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Physical Fitness/Health

I. Why being active is important
II. How to be active
III. What to eat
IV. Important Safety Tips
I. Why should we stay active?

 Helps keep bones strong which helps

prevent osteoporosis.
 Hypertension and diabetes can be
 Reduction of cardiovascular diseases
 NOTE: Heart disease is the #1 cause of
death in the U.S.
Why- cont’d
 Obesity chances decrease
 Enhances your mood and increases
 Reduces stress
 Helps increase your self-esteem
because you look and FEEL healthy
II. How to be active

 Try to do cardiovascular activities for at

least 30 minutes a day.
 Ex. Walking, jogging, biking, swimming,
basketball, football, soccer, tennis
**It is important to warm up and cool down
for 5 mins before and after
for after these
**Drink plenty of water before, during and
after exercising.
How to be active (cont’d)
 Do strengthening exercises 3-4 times a
Ex. Lifting dumbbells,weight machines,
 Ex.
resistance bands
If you do not have weights, use your
 If your own
body weight by doing pull-ups, squats,
push-ups, climbing stairs, or arm dips on a
**It is important to stretch before, during and
after these exercises.
III. What to eat

**EAT BREAKFAST!!! It is the most

important meal of the day!!!

 Make sure you eat enough protein,

whole grains, dairy, fruits, vegetables,
soy products (from nuts), omega-3 fats
and oils (from fish, avocados)
Food Pyramid
 Orange: at least 3
oz. of grains
 Green: Veggies
 Red: Fruits
 Yellow: Oils (fish,
Yellow: (fish,
nuts, veggie oil)
 Blue: Milk products
 Purple: Meat/beans
Purple: Meat/beans
(lean protein)
Important Safety Tips

 Always drink plenty of water before,

during and after exercising.
 Do not continue to perform an exercise
if it is causing you pain or discomfort.
 Do not follow “fad” diets such as all
protein, zero carbs
 When you exercise: stretch, warm-up,
and cool-down

Do exercises you LIKE TO DO!

Make it fun!
Learn a new sport, make new friends, just

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