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Department Of Technical Education

Andhra Pradesh
Name : A. Satyanarayana
Designation : Head of Mechanical Engineering
Branch : Mechanical Engineering
Institute : S.M.V.M.Polytechnic, Tanuku
Semester : VI Semester
Subject : Industrial Management & Entrepreneurship
Subject Code: 9EC602
Topic : Principles of Management,Organisation
structure and behaviour
Duration : 50 mts
Sub Topic : Definitions-Industry, Trade, Business
Teaching Aids : Diagrams
Revised by : B.S.L.Prasanna
9EC602.1 1

On completion of this period, you would be

able to know about
• Business
• Trade
• Commerce
• Industry
• Evolution of Management

9EC602.1 2
Some definitions

• Business : Means the state of being busy.

It includes trade , commerce and industry.
• Trade : Means buying and selling of goods.
• Commerce : It involves distributive process.
Consists of Trade, Storing, Grading, Packaging,

Financing, Insuring and Transporting.

• Industry : It is a process of Extraction or Production of

9EC602.1 3
Evolution of Management Theories
Evolution of Management thought can be divided
into four stages.
Pre – scientific period

Scientific management period (1900 – 1930)

Human relationships in organization (1930 – 1960)

(Neo classical period)

Modern period (Systems approach 1960 – present)

9EC602.1 4
Pre Scientific Period

• This era is prior to Taylor’s scientific management


• Prominent theorists during this period are

- Charles Babbage

- James Watt

- Henry Robinson Towne

9EC602.1 5
Scientific Management Period (1900-1930)

• This is also known as classical period.

• During this period management was viewed as a

systematic network of functions.

• Prominent management theorists during this period are

- F.W. Taylor

- H.L.Gantt

- Henri Fayol
9EC602.1 6
Human Relations in Organisation
(Neo Classical Theory 1930 – 1960)
•It considered the organisation as a socio technical system.
• It gave importance to factors like
- Motivation
- Leadership
- Communication
- Group Dynamics
• Prominent theorists are

- Elton Mayo
- P.F. Drucker
9EC602.1 7
Prominent Theorists

F.W Taylor
9EC602.1 8
Elton Mayo
9EC602.1 9
Modern Period
(Systems Approach 1960 – Present)

• This recognised the organisation as system consisting of

several sub systems.

• It also recognised that organisation is a dynamic system

and is subjected to changes in environment.

• Prominent management theorists are

- Burns and Stalker

- P.R.Lawrence
- F.E.Kast
9EC602.1 10
Prominent Theorists

P.F Ducker
9EC602.1 11
Principles of Scientific Management
•These principles were given by F.W.Taylor.

• He is considered as father of scientific management.

• The principles can be summarised as follows

- Science, not rule of thumb

- Co – operation, not individualism

- Maximum output, In place of controlled output

- Harmony, not discontent

- Developing the worker to his greatest efficiency

9EC602.1 12

In this class, we have learnt about

• Business : State of busy
• Trade : Buying and selling
• Commerce : Includes trade and Distribution
• Industry : Conversion process.
• Learnt evolution of management theories.
• Learnt scientific management principles.

9EC602.1 13

1. State of busy is known as

a) Trade

b) Commerce

c) Business

d) Internal Trade

9EC602.1 14

2. Art of converting raw material into finished product

a) Commerce

b) Domestic Trade

c) Productivity

d) Industry

9EC602.1 15

3. Rate of production of goods is known as

a) Productivity

b) Production

c) Plant

d) Planning

9EC602.1 16

4. Who is the father of scientific management

a) Charles Babbage

b) James Watt Jr.

c) F.W.Taylor

d) P.F.Drucker

9EC602.1 17
5. One of the Proponents of Neo Classical theory

a) L. Gantt

b) P.F. Drucker

c) Henri Fayol

d) F.E.Kast

9EC602.1 18

1. Identify the Companies performing the

following activities in your town/city
a) Trading
b) Commerce
c) Industry

9EC602.1 19

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