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by Charlie R. Lopez
• Bible is the written Word of God, final authority, Ha
s 66 Books, Complete, cannot be added anymore, c
annot be subtracted(Prov. 30:6, Rev. 22:18-19, Deu.
• Mahalaga at magagamit para sa pagsaway, pagtutur
o ng katotohanan, pagtutuwid ng maling turo at pa
gsasanay para sa matuwid na pamumuhay(2 Timot
eo 3:16)
• The words written in Holy Scriptures came from Go
d(2 Peter 1:20-21)
Si Christ ay sapat na upang tayo ay maligtas, ma-jus
tify sa harap ng Diyos, sapat na ang Kanyang atone
ment sa cross at pagsalo ng wrath of God.(Acts 4:12,
Heb. 10:8-10, Rom. 3:22-23)
He is Author and Finisher of our faith(Heb. 12:2)
He is righteous, truly God truly man(Heb. 2:17-18, 1
Cor. 15:21, John 1:1-2, 1 Cor. 5:21, Isaiah 53:9)
"For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no si
n, so that in him we might become the
righteousness of God."(1 Corinthians 5:21)

"For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells

bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the h
ead of all rule and authority."(Colossians 2:9-10)
Irenaeus, an early Church Father affirms
"For if no one can forgive sins but God
alone, while the Lord remitted them an
d healed men, it is plain that He was Hi
mself the Word of God made the Son of
man, receiving from the Father the pow
er of remission of sins; since He was ma
n, and since He was God, in order that s
ince as man He suffered for us, so as Go
d He might have compassion on us, and
forgive us our debts, in which we were
made debtors to God our Creator."(fro
m the book Against Heresies)
We are saved because of our faith in Jesus Chr
ist(John 6:29), we are justified through our fait
h. Faith alone is not easy believism, we are no
t saved by our own efforts/our own "good wo
rks"(Isa. 64:6, Eph. 2:8-9, Gal. 3:6-9, Rom. 4:2
3-24) the saving justifying faith produces good
works and it is demonstrated through actions
(James 2:14-17)
Ang pananampalataya ay katiyakan na mangyayari ang a
ting mga inaasahan, at paninindigan tungkol sa mga baga
y na hindi nakikita. Kinalugdan ng Diyos ang mga tao noo
ng unang panahon dahil sa kanilang pananampalataya.
...Hindi maaaring kalugdan ng Diyos ang walang panana
mpalataya sa Kanya, sapagkat ang sinumang lumalapit s
a Diyos ay dapat sumampalatayang may Diyos at Siya an
g nagbibigay ng gantimpala sa mga humahanap sa Kanya
- Hebreo 11:1-2 & 6 MBB
Ito ang mensahe: "ang hambog ay mabibi
go sa kanyang pagmamataas, ngunit ang
matuwid ay mabubuhay sa pamamagitan
ng kanyang pananampalataya."
- Habbakuk 2:4

"I believed, wherefore I have spoken: but

I was greatly afflicted."
- Psalms 116:10 LXX
Sa Diyos galing ang pananampalataya ayon sa
2 Pedro 1:1, "Mula kay Simon Pedro, isang lin
gkod at apostol ni Jesu-Cristo---Para sa inyong
lahat na tulad nami'y tumanggap ng napakaha
lagang pananampalatayang mula sa ating mak
atarungang Diyos at Tagapagligtas na si Jesu-C
According to Ezekiel 36:26-27, "And I will
give you a new heart, and a new spirit I w
ill put within you. And I will remove the h
eart of stone from your flesh and give you
a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit wi
thin you, and cause you to walk in my stat
utes and be careful to obey my rules."
Ang grace na ito ay ang saving grace, grace na ibinigay s
a atin ng Diyos upang mapalaya tayo from bondage to s
in at wala na tayo sa ilalim ng Law sapagkat ang Law ay
may sumpa(Gal. 3:10-11). Sinalo ni Jesus Christ ang su
mpa at ang wrath of God at dumaloy sa atin ang kapata
waran at grace mula sa Diyos. Jesus satisfied the wrath
of God at di na natin kailangan ng mga hayop na ihahan
Ang grace na ito ay hindi license to sin, kun
di ito ay para maging malaya tayo from sin
at hindi na tayo magpapaalipin ulit. And be
cause our debt is paid, we must pursue holi

"Ano ngayon ang sasabihin natin? Patuloy b

a tayong magkakasala upang sumagana sa a
tin ang kagandahang loob ng Diyos? Hindin
g-hindi! Tayo'y patay na sa kasalanan, paan
o pa tayo mamumuhay sa pagkakasala?"
-Roma 6:1-2
"But after that the kindness and love of Go
d our Saviour toward man appeared, Not b
y works of righteousness which we have d
one, but according to his mercy he saved u
s, by the washing of regeneration, and ren
ewing of the Holy Ghost; Which he shed on
us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Sav
- Titus 3:4-6 KJV
Tayo ay iniligtas ng Diyos by grace alone, in Christ al
one, we are justified by faith alone for the glory of G
od alone. And everything we do, we must do it for H
is glory, upang papurihan Siya, pasalamatan Siya, sa
mbahin Siya, sundin Siya at mahalin Siya(1 Cor. 10:3
1, Colosas 1:16).
Ayon sa Westminster Catechism, "QUESTION
1: What is the chief and highest end of man?
ANSWER: Man’s chief and highest end is to gl
orify God, and fully to enjoy him for ever."

"Let your light so shine before men, that they

may see your good works, and glorify your Fa
which is in heaven."
- Matthew 5:16 KJV

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