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Gerund and

Bahasa Indonesia
Saya berharap mendapatkan vaksin Pfizer.
I expect get Pfizer vaccine.
I expect to get Pfizer vaccine.

Saya merekomendasikan meneliti di pasar tradisional.

I recommend research at the traditional market.
I recommend researching at the traditional market
Russian Language
Я надеюсь получить вакцину Pfizer.
I expect get Pfizer vaccine.
I expect to get Pfizer vaccine.

Я рекомендую исследовать традиционные рынки.

I recommend research at the traditional market.
I recommend researching at the traditional market
Here is a brief review of the differences between gerunds and infinitives.

Gerunds are formed with ING:

walking, talking, thinking, listening

Infinitives are formed with TO:

to walk, to talk, to think, to listen

Gerunds and infinitives can do several jobs:

Both gerunds and infinitives can be the subject of a sentence::

Writing in English is difficult.

To write in English is difficult.

Both gerunds and infinitives can be the object of a verb::

I like writing in English.

I like to write in English.

Only gerunds can be the object of a preposition::

We are talking about writing in English.

Verbs that are normally followed by the gerund form:

acknowledge | admit | adore | anticipate | appreciate | avoid |

celebrate | confess | contemplate
delay | deny | describe | detest | discuss | dislike | dread |
endure | enjoy
fancy | finish |
imagine | involve |
keep |
justify |
mention | mind | miss |
omit |
postpone | practise
quit |
recall | recommend | regret | report | resent | resume | risk |
suggest |
tolerate |

For example:
I adore reading your books.
They anticipated winning the election.
I detest going to discos.
We postponed making any decision in the meeting.
Verbs which are normally followed by the infinitive form:

afford | agree | appear | arrange | ask | attempt |

care | choose | claim | come | consent
dare | decide | demand | deserve | determine |
elect | endeavour | expect |
fail |
get | guarantee
hate | help | hesitate | hope | hurry |
incline | intend |
learn | long |
manage | mean |
offer |
plan | prepare | pretend | promise |
refuse | resolve |
say | seem |
tend | threaten |
want | wish

For example:

I can't afford to go to the pub.

He agreed to practise more.
You should learn to express yourself.
They managed to fix the problem.
Gerund and Infinitive (no difference in meaning)

We use the Gerund or the Infinitive after the following verbs:

He began talking.
He began to talk.
They continue smoking.
They continue to smoke.
Do you hate working on Saturdays?
Do you hate to work on Saturdays?
I like swimming.
I like to swim.
She loves painting.
She loves to paint.
Pat prefers walking home.
Pat prefers to walk home.
They start singing.
They start to sing.
We use the Gerund or the Infinitive after the following verbs. There are two possible
structures after these verbs.
Gerund: verb + -ing
Infinitive: verb + person + to-infinitive

They advise walking to town.

They advise us to walk to town.
They do not allow smoking here.
They do not allow us to smoke here.
They encourage doing the test.
They encourage us to do the test.
They do not permit smoking here.
They do not permit us to smoke here.

We use the following structures with the word recommend:

They recommend walking to town.

They recommend that we walk to town.
Some verbs have different meaning. (when used with Gerund or Infinitive)

He'll never forget spending so much Don't forget to spend money on the
money on his first computer. tickets.

go on Go on reading the text. Go on to read the text.

You have forgotten your homework
I meant to phone your mother, but
mean again. That means phoning your
my mobile didn't work.
I remember switching off the lights Remember to switch off the lights
when I went on holiday. when you go on holiday.

stop Stop reading the text. Stop to read the text.

I tried to run after the dog, but I
try Why don't you try running after the dog?
was too slow.
Ali's Story
Booking The School
Ali decided that he wanted (study) abroad. (achieve) his goal, he
had many things that he had (do) . Firstly he needed (improve)
his English so he could take the IELTS test. Unfortunately Ali disliked (learn)
English so this would not be much fun. His friend recommended (attend) a
school close to his house. Ali went to look and from what he could see it seemed (be)
a good school. He didn't delay (register) for a course. He managed
(get) a good price for the course because they had a special offer on. This
was good because he could not afford (pay) too much.
He had never read much in his life and knew he was weak in this area, so he practiced
(read) as much as he could. He hated (write) in English too as his
grammar was quite weak so he also planned (practice) writing as many
essays as possible. His teachers agreed (check) these for him. As it turned
out, Ali actually really enjoyed (study) English. The other students on the
course didn't hesitate (help) Ali and the teachers always offered (assist)
him if he was stuck. He kept up his studying for a number of months because he wouldn't
risk (sit) the exam until he was ready

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