Leadership Top10

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FALL 2021 Semester

~ Leadership~

1. Confidence
• Definition
• Self Concept
2. S.W.O.T. :
• Self – Reflection Copyright © 2016 Pearson Canada Inc .
• Activity
3. Feedback
• Self – Reflection
• Activity

4. Leadership: Copyright © 2017 Sarmad Hasan

• Definition Article: https://blog.taskque.com/characteristics-good-leaders/

• Styles: McClelland Model

5. Qualities:
• Top 10 Copyright © 2012 Influence at Work (Dr. Robert Cialdini)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFdCzN7RYbw /
• Persuasion “Ms. ‘Lil Lots”
(knows a‘lil ~ about alot)
6. Wrap – up: Recap/Q&A/Homework

• The Image YOU have of yourself … How YOU Perceive Yourself … YOUR
Thoughts/Feelings about your Strengths/Weaknesses (SWOT)

• The VALUE … YOU place on yourself  Self – worth!

• The exchange of info. between 2/> persons (verbal & Non-Verbal)

• Is a State of Mind … being certain of a Theory/prediction is correct OR the course of action is
best/most effective

Influence (rapport)
• Verbal's/Non-Verbal’s: Mirror, Language, Matching, Processing, Pacing & Leading …

+ SELF Confidence
• State of Mind achieved by Self Image/Esteem, via the use of Effective Communication

• Ability to cast a Vision and Motivate/Inspire (Influence) Others, to Engage!

A Leader is one who Knows the Way … Goes the Way … and Shows the Way! ~John C. Maxwell

• What’s YOUR State

of Mind?

• How much do YOU Appreciate

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Canada Inc
SWOT Analysis
(SELF Reflection)

Strength Weaknesses
• Socializing low confidence
• Talkative taking care of diabetes
• Cooking socializing

Opportunities Threats
• Talk things out/effective comm. people’s opinion on you
• See dietian/take meds/dr visits annoy people
• Social networking forums
(WK 8)

Feedback builds LEADERSHIP!

The ability to communicate/express: ideas, thoughts and feelings,

serve as the basis for ALL (human) interactions …

Practice makes Perfect & the better you get, the more consistent Your
Character becomes … building critical Leadership Skills!!!
Feedback: Importance
(FALL 2021)

Effective Feedback
Providing Feedback: Verbal or Non-Verbal communication, is critical to the
Sender’s/Receiver’s – as to how their behavior is affecting, impacting or influencing

Giving/Receiving Feedback
•Builds on Personal Strengths
•Addresses Development Needs
•Improves Performance
•Fosters Motivation
4 – Step Feedback Loop


• Identifies the specific behavior in which you
“I saw …” “It did …” want to provide effective feedback on

• Identifies the impact / value / result of that
particular behavior on you/others

• Asks / states that the Performer should
continue (+VE) or change (-VE) this behavior

AGREEMENT • Confirms and reinforces the continuance or
“So I’d like to ask change in said behaviors, via pre-cursor
“Can we agree …” and/or catalyst, to attain #4



Providing Feedback
This morning, one of you team members gave a presentation to the business unit
about the new system. The material was well organized; he spoke clearly and handled
questions with confidence. However, the presentation took nearly 2x as long as it was
scheduled for, and you noticed some of the audience glancing at the clock. You are
planning to give feedback to the team member. What would YOU do (in priority order):
A. Give lots of positive feedback – the team member was very nervous before the presentation and
you don’t want to hurt his confidence/feelings.
B. Give lots of constructive feedback – the issue of timing is an important one.
C. Let this feedback opportunity go. You believe he already recognizes where he needs to improve,
and you don’t want to be seen as nit-picky.
D. Provide feedback focusing on what the team member did well and getting agreement on what he
can do to make the presentation even better next time (meeting the time limit)
Case Study

 Style: McClelland Model (behavioral motivation Theory)

1. Power • Concerned with accruing/maintaining power
• Strong need to influence/lead others
• Status oriented, Money is important (will argue $)
• Likes conflict and has a confrontational approach
• ASSERTIVE or ANGRY customer types
2. Affiliation • Concerned with Friendly Relationships
• What people think about them is important
• Prefers co-operation vs conflict, Will listen to the other side
• Wait & see approach (may be indifferent)
• BELIEVER/SOCIAL or PASSIVE customer types
3. Achievement • Concerned with Results: Facts/Figures/data Oriented
• Bottom line, goal oriented
• Motivated by the process, exhibits task behaviors
• Will listen for feedback
• ANALYTICAL or ASSERTIVE customer types
Copyright © 2019 Thy Kingdoms Consultancy
Copyright © 2017 Sarmad Hasan
Article: https://blog.taskque.com/characteristics-good-leaders/

Top 10 Leadership Qualities – that make GOOD Leaders:

1. Honesty & Integrity  Values, Beliefs, Ethics

2. Confidence  EFFECTIVE Communication + Self Awareness

3. Inspire Others  Influence & Persuasion (Lead by Example)

4. Commitment & Passion  Get Involved (Garbage in = Garbage out)

5. Good Communicator  Communicates Effectively (Story-Telling) + Gives the

HOW (Roadmap)
(Qualities – CONT’D)
Copyright © 2017 Sarmad Hasan
Article: https://blog.taskque.com/characteristics-good-leaders/

Top 10 Leadership Qualities – that make GOOD Leaders:

6. Decision Making  Right Decision @ Right Time (IMPACT): Socialize!

… with the right Information!

7. Accountability  100% Responsibility

8. Delegation & Empowerment  Identify SWOT + Feedback Loop

9. Creativity & Innovation  Add: VALUE

10. Empathy  EI: Ability to Understand/Share the Feelings of Another

FALL 2021 Semester
~ Leadership~

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