
Following are considered in determining how to
manufacture the products:
Simple assembly
–Production quantity
•Low, medium, high
–Product variety
•Soft, hard
–Complexity of individual parts
–Complexity of the assembled products

Complicated assembly

Simple part

Complicated part
Product Quantity and Product Variety

Q : Annual production quantity

P: Product variety (total number of different parts / products
produced in the factory)

So, PQ relationship can be written as

Qf  Qj
j 1

Qf = Total annual production quantity of of all parts

Qj = Annual production quantity of part / product j.

j = 1,2,...,P (subscript to identify different parts / products)

–It may be useful to distinguish soft and hard product variety in some cases.

•P1: number of distinct products (represents hard variety)

•P2: number of different models of a product (represents soft variety)


P   P2 j
j 1
Example (2.1 in textbook)
A company specializes in consumer photographic products. It
produces only cameras and projectors. In its camera line it offers 15
different models, and in its projector line it offers 2 models. What is the
totality of product models offered?
P1, P2, P ?

Solution :

P1 2
P1=2, P21=2, P22=15
P   P 2 j   P 2 j  P 21  P 2 2  2  15  17
j 1 j 1
2.2 Product Complexity
Product complexity can be defined qualitatively or quantitatively.


–Number of components is an indicator of the complexity of an

assembled product.

Product Approximate number of


Mechanical pencil 10
Bicycle 750
Airplane 1,000,000

–Number of processing steps is an indicator of the complexity of a part.

Product Approximate number of


washer 1
pump housing 20
6 cylinder engine block 50
Relation between the level of activity in a manufacturing plant and

np : number of parts per product

no : number of processing steps to make a part


•P1 = P2 = P
•The products are all assembled and there is no part purchased
•Production quantity for each product design is the same (Q).
•All products have the same number of components (np).
•All components require the same number of processing steps (no).

–Total number of product units produced: Q f  PQ

–Total number of parts produced: n pf  PQn p

–Total number of operations performed: nof  PQn p no

Example (2.2 in textbook)

Suppose a company has designed a new product line and is planning to

build a new plant to manufacture this product line. The new line consists
of 100 different product types and for each product type the company
wants to produce 10,000 units annually. The products average 1000
components each, and the average number of processing steps
required for each component is 10. All parts will be made in the factory.
Each processing step takes an average of 1 min. Determine:

a) How many products?

b) How many parts?, and

c) How many production operations will be required each year?, and

d) How many workers will be needed for the plant, if it operates one
shift for 250 day/yr?

(1 shift = 8 hr)

a) The total number of products to be produced by the factory

Q f  PQ P = 100 (different product types)
Q = 10,000 (production quantity for each product type)
Qf= (100)(10,000) = 1,000,000 (products annually)

b) The total number of parts

n pf  PQn p

np= 1000 (each product contains 1000 parts)

npf= (1,000,000)(1000) = 1,000,000,000 (parts annually)
c) The number of distinct production operations

nof  PQn p no

nof= (1,000,000,000)(10) = 10,000,000,000 operations annually

d) Total number of workers required

Time required to perform these operations:

Total time = (10,000,000,000 operation/yr)(1 min/operation)(1hr / 60 min)

= 166,666,667 hr/yr

Each workers works 8 x 250 hr/yr = 2000 hr/yr

Total number of workers is then

w = (166,666,667 hr/yr) / (2000 hr/yr) = 83,333 workers !!!
2.3 Limitations and Capabilities of a Manufacturing
- A factory practically does not produce everything itself (requires
vendor to supply necessary components)

- Focused factory: plant which concentrates on a limited, concise,

manageable set of products, technologies, volumes, markets.

- Bases defining manufacturing capability of a plant;

i) Technological processing capability

•e.g. A machine shop cannot forge steel

ii) Physical size and weight of the product

•e.g. A plant without heavy-duty cranes may not handle
heavy products

iii) Production capacity (plant capacity)

•Definition: Maximum rate of production per period that a plant can
achieve under assumed operating conditions.
•e.g. A plant capable of producing 1000 specific products annually
cannot manufacture 2000 pieces of that product per year.
2.4 Production Concepts
–Number of products / parts produced per hour (Rp).
–It is the reciprocal of the production time (Tp).

Rp 

–Production time involves the effects of

•setup time (T su )and batch size (Q) (in case batch
•handling time of the product (T h) and tooling (T th ),
•actual processing time (To ).
Production Rate (Rp):

–Operation cycle time (Tc)

•Time that one work unit spends being processed or assembled.

Tc  To  Th  Tth

•All are expressed as min/pc.

–Batch processing time (Tb)(in case of batch production)

Tb  Tsu  Qtc

•Qin pcs, T su in min

–Production time in batch production Tp 
–Production time in job shop production is same with batch production.
–For quantity mass production: (Q is significantly high)

Tsu / Q  0

R p  Rc  1 / Tc

Rc :operation cycle rate of the machine

–For flow line mass production: (Q is significantly high again)

•The station with the longest operation time: Bottleneck station

Tc  Tr  max(To ) R p  Rc  1 / Tc

Tr: time to transfer work units between the stations (expressed in min/pc)
Production Capacity (PC) (Plant Capacity):
–Maximum rate of output that a production facility is able to produce under a
given set of assumed operating conditions (shifts and workdays).

PC  nSHR p

•PC expressed in units/wk

•n: number of work centers in the facility
•S: number of shifts per period (expressed in shift/wk)
•H: operation time of work center (expressed in hr/shift)
•Rp: hourly production rate (units/hr)
–Assumptions in the model:
•It is assumed that units are processes uniformly through the
work centers.
•All machines are producing 100% of the time
•There is no bottleneck

–Solutions to increase the production capacity over

short term
• Change the number of shifts

• Change the number of work hours per shift

long term
• Increase number of work centers ( utilise unused m/c, acquire
new m/c, hire more workers)

• Increase production rate by improvements in processing

methods or technology.

• Reduce the number of operations by combining or integrating

them (automation)
Example (2.3 in textbook)

The turret lathe section has six machines, all of them assigned to the
production of the same part. The section operates 10 shift/wk. The
number of hours per shift averages 8. Average production rate of each
machine is 17 unit/hr. Determine the weekly production capacity of the
lathe section.


PC  nSHRp  (6)(10)(8)(17)  8160 units/week

Utilization (U):
–The amount of output of a production facility relative to its capacity.

U  Q / PC
•Q : Actual quantity produced in a given time (expressed in units/wk)

–Utilization can be used for any productive resource (plant, machine,

labor, etc.).

–Utilization is generally expressed as a percentage.

Example (2.4 in textbook)

A production machine operates 80 hr/wk (two shifts, 5 days) at full

capacity. Its production rate is 20 units/hr. During a certain week, the
machine produced 1000 parts and was idle the remaining time.

a) Determine the production capacity of the machine

b) What was the utilization of the machine during the week under


a) PC= (80)(20) = 1600 units/wk

b) U= 1000 / 1600 = 0.625 = 62.5 %

Alternatively, calculate the time spent to produce 1000 units.

H= (1000 units) / (20 units/hr) = 50 hr
U= 50 / 80 = 0.625 = 62.5 %
Availability (A):

– Measure of reliability of an equipment.

– Commonly defined in terms of MTTR (Mean Time To Repair) and MTBF

( Mean Time Between Failure).

– Two approaches in calculation of availability:

Example (2.5 in textbook)

The turret lathe section has six machines, all of them assigned to the
production of the same part. The section operates 10 shift/wk. The
number of hours per shift averages 8. Average production rate of each
machine is 17 unit/hr. Determine the weekly production capacity of the
lathe section, if availability of the machines: A= 90 % and utilization
of the machines: U= 80 %


PC  UA( nSHR p )

Pc  UA(nSHRp )  (0.9)(0.8)[(6)(10)(8)(17)]  5875 units/week


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