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Elimination of Arbitrary

Elimination of Arbitrary Constants
In practice, differential equations arise in many ways, some of which we
shall encounter later. There is one way of arriving at a differential
however, that is useful in that it gives us a feeling for the kinds of
solutions to be expected. In this section we start with a relation
involving arbitrary constants and, by elimination of those arbitrary
constants, come to a differential equation consistent with the original
relation, In a sense we start with the answer and find the problem.
Elimination of Arbitrary Constants
• Methods for the elimination of Arbitrary constants vary with the way in
which the constants enter the given relation. A method chat is efficient o7
one problem may be poor for another. One fact persists throughout.
Because each differentiation yields a new relation, the number of that derivatives need be used is the
same as the number of arbitrary constants to be eliminated. We shall in each case determine the
differential equation that is;

(a) Of order equal to the number of arbitrary constants in the given relation.
(b) Consistent with that relation.
(c) Free from arbitrary constants.

Rule for finding the Differential Equation:

The number of arbitrary constants determines the number of times the function
must be differentiated.
Find the differential equation whose solution correspond to the
following equation
 2. y = a + bx + c
•4.  Eliminate the arbitrary constants and , from the relation

Since two constants are to be eliminated obtain the two derivatives,

The elimination of from equations (2) and (3) yields

+ 2y’ = 15
•+  2y’ = 15
Elimination of from equation (1) and (2) yields
+ 2y = 5

Hence, y’’+ 2y’ = 3(y’ + 2y)

Or y’’ – y’ -6y = 0
  5. 𝑦 =𝐶 1 𝑠𝑖𝑛3 𝑡+𝐶 2 𝑐𝑜𝑠 3 𝑡

2 −𝑥
𝑦 =4x+𝐶 1 𝑒

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