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Analytical Exposition Text

Disusun oleh:
Andi Kurniawan, S.S


Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Menentukan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
dalam teks eksposisi analitis sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
2. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur bahasa dari berbagai
teks eksposisi analitis sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
O Menyusun teks eksposisi analitis pendek dengan menggunakan struktur
teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang tepat sesuai dengan konteks
4. Mengkomuni-kasikan secara lisan dan tertulis teks eksposisi analitis
dengan menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang tepat
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaan.
Social Climber
Answer the following questions!

1. Why do many people do that today?

2. Tell us what will happen if you become a social climber?
3. Who will probably be a social climber?
4. Is it dangerous? Why!
5. How does it affect on human’s behavior?
The Importance to overcome Global Warming
Global warming is a phenomenon used to describe the gradual increase in the
temperature of earth’s atmosphere and oceans. Global warming is not a new problem,
but lately people are acknowledging that we are facing a serious problem. Climate
change is apparent everywhere. Failed crops, economic slowdown and deforestation
are among the several impacts of global warming.
First of all, there is irrefutable evidence that human activities have changed the
atmosphere of our earth. Since the time we started industrializing, we have been
polluting our water and air, and have been releasing greenhouse gases that contribute
the global warming.
Secondly, according to a research by Greenpeace Organization, there is evidence of
extensive deforestation being carried out in Indonesia and other tropical countries
around the world. These forests are used to grow crops like palm sugar, palm oil, and
coffee. The impact of climate change is noticeable throughout Asia-Pacific, either
during hot days or too much rain accompanied by wind and thunderstorm. This has
started affecting the economy as well.
Furthermore, the shifting weather patterns have made it difficult for farmers to grow
crops. A recent study has shown that due to unpredictable weather patterns there
have been lots of failed (Reuters,2007).
In conclusion, global warming is not a new problem nor are we solely responsible for it.
However, as the citizens of the world, we have to take every possible action to help
overcome this issue. It is not only for us, but also for all future generations to follow.

Adopted from : Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK Kelas
XI Edisi Revisi Cetakan ke-2, Jakarta, Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017.
1. What is the text about?
2. What is the main idea of second paragraph?
3. According to the text, what causes global warming?
4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
5. In your opinion, what is the writer’s purpose to write such a text?
6. What tenses are used in the text?
7. Why does the text use the words “first of all, secondly,
8. How can more factories contribute more to global warming?
9. The word “It” in fourth paragraph is refers to?
10. In short word, what can be concluded from the text above?
Task 4. Each gruop presents the result of the discussion
What is Analytical Exposition?
• Definition :

Analytical exposition text is a text that

elaborates the writer's idea about the
phenomenon surrounding. It's social
function is to persuade the readers
that the idea is important matter.
• Generic structure :
1. Thesis : Introducing the topic and indicating the writer‘s point of view.

2. Arguments : Explaining the argument to support the writer‘s position.

The number of arguments may vary, but each argument must be

supported by evidence and explanation.

3. Reiteration : Restating the writer‘s point of view / to strengthen the

thesis. We can make conclusion in reiteration.

• Language Features :

O Use the present tense such as lions live, I eat, Cheetahs run
O Use mental verbs such as I believe; I prefer; I agree; I doubt; I disagree
O Use saying verbs to support the argument such as people say; it is said;
research indicates , etc
O Use connecting words to link to argument so that the flow of the arguments
is logical and fluent, such as additionally, furthermore, not only, also, in
addition, moreover etc.
O Use causal conjunctions to indicate a cause or reason of what is being stated
such as because, consequently, despite, due to, for that reason, in that case,
O Use words that express the author’s attitude – to quality or confirm such as
will, frequently, may, must, usually, typically, habitually etc.
Task 2. Please make your own analytical exposition text

1. Tentukan topik/tema karangan teks eksposisi analitis yang akan

2. Tentukan tujuan penulisan teks eksposisi analitis yang akan dibuat!
3. Carilah data yang berhubungan dengan topik/tema yang telah
4.Buatlah kerangka karangan teks eksposisi analitis yang berdasarkan
topik/tema yang telah ditentukan!
5. Kembangkanlah kerangka karangan tersebut menjadi sebuah
teks eksposisi analitis yang utuh dengan memerhatikan isi
(Thesis, Argument, & Reiteration)
Students present their Analytical Exposition Text
1. What do you think about the material today?
2. What material do you have today?
3. Are you happy? why?
4. Do you really understand about the material?

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