9ee602 19

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Department Of Technical Education

Andhra Pradesh
Name : K. Srinivasa Rao
Designation : Head of Mechanical Engineering
Branch : Mechanical Engineering
Institute : S.M.V.M.Polytechnic, Tanuku
Semester : VI Semester
Subject : Industrial Management & Entrepreneurship
Subject Code: 9EE602
Topic : Production, material and marketing
Duration : 50 mts
Sub Topic : Network Analysis
Teaching Aids : Diagrams
Revised by : B.S.L.Prasanna
9EE602.19 1

In the previous class we have discussed about

• Routing

• Scheduling

• Dispatching

9EE602.19 2

On completion of this period, you would be able to

• Understand the meaning of network

• Define and explain the terms in the network diagrams

• Draw network diagram and analyze them

9EE602.19 3
Network Diagram

• The network diagram is a sketch or diagram which

shows the relationships (sequential or simultaneous)

between various activities of the project

9EE602.19 4
Network Diagram

9EE602.19 5
Network Diagram

9EE602.19 6
Network Diagram

9EE602.19 7
Types Of Net Works

There are different network techniques such as

• CPM critical path method
• PERT programme evaluation and review technique
• LCS least cost scheduling
• PCS project control system
• GERT graphical evaluation and review technique
• CPM and PERT techniques are often used in order to
complete the project within the schedule time

9EE602.19 8
Terminology used in networks


• It marks the beginning or end of an activity

• Event is denoted by a circle in Network

• Event number is written within the circle

9EE602.19 9
Terminology used in networks

• Event consumes neither resources nor time.

• It denotes an instant of time

Example: Switching on the motor

Switching off the motor

Opening the door of the car

9EE602.19 10

• In the project there are numbers of job operations

• These operations are called activities

• Activities consume both time and resources

• Activities are denoted by an arrow in the network

Example: Filling the overhead water tank

9EE602.19 11

• Activity name is written below the arrow line viz., A, B, C etc.

• Activities are of three types.

 Critical Activity

 Non critical activity

 Dummy Activity

9EE602.19 12
Critical Activities

• Are those which if consume more than their estimated

time the project is delayed

• They are denoted by a double line arrow or thick arrow

9EE602.19 13
Non-critical Activities

• These activities have spare time or extra time over

their estimated time

9EE602.19 14
Dummy Activities

• Are introduced in the network when two

activities start at the same time

• Are denoted by dotted arrows

• Don’t consume either time or resources

• May be a critical or non-critical one.

9EE602.19 15
Critical Path

• Is formed by the sequence of critical activities

• Duration is the project duration

• A project may have more than one critical path

• Is the longest path in the network

• Consumes maximum resources and time

9EE602.19 16
Terminology used in Networks


• Is the actual or estimated time to complete an activity

Total project time:

• Is the time required to complete a project

9EE602.19 17
Terminology used in Networks

Earliest start time (EST)

• It is the earliest possible time to start an activity

Earliest finish time (EFT)

• It is the earliest possible time to finish an activity

• EFT = EST + Duration of that activity

9EE602.19 18
Terminology used in Networks

Latest finish time(LFT)

•It is the latest possible time to finish an activity

Float or Slack:

•It is the spare time available on non critical activities over

and above their estimated time.

9EE602.19 19
Terminology used in Networks

Latest start time (LST)

•It is the latest possible time to start an activity

LST = LFT – Duration of that activity

9EE602.19 20
Network Analysis

•Earliest times are calculated by moving from first

event to last event of project network

•Latest times are calculated by moving from last

event to first event of project network

9EE602.19 21
Rules to draw networks
• Every activity has got one initial event and one final
• Event is also called as node
• Initial event should be given lower number than
final event
• Length and orientation of an arrow has no
significance with respect to activity duration
• Arrow should be oriented from left to right
• A project network has one initial event at left
9EE602.19 22
Rules to draw Networks
• A project network has one final event at right

• In. between initial event and final event of network

there should not be any event unrelated
• Cycling in network is wrong and should be removed


9EE602.19 23
Rules to draw networks

Criss-Crossing of arrows is also wrong

1 4
1 4

Wrong Right
Crossing of arrows
is wrong.

9EE602.19 24
Rules to draw Networks

An event is said to be completed when all the activities

leading to that event is completed.

4 5
1 E

9EE602.19 25
• A is Predecessor of C
• C is Successor of A
• A and B are called simultaneous activities.
• A and C are called sequential activities.

4 5
1 E
9EE602.19 26
Critical Path Method (CPM)

• Was developed in the Year 1958

• Is used for those projects whose activity durations

are relatively known

• Applicable for civil construction and plant

maintenance projects

9EE602.19 27

In this class, you have learnt about

• The Meaning of Network
• The terms involved in the Network diagram like
events, activity, etc
• Rules to draw a network diagram
• Analyzing the terms in Network Diagram.

9EE602.19 28

1. Event is denoted by

a) Circle

b) Square

c) Triangle

d) Rectangle

9EE602.19 29

2. Activity is denoted by

a) Bow

b) Arrow

c) Line

d) None of the above.

9EE602.19 30

3. Dummy activity is represented by

a) Solid line

b) Double line

c) Dashed arrow

d) All of the above

9EE602.19 31

4. Critical Path is formed by

a) Sequence of events

b) Sequence of activities

c) Sequence of Critical activities

d) Sequence of events and activities

9EE602.19 32

5. Project duration is calculated from

a) Non-critical paths

b) Critical Path

c) Sensitive Path

d) All of the above

9EE602.19 33

6. Dummy activity consumes

a) Time

b) Resources

c) Time and Resources

d) Does not consume time and resources

9EE602.19 34

7. Expand the term CPM

a) Crisis path method

b) Clinic Path method

c) Critical path method

d) Consumer path method

9EE602.19 35
Frequently Asked Questions

1. Explain various terms used in network diagrams?

2. Write rules for drawing network diagram?

9EE602.19 36

1. Identify different activities &events in the job you

have performed in your workshop?

2. Identify the network techniques followed in various


9EE602.19 37

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