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英三 郭妙如

English Literature

Final Video Essay

Elizabeth I
• Introduction of Elizabeth I

• Work of Elizabeth I

• Events under Elizabeth I

• Clothes in the Era of Elizabeth I

• Modern Movie Adapted from Elizabeth I

Introduction of Elizabeth I
Elizabeth I (1533 –1603)
House of Tudor
Religion: Church of England

*The Virgin Queen 童貞女王

*Gloriana 榮光女王
*Good Queen Bess 賢明女王
Work of Elizabeth I
The “Golden Speech”
Mr Speaker... We have heard your declaration and perceive your
care of our estate.

Of myself I must say this: I never was any greedy, scraping gr

asper, nor a strait fast-holding Prince, nor yet a waster. My
heart was never set on any worldly goods.

Since I was Queen, yet did I never put my pen to any grant, bu
t that upon pretext and semblance made unto me, it was both go
od and beneficial to the subject in general though a private p
rofit to some of my ancient servants, who had deserved well at
my hands.
I have ever used to set the Last Judgement Day before mine
eyes and so to rule as I shall be judged to answer before a
higher judge, and now if my kingly bounties have been abuse
d and my grants turned to the hurt of my people contrary to
my will and meaning, and if any in authority under me have
neglected or perverted what I have committed to them, I hop
e God will not lay their culps and offenses in my charge.

For I, oh Lord, what am I, whom practices and perils past s

hould not fear? Or what can I do? That I should speak for a
ny glory, God forbid.
1. The Golden Speech was delivered by Queen Elizabeth I of Eng
land in the Palace Council Chamber to 141 Members of the Commo
ns (including the Speaker), on 30 November 1601.

2. It was a speech that was expected to be addressing some pri

cing concerns,
based on the recent economic issues facing the country.

3. She revealed that it would be her final Parliament and turn

ed the mode of the speech to addressing the love and respect s
he had for the country, her position, and the Members themselv
4. It is the second such speech for which Queen Elizabeth
I was noted.
(Speech to the Troops at Tilbury)

5. The Golden Speech has been taken to mark a symbolic en

d of Elizabeth's reign, one which is widely considered on
e of the Golden Eras of England's history.

6. Elizabeth died 16 months later in March 1603 and was s

ucceeded by her first cousin twice removed, James I.
Events Under Elizabeth I
1. Act for the Preservation of the Queen's Safety
( 保護女王安全法案 )

This 1585 policy was int

ended to quash conspirac
ies against the Queen, a
nd was enacted in respon
se to recent plots like
the Duke de Guise Plot a
nd the earlier Ridolfi P
2. Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity
( 至尊法案 / 禮拜統一法 )
These two acts, ratified together,
were meant to settle religious conflicts
while the Act of Supremacy made Elizabet
h the "Supreme Governor" of the Church,
with the authority to make absolute deci
sions affecting religious practices,
the Act of Uniformity restored, with som
e amendments, the Protestant Prayer Book
that Mary I had banned.
3. Babington Plot ( 巴賓頓陰謀 )
Anthony Babington led this 15
86 plot to overthrow Elizabet
h and put Mary Queen of Scots
on the throne. Mary was throw
n into the Tower of London an
d subsequently executed for i
nvolvement in this plot, whic
h Walsingham cleverly detecte
d and exposed.
Clothes in
the Era of Elizabeth I
Men’s Clothes

• Shirts and long shorts: Lace decoration

• Materials: Velvet, damask, and silk
• Trousers: Knee-length/thigh-length
• Upper Garment: Doublet
(wool, leather, or thick fabric)
• Bombast( 襯墊 ): Create fashionable
(wool, cotton or horsehair)
WoMen’s Clothes
First: In the shape of a bell or cylinder.
(Wheeled farthingale)

Second: Petticoats( 襯裙 ) and bodice.

(stiff garment made from wool)

Third: A gown (typically worn with false sleeves

, and decorated with pearls, jewels and gold broca
de 錦緞 )
Modern Movies
Adapted from Elizabeth I
The Golden Age (2007)

Elizabeth (1998) Mary Queen of Scots (2018 )

• Cartwright, M. (2021, June 17). Clothes in the Elizabethan Era. World History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from:

• Study (2021). Earn College Credit. Research Schools, Degrees & Careers. Retrieved from: https://

• Wikipedia contributors (2021, June 11). Elizabeth I. Retrieved from:

• Wikipedia contributors. (2020, August 31). Golden Speech. Retrieved from: https://

• Queen Elizabeth I Biography (2021). Key Terms and Events. Retrieved from: https
Thank you 

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