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Manuel S.

Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Maritime Education

An Autonomous University

Leadership and
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Maritime Education
An Autonomous University

Organize and Manage a safe

and Efficient Ship Operation

( Planning_)
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Maritime Education
An Autonomous University

What is Planning?

• Planning may be defined as deciding in

advance what to be done in future. It is the
process of thinking before doing. It involves
determination of goals as well as the activities
required to be undertaken to achieve the
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Maritime Education
An Autonomous University

Planning can help you avoid to do such

unnecessary work that you don’t need to
  It helps us to identify our goals clearly. It
makes us decide clearly and concretely what
we need to do to have the effect on society
that we want. It helps us make sure that we all
understand our goal and what we need to do
to reach it by involving everyone in the
planning process.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Maritime Education
An Autonomous University

It may be possible that sometimes events such

as engine room operations, bunker
operations, cargo operations, drills, deck
operations, picking up stores and
provisions etc. do not go as planned and
there are near misses which could have
resulted in accidents.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Maritime Education
An Autonomous University

Why Planning is important to have a

safe and efficient ship operation?
Planning is very important when you are
doing ship operation. It helps you to identify
what are do’s and don’ts when performing
operation in the ship. Planning makes you
stay away from hazard and to be safe.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Maritime Education
An Autonomous University

Characteristics of Planning.
• Goal-oriented
• Looking ahead
• Intellectual Process
• Decision Making
• Primacy of Planning
• Continuous Process
• Pervasive
• Efficiency
• Flexible
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Maritime Education
An Autonomous University

Goal Oriented
• It provides sense of direction to various
activity or operation in the ship. Action that
would lead to desired goal of the crew.

Looking Ahead
• Planning requires peeping in the future,
analyzing and predicting it.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Maritime Education
An Autonomous University

Intellectual Process
• A master/owner of the ship can prepare sound
plans only if he has sound judgement,
foresight and imagination.

Decision Making
• A master/owner of the ship is surrounded by
number of alternatives. He has to pick the
best depending upon requirements &
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Maritime Education
An Autonomous University

Primacy of Planning
• It serves as a guide for organizing, staffing,
directing and controlling.

Continuous Process
• Plans are also prepared for specific period f
time and at the end of that period, plans are
subjected to revaluation and review in the light
of new requirements and changing conditions.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Maritime Education
An Autonomous University

• The top level may be more concerned about
planning the organization as a whole whereas
the middle level may be more specific in
departmental plans and the lower level plans
implementation of the same.

• A plan is worthless or useless if it does not
value the cost incurred on it. Planning leads
to proper utilization of men, money,
materials, methods and machines.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Maritime Education
An Autonomous University

• Since future is unpredictable, planning must
provide enough room to cope with the
changes in customer’s demand, competition,
govt. policies etc.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Maritime Education
An Autonomous University

Passage Plan of the ship

• In order to ensure a safe voyage, the passage
plan is designed to develop an all-
encompassing berth-to-berth navigation plan.
Assessing the risks and decision points
associated with hazard recognition and
evaluation. Taking a look at the depth of the
water and the amount of space available at
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Maritime Education
An Autonomous University

Passage Plan of the Ship

• A passage plan is a comprehensive, berth to
berth guide, developed and used by a vessel's
bridge team to determine the most favourable
route, to identify potential problems or
hazards along the route, and to adopt Bridge
Management Practices to ensure the vessel's
safe passage.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Maritime Education
An Autonomous University

Passage Plan of the Ship

• Passage planning includes a complete
description of the ship’s passage which is
prepared by an experienced deck officer of
the ship. This is done to ensure that the ship
sticks to the required routes for reaching the
port of destination
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Maritime Education
An Autonomous University


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